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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Segmented Worms
Segmented Worms
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Harmothoe rottnestensis
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
Harmothoe rottnestensis
Hanley 1993
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Harmothoe rottnestensis
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Harmothoe Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe africana Augener 1918
Harmothoe africanus (Hartman 1976)
Harmothoe anoculata (Hartmann-Schröder 1975)
Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh 1876
Harmothoe areolata (Grube 1860)
Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu 1962
Harmothoe aspera (Hansen 1878)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova 1952
Harmothoe borealis (Théel 1879)
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe capensis (Willey 1904)
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe ciliata Monro 1936
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe cornuta (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe crucis (Grube 1856)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe eltanina (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe ernesti Augener 1931
Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard 1980
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube 1840)
Harmothoe fernandi Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe fragilis Moore 1910
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh 1897
Harmothoe fullo (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe fusca (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren 1865)
Harmothoe globifera (Sars G. O. 1873)
Harmothoe globosa Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima 1997
Harmothoe grisea (Grube 1870)
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson 1897
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macrolepidota (Schmarda 1861)
Harmothoe madrynensis Barnich, Orensanz & Fiege 2012
Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe marerubrum Wehe 2006
Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe muiri Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe multisetosa (Moore 1902)
Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm 1879)
Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen 1896
Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe paraminuta Hartmann-Schröder 1984
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe pentactae (Giard 1886)
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe praeclara (Haswell 1883)
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe pulchella (Kinberg 1856)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube ex Augener 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck 1818)
Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe stephensoni Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe sylliformia Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe tahitiensis Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe talismani Roule 1898
Harmothoe triannulata Moore 1910
Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe vagabunda Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe vesiculosa Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe villosa Treadwell 1926
Harmothoe vinogradovae Averincev 1978
Harmothoe viridis Loshamn 1981
Harmothoe vossae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe watsoni McIntosh 1919
Harmothoe yendoi Izuka 1912
52 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Errantia Audouin & H Milne Edwards 1832
Phyllodocida Dales 1962
Aphroditiformia Levinsen 1883
Polynoidae Kinberg 1856
Polynoinae Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe abyssicola Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe aculeata Andrews 1891
Harmothoe acuminata Willey 1902
Harmothoe anoculata Hartmann-Schröder 1975
Harmothoe antarctica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh 1876
Harmothoe areolata (Grube 1860)
Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu 1962
Harmothoe assimilis (Örsted 1843)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe augeneri Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe bellani Barnich & Fiege 2000
Harmothoe benthaliana McIntosh 1885
Harmothoe benthophila Ehlers 1913
Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova 1952
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe campoglacialis Hilbig & Montiel 2000
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cedrici Barnich, Beuck & Freiwald 2013
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe ciliata Monro 1936
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe coeliaca de Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe commensalis Rozbaczylo & Cañete 1993
Harmothoe cornuta (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe crucis (Grube 1856)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe grisea (Grube 1870)
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe hanleyi Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hollisi Pettibone 1989
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe hyalonemae Martin, Rossel & Uriz 1992
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus 1767)
Harmothoe impar (Johnston 1839)
Harmothoe ingolfiana Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe johnstoni (McIntosh 1876)
Harmothoe joubini Fauvel 1913
Harmothoe juvenalis Hartmann-Schröder 1962
Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe lanceocirrata Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macnabi Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe macquoriensis Averincev 1978
Harmothoe macrolepidota (Schmarda 1861)
Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe marerubrum Wehe 2006
Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe meteroae Augener 1931
Harmothoe micraspis Eliason 1962
Harmothoe muiri Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe multisetosa (Moore 1902)
Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm 1879)
Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen 1896
Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe paraminuta Hartmann-Schröder 1984
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe pentactae (Giard 1886)
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe pokoui Intes & Le Loeuff 1975
Harmothoe praeclara (Haswell 1883)
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe propinqua (Malmgren 1867)
Harmothoe pulchella (Kinberg 1856)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube ex Augener 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe ruthae Miranda & Brasil 2014
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck 1818)
Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers 1864)
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe sylliformia Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe tahitiensis Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe tenuisetis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe triannulata Moore 1910
Harmothoe tridestinensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe trimaculata (Treadwell 1924)
Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke 1991
54 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe africana Augener 1918
Harmothoe africanus (Hartman 1976)
Harmothoe anoculata (Hartmann-Schröder 1975)
Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh 1876
Harmothoe areolata (Grube 1860)
Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu 1962
Harmothoe aspera (Hansen 1878)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova 1952
Harmothoe borealis (Théel 1879)
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe capensis (Willey 1904)
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe ciliata Monro 1936
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe cornuta (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe crucis (Grube 1856)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe eltanina (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe ernesti Augener 1931
Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard 1980
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube 1840)
Harmothoe fernandi Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe fragilis Moore 1910
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh 1897
Harmothoe fullo (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe fusca (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren 1865)
Harmothoe globifera (Sars G. O. 1873)
Harmothoe globosa Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima 1997
Harmothoe grisea (Grube 1870)
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson 1897
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macrolepidota (Schmarda 1861)
Harmothoe madrynensis Barnich, Orensanz & Fiege 2012
Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe marerubrum Wehe 2006
Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe muiri Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe multisetosa (Moore 1902)
Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm 1879)
Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen 1896
Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe paraminuta Hartmann-Schröder 1984
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe pentactae (Giard 1886)
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe praeclara (Haswell 1883)
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe pulchella (Kinberg 1856)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube ex Augener 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck 1818)
Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe stephensoni Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe sylliformia Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe tahitiensis Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe talismani Roule 1898
Harmothoe triannulata Moore 1910
Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe vagabunda Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe vesiculosa Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe villosa Treadwell 1926
Harmothoe vinogradovae Averincev 1978
Harmothoe viridis Loshamn 1981
Harmothoe vossae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe watsoni McIntosh 1919
Harmothoe yendoi Izuka 1912
52 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe africana Augener 1918
Harmothoe africanus (Hartman 1976)
Harmothoe anoculata (Hartmann-Schröder 1975)
Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh 1876
Harmothoe areolata (Grube 1860)
Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu 1962
Harmothoe aspera (Hansen 1878)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova 1952
Harmothoe borealis (Théel 1879)
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe capensis (Willey 1904)
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe ciliata Monro 1936
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe cornuta (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe crucis (Grube 1856)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe eltanina (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe ernesti Augener 1931
Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard 1980
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube 1840)
Harmothoe fernandi Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe fragilis Moore 1910
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh 1897
Harmothoe fullo (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe fusca (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren 1865)
Harmothoe globifera (Sars G. O. 1873)
Harmothoe globosa Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima 1997
Harmothoe grisea (Grube 1870)
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson 1897
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macrolepidota (Schmarda 1861)
Harmothoe madrynensis Barnich, Orensanz & Fiege 2012
Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe marerubrum Wehe 2006
Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege 2009
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe muiri Salazar-Silva 2010
Harmothoe multisetosa (Moore 1902)
Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm 1879)
Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen 1896
Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe paraminuta Hartmann-Schröder 1984
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe pentactae (Giard 1886)
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe praeclara (Haswell 1883)
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe pulchella (Kinberg 1856)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube in Augener 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck 1818)
Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe stephensoni Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe sylliformia Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe tahitiensis Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe talismani Roule 1898
Harmothoe triannulata Moore 1910
Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe vagabunda Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe vesiculosa Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe villosa Treadwell 1926
Harmothoe vinogradovae Averincev 1978
Harmothoe viridis Loshamn 1981
Harmothoe vossae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe watsoni McIntosh 1919
Harmothoe yendoi Izuka 1912
52 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Harmothoe Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe abyssicola Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe aculeata Andrews 1891
Harmothoe acuminata Willey 1902
Harmothoe africanus (Hartman 1976)
Harmothoe asiatica
Harmothoe aspera (Hansen 1878)
Harmothoe assimilis (Örsted 1843)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe bellani Barnich & Fiege 2000
Harmothoe benthophila Ehlers 1913
Harmothoe borealis (Théel 1879)
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe campoglacialis Hilbig & Montiel 2000
Harmothoe capensis (Willey 1904)
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe coeliaca de Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe commensalis Rozbaczylo & Cañete 1993
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (Mc Intosh 1885)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe eltanina (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard 1980
Harmothoe exanthema (Grube 1856)
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube 1840)
Harmothoe flaccida (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe forcipata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni Mc Intosh 1897
Harmothoe fusca (Mc Intosh 1885)
Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe globosa Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima 1997
Harmothoe gordae Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe goreensis Augener 1918
Harmothoe grisea (Grube 1870)
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson 1897
Harmothoe hollisi Pettibone 1989
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe hyalonemae Martin, Rossel & Uriz 1992
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus 1767)
Harmothoe impar (Johnston 1839)
Harmothoe ingolfiana Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe johnstoni (Mc Intosh 1876)
Harmothoe joubini Fauvel 1913
Harmothoe lanceocirrata Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Fiege & Sun 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macnabi Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe macquoriensis Averincev 1978
Harmothoe magellanica (Mc Intosh 1885)
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe meteroae Augener 1931
Harmothoe mexicana Chamberlin 1919
Harmothoe micraspis Eliason 1962
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe propinqua (Malmgren 1867)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe sanctaehelenae Day 1949
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck 1818)
Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller 1902)
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Fiege & Sun 2004
Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers 1864)
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe synaptae Saint-Joseph 1906
Harmothoe talismani Roule 1898
Harmothoe tenebricosa Moore 1910
Harmothoe tenuisetis (Mc Intosh 1885)
Harmothoe tridestinensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe trimaculata (Treadwell 1924)
Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke 1991
Harmothoe vagabunda Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe vesiculosa Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe vinogradovae Averincev 1978
Harmothoe viridis Loshamn 1981
Harmothoe waahli (Kinberg 1856)
Harmothoe watsoni Mc Intosh 1919
Harmothoe yendoi Izuka 1912
57 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Harmothoe rottnestensis
(this page)
Arctonoella sinagawaensis
Harmothoe aculeata
Harmothoe acuminata
Harmothoe aequispina
Harmothoe africana
Harmothoe alba
Harmothoe ampullifera
Harmothoe anderssoni
Harmothoe antarctica
Harmothoe antennata
Harmothoe antilopes
Harmothoe aspera
Harmothoe bathydomus
Harmothoe benthaliana
Harmothoe beringiana
Harmothoe branchiata
Harmothoe brevipalpa
Harmothoe casabullicola
Harmothoe cascabullicola
Harmothoe charlottae
Harmothoe clavigera
Harmothoe coeliaca
Harmothoe coeliacia
Harmothoe crosetensis
Harmothoe cylindrica
Harmothoe dearborni
Harmothoe derjugini
Harmothoe dictyophora
Harmothoe dinardensis
Harmothoe discoveryae
Harmothoe echinopustulata
Harmothoe elisabethae
Harmothoe eltanina
Harmothoe ernesti
Harmothoe evei
Harmothoe exanthema
Harmothoe fernandi
Harmothoe fimbriata
Harmothoe flaccida
Harmothoe forcipata
Harmothoe fragilis
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni
Harmothoe fratherthomsoni
Harmothoe fuligineum
Harmothoe furcosetosa
Harmothoe fusca
Harmothoe fuscaspinae
Harmothoe gilchristi
Harmothoe glabra
Harmothoe glomerosa
Harmothoe gordae
Harmothoe goreensis
Harmothoe helderensis
Harmothoe hollisi
Harmothoe holothuricola
Harmothoe hyalonema
Harmothoe impar
Harmothoe ingolfiana
Harmothoe johnstoni
Harmothoe joubini
Harmothoe juvenalis
Harmothoe kergulensis
Harmothoe kieliensis
Harmothoe lanceolata
Harmothoe macginitiei
Harmothoe macnabi
Harmothoe macquoriensis
Harmothoe magellanica
Harmothoe mariannae
Harmothoe melanicornis
Harmothoe mexicana
Harmothoe micraspis
Harmothoe notochaetosa
Harmothoe oculata
Harmothoe panamensis
Harmothoe paraminuta
Harmothoe paxtoni
Harmothoe phillipensis
Harmothoe picta
Harmothoe pokoui
Harmothoe praeclara
Harmothoe quadrituberculata
Harmothoe reticulata
Harmothoe sanctaehelenae
Harmothoe serrata
Harmothoe sexdentata
Harmothoe sinensis
Harmothoe sylliformia
Harmothoe synaptae
Harmothoe tahitensis
Harmothoe talismani
Harmothoe triannulata
Harmothoe tridestinensis
Harmothoe variegata
Harmothoe vinogradovae
Harmothoe vossae
Harmothoe waahli
Harmothoe watsoni
Harmothoe yendoi
Harmothoe zetlandica
79 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley 1993
(this page)
Harmothoe (Antinoella) sarsi sarsi (Kinberg 1865)
Harmothoe abyssicola Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe aculeata Andrews 1891
Harmothoe aequespina (Langerhans 1884)
Harmothoe anoculata Hartmann-Schröder 1975
Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh 1876
Harmothoe areolata (Grube 1860)
Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu 1962
Harmothoe aspera (Hansen 1878)
Harmothoe atra Horst 1915
Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe balboensis Monro 1928
Harmothoe bellani Barnich & Fiege 2000
Harmothoe benthaliana McIntosh 1885
Harmothoe benthophila Ehlers 1913
Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova 1952
Harmothoe borealis (Théel 1879)
Harmothoe branchiata Hartman 1976
Harmothoe campoglacialis Hilbig & Montiel 2000
Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen 1911
Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado 1991
Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray 1984
Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov 1962
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars 1863)
Harmothoe coeliaca de Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe commensalis Rozbaczylo & Cañete 1993
Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson 1897
Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima 1997
Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe discoveryae Pettibone 1993
Harmothoe ernesti Augener 1931
Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard 1980
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube 1840)
Harmothoe flaccida (Potts 1910)
Harmothoe fragilis Moore 1910
Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh 1897
Harmothoe fullo (Grube 1878)
Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe gilchristi Day 1960
Harmothoe globifera (Sars G. O. 1873)
Harmothoe globosa Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima 1997
Harmothoe gordae Pettibone 1990
Harmothoe goreensis Augener 1918
Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev 1972
Harmothoe helderensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson 1897
Harmothoe hollisi Pettibone 1989
Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka 1912
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus 1767)
Harmothoe impar (Johnston 1839)
Harmothoe ingolfiana Ditlevsen 1917
Harmothoe johnstoni (McIntosh 1876)
Harmothoe joubini Fauvel 1913
Harmothoe juvenalis Hartmann-Schröder 1962
Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte 1936
Harmothoe lanceocirrata Treadwell 1928
Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva 2003
Harmothoe longisetis (Grube 1863)
Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone 1955
Harmothoe macnabi Pettibone 1985
Harmothoe macquoriensis Averincev 1978
Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe marerubrum Wehe 2006
Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev 1981
Harmothoe micraspis Eliason 1962
Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap 1895
Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martín 1996
Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm 1879)
Harmothoe ornatus (Hartman 1967)
Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen 1896
Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard 1995
Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev 1978
Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph 1888
Harmothoe pokoui Intes & Le Loeuff 1975
Harmothoe profunda Day 1963
Harmothoe propinqua (Malmgren 1867)
Harmothoe quadriceps Grube ex Augener 1922
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener 1922
Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars 1861)
Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède 1870)
Harmothoe saldanha Day 1953
Harmothoe sanctaehelenae Day 1949
Harmothoe serrata Day 1963
Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege 2004
Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers 1864)
Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg 1856
Harmothoe subgen. Austrolaenilla
Harmothoe subgen. Barrukia
Harmothoe subgen. Hermadion
Harmothoe subgen. Lagisca
Harmothoe talismani Roule 1898
Harmothoe tenuisetis (McIntosh 1885)
Harmothoe villosa Treadwell 1926
Harmothoe viridis Loshamn 1981
62 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.