
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Rhyacopsyche jimena

This species is closely related to R. turrialbae Flint from Costa Rica. It is to be distinguished by the differently shaped dorsolateral lobes of the ninth segment, the differently developed lobes of the claspers (especially the much longer basal lobes) and the quite differently formed subgenital plate.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 3–3.5 mm. Color in alcohol, brown. Seventh sternum with a minute apicomesal point. Male genitalia: Ninth segment inflated and slightly rounded anteriorly; dorsolateral lobe slightly produced, rounded apically with posterior face bearing short, black, peglike setae. Tenth tergum retracted within ninth tergum, with long basal processes, with strong lateral supports to subgenital plate. Subgenital plate large and strongly sclerotized, widely open dorsally and ventrally; apex narrowed, hooklike, and produced ventrad and laterad; basoventrally articulating with a lightly sclerotized sclerite lying between clasper bases. Clasper tall and narrow, developed into a long, apically rounded basal lobe, and a dorsal lobe bearing a leaflike seta on a small process and ending in a small dorsal hook. Phallus with basal half tubular and slightly inflated; apex tubular with a dark filament extending slightly beyond center of tube whose apex is obliquely truncate.

MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: COLOMBIA. DPTO. ANTIOQUIA: Quebrada La Jiménez, Sopetrán (trap C), 3 Aug 1983, U. Matthias. USNM Type.

Paratype: Same data as holotype, 1.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1991. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XLV: The Taxonomy, Phenology, and Faunistics of the Trichoptera of Antioquia, Colombia." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-113. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.520

Rhyacopsyche jimena ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL


Rhyacopsyche jimena is een schietmot uit de familie Hydroptilidae. De soort komt voor in het Neotropisch gebied.

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