Idaho, United States
Idaho, United States
Carey's balsamrootAsteraceaeJefferson County, Oregon (near Madras)Thanks to Gerald Carr for a positive Indentification.
Carey's balsamrootAsteraceaeJefferson County, Oregon (near Madras)Thanks to Gerald Carr for a positive Indentification.
Spanish Springs, Nevada, United States
Gardnerville Ranchos, Nevada, United States
Spanish Springs, Nevada, United States
Gardnerville Ranchos, Nevada, United States
California, United States
Thompson Falls, Montana, United States
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nutt. Arrowleaf Balsamroot often is the dominant forb where it occurs and, for a short time, puts on a fairly spectacular show.April 30, 2008, base of Red Butte Canyon, Salt Lake County foothills, Utah, approx. 5,160 ft. elev.
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nutt. and Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Barkworth & Dewey (syn. Agropyron smithii, syn. Elymus smithii), Gambel's oak in background (the weedy, non-native grass in front is probably Poa bulbosa).May 17, 2011, Salt Lake County, Olympus Hills Park, approx, 4,840 ft. elev.
5/8/07 Thompson Falls, MT
Carson City, Nevada, United States
Carson City, Nevada, United States
Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada