Bocas del Toro, Panam
Sturt's peaFabaceaeOahu (Cultivated)Native to Australia.
A flower of Indigofera dalzellii from Fabaceae.
Holly Flame Pea (Chorizema ilicifolium) cultivated near Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Holly Flame Pea (Chorizema ilicifolium) cultivated near Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
18 March 2002Acacia melanoxylon, Tasmanian blackwood (Plant, Fabaceae), New Zealand: Naturalisedseedling, from a nearby experimental forestry plantation blocknote transition from juvenile to adult foliage leaves, heteroblasticmature pine boundary, core transect, AK1northern Hunua Ranges, Auckland RegionNZMS260 S11 058 645Department of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002New Zealand
Silvan, Victoria, Australia
18 March 2002Acacia melanoxylon, Tasmanian blackwood (Plant, Fabaceae), New Zealand: Naturalised seedling, from a nearby experimental forestry plantation blockmature pine boundary, core transect, AK1northern Hunua Ranges, Auckland RegionNZMS260 S11 058 645Department of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002New Zealand
Native to Australia, but widely planted. Photo from central Chile, where it is known as Aromo Australiano.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Parkia speciosa
Parkia speciosa
The large size and smooth trunk make this species ideal to protect hives of Apis Dorsata, the giant asian honeybee. Photo from central Sumatra.
Gamboa, Colon, Panama
Originating in Central Mexico, under the name of Pata de Vaca Ramosa. Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix.