Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
mbavna, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Matheran, Maharashtra, India
Rio San Juan, Nicaragua
This species has a native range of central and eastern Africa. Its odd species name comes from the Uele River in the Congo. KEW Gardens, London.
Tucson, Arizona, United States
North Palm Beach, Florida, United States
San Francisco Botanical Gardens, native to Central America.I
Native to the central latitudes of Africa. A weed west of Dodoma, Tanzania.
This species, which uses red leaves as well as petals, is mainly at home in the Amazon basin, but is here at Cotacocha Lodge on the upper Rio Napo. I
Family: AcanthaceaeDistribution:Common on dry gravelly hard soils and rock crevices.Limited to Peninsular India.Suffrutescent herbs with perennial root stock and radially spreading branches; Leaves 3x1 cm linear-oblong, subacute,subsessile. Flowers 1-1.5am long white or pale pink, spotted with purple. Flower heads globose, denser, wooly and spiny.Spikes crowded at the base of the stem.Bracts and calyx lobes shortly spinous-mucronate; bracts broad, corolla lobes cyllindric below, suddenly expandedand 2 lipped,upper lip erect, 2lobed, lower 3 lobed, spotted, stamens 4 didynamous, disk annular, ovary 2 celled, stigma shortly 2 lobed, fruit a capsule.Reference: Flora of presidency of Madras by J.S Gamble, ENVIS, Flora of Nellore district By B.Suryanarayana &A.S Rao
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
A flower of Justicia gendarussa from Acanthaceae.
An unusual form of Justicia, some would claim it should be called Beloperone amherstiae. Native to the southernmost Neotropics. Photo from near the Argentina-Brazil border.
Santa Ana, Managua, Nicaragua
Alto Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
Considered by some to be a subspecies of R. californica. Reported mainly from Baja California, with photo from near San Pedrito Beach, where it is known as Rama Parda. Acanthaceae Family.