Trachelocerca chinensis is marine karyorelictid ciliate. This ciliate was collected from a mangrove wetland (2115'N 11037'E) in Zhanjiang, China. Image taken by Ying Yan.
Prototrachelocerca fasciolata is a marine karyorelictid ciliate. It was collected from a sandy beach near Qingdao (3555N, 12012E) on Apirl 18, 2012. Image taken by Ying Yan.
Trachelocerca orientalis is a marine ciliate belonging to class Karyorelictea. It was collected from the intertidal zone (3605N, 12027E) in Qingdao, China on April 8, 202. Image taken by Ying Yan.
Peniscola, Valencia, Spain
Tracheloraphis huangi is a marine ciliate belonging to class Karyorelictea. Body is flexible and contractile. This ciliate was isolated from a sandy beach in north Qingdao (3614N, 12040E) on June 13, 2012. Image taken by Ying Yan.