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♂: Body length ca. 8.0 mm; forewing length ca. 6.7 mm; head width 3.7 mm; interorbital distance at level of antennal sockets 2.1 mm; maximum interorbital distance 2.2 mm; labiomaxillary complex in repose reaching tip of body; scape length 0.56 mm; compound eye length 2.4 mm; mesoscutellum width 2.0 mm, length 0.93 mm; abdominal width 3.4 mm. Coloration and vestiture: Clypeus and upper frons dark blue, remainder of face greenish (Fig. 18); ivory paraocular markings well developed, reaching malar area, not very wide below; anterior surface of antennal scape black; mesoscutum bluish-green, mesoscutellum and metasoma green (Figs 16, 17). Wing membranes lightly infumate. Pubescence very sparse, predominantly fulvous on metasoma and around antennal sockets, black and fulvous setae on mesosoma (compared to predominantly black setae in Euglossa clausi). Protibia and probasitarsus fringed with dense, fulvous setae; velvet area occupying all ventral surface of mesotibia, posterior mesotibial tuft approximately nearly one-third size of anterior tuft, triangular, slightly long and merging with anterior tuft; anterior mesotibial tuft oval, 2.5 times larger than posterior tuft (Figs 19, 20); metatibia oblong-rhomboid, inflated (Fig. 21). Punctation: Mesoscutum with large circular punctures separated by a puncture width or less except anteromedially separated by a puncture width or greater particularly medially; punctures on mesoscutellum sparser than on disc of mesoscutum, with larger circular punctures separated by a puncture width or greater except along borders punctures separated by less than a puncture width. Punctation on discal base of T1 with large circular punctures of roughly same size more clearly defined medially and separated by less than a puncture width; punctation on T1–T6 dense, comprised of small hexagonal punctures; on T7 sparse relative to preceding terga, with large circular punctures; S2 with very small, widely-separated, semicircular tufts. Terminalia: Male terminalia as in figures 22–25. S7 largely as in Euglossa clausi, with posterior margin of S7 slightly invaginated mesally, forming a shallow incision with converging sides forming an angle of ~110°, lateral sections slightly curved; apical setae only on outer sides of invaginated section, comprising four alveoli (with one seta each) on each side; notospiculum weak, slightly divided apically, posterolateral projections of anterior section large and pronounced; posterior section triangular, sharply pointed apically, with prominent basolateral points; anteriormost section of gonobase curved ventrally forming an angle of ~100° with remainder of ventral edge; gonostylus simple (‘type V’ of Ospina-Torres et al. 2006), lateral section with lobe pointed and slightly curved upwards (sensu Hinojosa-Díaz 2008); gonostylar setae long throughout; dorsal process of gonocoxa well developed, apical process evenly rounded laterally. ♀: Unknown.
André Nemésio, Michael S. Engel
bibliographic citation
Nemésio A, Engel M (2012) Three new cryptic species of Euglossa from Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae) ZooKeys 222: 47–68
André Nemésio
Michael S. Engel
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