Halteria is a ciliate with a 'crown' of membranelles (an adoral zone of membranelles, AZM) on one end of the cell, and spine-like structures radiating from the equatorial region of the cell. In this video, a Halteria cell has oriented itself head-on upon the slide or coverslip surface and so its rotational motion is evident. At one point, it orients obliquely, and because it is anchored by something to the surface, it spins around in a circle.
From a sample that has been kept for >1 week. Originally collected from pond, NUS botany garden.
9 Sep 2011, originally collected mid-Aug
Freshwater fish pond in concrete tank, outside Life Science Lab 7. Walls were covered in filamentous cyanobacteria, and the bottom with fish waste. Water was mostly clear.
Pipetted sample from floc at bottom of tube which has settled after > two weeks
Bright-field with closed condenser aperture.
Nikon D7000
Brandon Seah
20830 pixels/mm = 20.8 pixels/µm (40x)
Description: English: Stylonychia eating (vacuole formation). Filmed at 400X and 1000X. From a pond in Wakefield, Quebec. Date: 18 November 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Deuterostome.