Larra, also known as mole cricket wasps or mole cricket hunters, is a genus of wasps that prey on various species of mole crickets. They have gained prominence as integrated pest management agents.
Members of this genus are found worldwide, particularly in the tropics.[1][2]
Life cycle
Larra wasps feed on nectar as adults. Female wasps hunt adult or late-instar mole crickets and lay their eggs upon them, first temporarily paralyzing them by stinging them on the underside. The larva, upon hatching, gradually consumes the host, eventually killing it. It then pupates in or near the remains. The adults are solitary and do not form colonies. Incubation and development are highly variable in length and dependent upon temperature; in winter, the larvae may enter diapause. Each Larra species preferentially hunts a particular set of prey species, even when related prey is available.[2]
The temporary paralysis of the host is a distinctive feature of the genus out of its close allies. Other related wasps generally paralyze the host permanently and bury it so that the larva can consume it undisturbed.[2]
Human importance
Larra polita, which is endemic to the Philippines, was successfully introduced to Hawaii in 1925 to help control Gryllotalpa orientalis, the oriental mole cricket.[3]
A related species, L. bicolor, was introduced to Puerto Rico in 1928 to control the accidentally introduced Neoscapteriscus didactylus, the Changa mole cricket. Subsequent efforts were made to introduce L. bicolor to Florida for the same reason, and a population was established by 1993.[2]
There are 64 described species of Larra.[4]
Larra abdominalis Guérin-Méneville in Lefebvre, 1849
Larra alecto (F. Smith, 1858)
Larra altamazonica F. Williams, 1928
Larra amplipennis (F. Smith, 1873)
Larra analis Fabricius, 1804
Larra anathema (Rossi, 1790)
Larra angustifrons Kohl, 1892
Larra apicipennis Cameron, 1904
Larra aponis Tsuneki, 1983
Larra arabica Schmid-Egger, 2014
Larra betsilea de Saussure, 1887
Larra bicolor Fabricius, 1804
Larra bicolorata Cameron, 1904
Larra bulawayoensis Bischoff, 1913
Larra burmeisterii (Holmberg, 1884)
Larra carbonaria (F. Smith, 1858)
Larra cassandra Schrottky, 1902
Larra coelestina (F. Smith, 1873)
Larra corrugata R. Turner, 1912
Larra diversa (Walker, 1871)
Larra dorsalis Tsuneki, 1982
Larra dux (Kohl, 1892)
Larra erratica Bingham, 1897
Larra erythropyga R. Turner, 1916
Larra extrema Dahlbom, 1845
Larra femorata (de Saussure, 1854)
Larra fenchihuensis Tsuneki, 1967
Larra fuscinerva Cameron, 1900
Larra glabrata (F. Smith, 1856)
Larra godmani Cameron, 1889
Larra heydenii (de Saussure, 1890)
Larra iliensis Kazenas, 1978
Larra impressifrons Arnold, 1923
Larra madecassa de Saussure, 1887
Larra mansueta (F. Smith, 1865)
Larra maura (Fabricius, 1787)
Larra mediterranea Gistel, 1857
Larra melania Tsuneki, 1982
Larra melanocnemis R. Turner, 1916
Larra melanoptera Kohl, 1884
Larra mendax (F. Smith, 1865)
Larra mundula Kohl, 1894
Larra neaera Nurse, 1903
Larra nigripes (Fabricius, 1793)
Larra obscurior Dalla Torre, 1894
Larra outeniqua Arnold, 1923
Larra polita (F. Smith, 1858)
Larra polita luzonensis Rohwer, 1919
Larra praedatrix (Strand, 1910)
Larra princeps (F. Smith, 1851)
Larra psilocera Kohl, 1884
Larra pusilla Arnold, 1932
Larra pygidialis Cameron, 1904
Larra rufa Arnold, 1929
Larra saussurei Kohl, 1892
Larra similis (Mocsáry, 1892)
Larra simillima (F. Smith, 1856)
Larra sinensis (Mocsáry, 1892)
Larra stangei Menke, 1992
Larra tarsata (F. Smith, 1860)
Larra tawitawiensis Tsuneki, 1976
Larra transcaspica F. Morawitz, 1894
Larra variipes de Saussure, 1892
Larra vechti Sudheendrakumar and Narendran, 1985
Larra zarudniana Gussakovskij, 1933