
எலுமிச்சை நீலன் ( Tamil )

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எலுமிச்சை நீலன் என்பது இந்தியாவில் பரவலாக காணப்படும் நீலன்கள் குடும்பத்தை சேர்ந்த சிறு வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி ஆகும். இவை இந்தியா, இலங்கை, மியான்மர், தாய்வான், ஹாங்காங் மற்றும் பிலிப்பைன்ஸ் போன்ற இடங்களில் காணப்படுகின்றன.[1]


இவற்றின் சிறகளவு 26-30 மிமீ வரை இருக்கும்.[1]

ஆண் பூச்சிகளின் சிறகின் மேற்புறம் ஊதா கலந்த நீல நிறத்துடன் காணப்படும். வெளி விளிம்பு பகுதியில் பழுப்பு கலந்த கருப்பு நிற பட்டை ( சில வேளைகளில் மங்கிய நிறத்தில் காணப்படலாம் ) காணப்படும். பெண் பூச்சிகளின் சிறகின் மேற்புறம் பழுப்பு நிறத்திலும், சிறகின் அடித்தள பகுதியில் சிறிது ஊதா நீல நிறம் கலந்தும் காணப்படும். ஆண் மற்றும் பெண் பூச்சிகளின் சிறகின் அடிப்புறம் வெளிர் பழுப்பு நிறத்ததுடன், கரும்புள்ளிகள் மற்றும் பழுப்பு திட்டுகள் கொண்டிருக்கும்.[2]

முன் மற்றும் பின் சிறகின் அடிப்புறத்தில் சிறகின் வெளி விளிம்பிற்கு சற்று கீழே இரு கரும்புள்ளிகள் இணைந்து ஆங்கில எழுத்து "L" போன்ற வடிவத்தில் அமைந்திருக்கும். இப்புள்ளிகளை கொண்டு பெரும்பாலான நேரங்களில் இவற்றை எளிதில் அடையாளம் காணலாம்.


  • சூரிய ஒளியை அதிகம் நாடி இருப்பவை. திறந்த வெளிகளில் சிறகை விரித்து வெயில் காய்வதை காணலாம்.
  • புல்வெளிகளிலும், இவற்றின் உணவு தாவரங்களான தேசி மற்றும் மாதுளை உள்ள இடங்களில் இவற்றை பெரும்பாலும் காணமுடியும்.
  • மெதுவாக சிறகடித்து தரையை ஒட்டி பறப்பவை.



  1. 1.0 1.1 I.J. GUPTA & MRIDULA MAJUMDAR (2012). HANDBOOK ON DIVERSITY IN SOME OF THE INDIAN BUTTERFLIES. Director, Zoological Surv. India, Kolkata. பன்னாட்டுத் தரப்புத்தக எண்:9788181712981.
  2. முனைவர் பானுமதி (2015). வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சிகள்: அறிமுகக் கையேடு. சென்னை: கிரியா. பன்னாட்டுத் தரப்புத்தக எண்:9789382394136.
விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

எலுமிச்சை நீலன்: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

எலுமிச்சை நீலன் என்பது இந்தியாவில் பரவலாக காணப்படும் நீலன்கள் குடும்பத்தை சேர்ந்த சிறு வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி ஆகும். இவை இந்தியா, இலங்கை, மியான்மர், தாய்வான், ஹாங்காங் மற்றும் பிலிப்பைன்ஸ் போன்ற இடங்களில் காணப்படுகின்றன.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

Chilades lajus

provided by wikipedia EN

Chilades lajus, the lime blue,[2] is a small butterfly found in India,[2] Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hainan, Mangulam Island, Sulawesi and the Philippines that belongs to the lycaenids or blues family.[1]


Wet-season form
At Bangalore, Karnataka

Wet-season form: Male has a bluish-purple upperside. Forewing has base and basal half of costa flushed with pale blue; costa and termen edged by a slender dark brownish-block even line, beyond which along the termen the cilia are brown, at base, white outwardly. Hindwing: costa somewhat broadly dusky black; a slender black conspicuous anteciliary line, beyond which the cilia are white traversed medially by a brown line; dorsum broadly pale brown, two subterminal pale-bordered black spots in interspace 1, and one similar spot in interspace 2, often obsolescent and barely indicated.[3]

Underside: grey. Forewing: a transverse broad lunule on the discocellulars and a transverse discal series of six spots dark brown, the lunule and each of the discal spots edged with white; the posterior four spots of the discal series elongate and each obliquely placed, the anterior two round and curved inwards; a subterminal series of transverse elongate spots with an inner series of lunules dusky brown, both series edged inwardly and outwardly with white; finally, an anteciliary slender black line. Cilia white, medially traversed by a dark brown line. Hindwing: the following jet-black spots slenderly encircled with white: a transverse subbasal series of four and a subcostal spot somewhat larger than the others in the middle of interspace 7; below the latter a catenulated (linked like a chain) line of slenderly white-edged dusky-brown spots, including the lunular spot on the discocellulars, crosses the wing, and beyond these opposite the apex of the cell are three similar discal spots, the middle one elongate; the terminal markings consist of an inner continuous subterminal series of dusky lunules, bordered inwardly and outwardly with white, an outer subterminal series of inwardly conical dusky-brown spots, and a slender anteciliary black line. The posterior two spots of the outer line of subterminal markings are also black. Cilia white. Antennae black, the shafts obscurely ringed with white; head, thorax and abdomen brown, the head, thorax and base of the abdomen with a little blue scaling; beneath: the palpi, thorax and abdomen white.[3]

Female upperside: dark brown. Forewings and hindwings from their bases outwards to a varying extent shot with bright iridescent blue, this colour not extended on either wing to the costa, termen or dorsum. Hindwing: in addition a curved postdiscal series of whitish lunules very often obsolescent, in some specimens entirely wanting; followed by a subterminal series of black, narrowly white-encircled spots that are often obscure and in some specimens do not reach the apex. Anteciliary black lines and cilia as in the male. Underside: precisely similar to that of the male. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the male.[3]

Dry-season form: Closely resemble specimens of the wet-season brood, but can always be distinguished by the somewhat paler ground colour of the upperside, while on the underside both sexes bear a large nebulous brown patch on the hindwing posteriorly. Sometimes the ground colour on the underside is much paler, almost white, especially in the female.[3]


Food plants include Glycosmis arborea.[4] "Pale green at all stages, on the shade or the young leaves of the lime and pummelo bushes on which it feeds. When full-grown it is about seven-sixteenths of an inch in length, onisciform as usual; the head "black, smooth and shining, with a somewhat dark green dorsal line down the body, the whole surface but very slightly shagreened and covered with extremely fine and short downy hairs. The constriction between the segments slight. There are traces of two pale subdorsal lines, and there is a pale lateral line below the spiracles. The usual extensile organ on the twelfth segment short. This larva has no distinctive markings by which it can be easily recognized; it is altogether a very plainly coloured and marked insert. I have found it common in Calcutta during the rains, the ant which attends it betraying its presence. The latter has been identified by Dr. A. Forel as Camponotus rubripes, Drury (sylvaticus Fabr.), subspecies conpressus, Fabr." (Lionel de Nicéville quoted in Bingham)[3]


"Green; of the usual Lycaenid shape, with a dorsal and lateral series of somewhat obscure conjoined brownish spots on the upperside. Attached to the underside of the leaves of its food-plant in the usual manner." (de Nicéville.)[3][5]


See also


  1. ^ a b Savela, Markku. "Chilades lajus (Stoll, [1780])". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved July 1, 2018.
  2. ^ a b R.K., Varshney; Smetacek, Peter (2015). A Synoptic Catalogue of the Butterflies of India. New Delhi: Butterfly Research Centre, Bhimtal & Indinov Publishing, New Delhi. p. 143. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3966.2164. ISBN 978-81-929826-4-9.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Public Domain One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: Bingham, Charles Thomas (1907). Fauna of British India. Butterflies Vol. 2. pp. 365–367.
  4. ^ Kunte, K. 2006. Additions to the known larval host plants of Indian butterflies. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 103(1):119-121
  5. ^ Public Domain One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: Swinhoe, Charles (1905–1910). Lepidoptera Indica. Vol. VII. London: Lovell Reeve and Co. pp. 271–273.
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Chilades lajus: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Chilades lajus, the lime blue, is a small butterfly found in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hainan, Mangulam Island, Sulawesi and the Philippines that belongs to the lycaenids or blues family.

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Chilades lajus ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL


Chilades lajus is een vlinder uit de familie van de Lycaenidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1782 door Caspar Stoll.


  • Polyommatus varunana Moore, 1866
  • Hesperia cajus Fabricius, 1793
  • Lycaena brahmina C. & R. Felder, 1865
  • Polyommatus kandura Moore, 1866


  • Chilades lajus lajus
  • Chilades lajus athena (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
    • = Chilades laius calyptra Fruhstorfer, 1916
  • Chilades lajus cromyon Fruhstorfer, 1916
  • Chilades lajus tavoyanus Evans, 1925
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Chilades lajus: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Chilades lajus is een vlinder uit de familie van de Lycaenidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1782 door Caspar Stoll.

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Chilades lajus ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NO

Chilades lajus er en av blåvingene, en dagaktiv sommerfugl i gruppen glansvinger.


Kroppen har et ytre skjelett (hudplater) som holder de bløte indre organer på plass. Det ytre hudskjelettet er bygd opp for det meste av kitin. Hodet er smalt foran, palpene er store og fremoverrettet. Sommerfuglene skiller seg fra de fleste andre insektene ved at munnen ikke har kjever og lepper, men en lang sugesnabel (proboscis) mellom palpene. Den er rullet opp i en spiral, mellom palpene, under hodet, når den ikke er i bruk. Antennene sitter over og helt inntil fasettøynene. Antennene er trådformet og består av sylindriske ganske like ledd. Antenneklubben er flat eller skålformet.

Indre organer

Bakkroppens indre organer består av fordøyelsesorganer, forplantningsorganer og åndedrett. Åndedrettet hos sommerfugler foregår ikke ved lunger, men ved at luft hentes inn og ut av kroppen gjennom små hull i hudskjelettet (spirakler). I kroppen er det et svært finmasket system av trakéer som leder oksygenet til kroppens vitale deler. En blodvæske som sirkulerer i kroppen, pumpes rundt av et avlangt rørformet hjerte. Brystpartiet består for det meste av vingenes muskulatur. Sanseorganer, for syn, smak og lukt er stort sett plassert i hodet. Nervesystemet består av en bukmarg med to nervestrenger og én nerveknute (ganglion) i hvert kroppssegment. Den første nerveknuten, som ligger foran munnåpningen, er spesielt stor og omtales som hjerne.


Larven har generelt tykk hud og er ganske hardføre. Bak hodet, på bryststykket, som består av tre ledd, er det tre par bein. Lengre bak har larvene noen bukføtter, som ikke er egentlige bein, men utvekster larven kan bruke til å holde seg fast. Lengst bak har den en analfot.

Larvens hode består av en hard hodekapsel med noen punktøyne. Under øynene er det noen små antenner larven bruker til å finne riktig føde. Larvens bakkropp består nesten bare av fordøyelsessystemet. Dette er ganske kort og mye av maten larven spiser passerer før all næringen er tatt opp. Avføringen kommer ut som små kuler helt bakerst på kroppen. Larvene ånder gjennom åpninger i hudskjelettet (spirakler), langs kroppens sider.


Vingene holdes sammenlagt opp og ut fra kroppen, og vingeundersiden gir sommerfuglen en viss kamuflasje og beskyttelse.

Voksne glansvinger lever av nektar de suger opp fra blomstene på ulike planter (urter). Sugesnabelen, på hodets underside, gir sommerfuglen mulighet til å nå inn i dype blomster for å suge til seg nektar. Sugesnabelen gjør at sommerfugler er avhengig av flytende føde.

Parringen skjer ved sammenkobling mellom de to kjønnene. Eggene legges direkte på næringsplantens blader.

Larven lever som plantespiser og er radikalt forskjellige fra de voksne, både i levevis og i kroppsbygning. Den lever som plantespiser. Larvens kroppstemperatur er mellom 35 og 38 grader . Ved lavere temperatur blir larven inaktiv. Derfor krever larver hos dagsommerfugler gjerne sollys for å være aktive. Om det blir for varmt regulerer larven temperaturen ved å oppsøke skygge.

Chilades lajus tilhører gruppen av insekter med fullstendig forvandling (holometabole insekter), som gjennomgår en metamorfose i løpet av utviklingen. Mellom larvestadiet og det voksne stadiet er et puppestadium, en hvileperiode, der sommerfuglens indre og ytre organer endres. Larvens bøyelige og myke kropp omdannes til en puppe med hardt skall. Når skallet er hardt begynner omdanningen fra larve til den voksne (imago) glansvingen. De indre organer brytes i varierende grad ned til en cellemasse. En omorganisering skjer og dyret bygges opp igjen. Puppeperioden varierer etter temperaturen.


Chilades lajus finnes ikke i Europa, men i Asia, i India, Burma, Ceylon, Taiwan, Filippinene og Hongkong.

Systematisk inndeling

Slektskapet innen gruppen glansvingene er avklart i ulik grad. Derfor kan endringer skje. Det har vært ulike måter å dele gruppen inn i.

  • sommerfugler (Lepidoptera)
    • gruppe / overfamilie dagsommerfugler (Papilionoidea)
      • familie glansvinger (Lycaenidae)
        • delgruppe Lycaeninae
          • blåvinger (Polyommatini)
            • slekt Chilades
              • Chilades lajus (Stoll, 1780)
                • underart C. l. tavoyanus Evans, 1925
                • underart C. l. athena (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
                • Synonymer: Papilio laius Stoll, 1780; Polyommatus varunana Moore, 1866; Hesperia cajus Fabricius, 1793; Lycaena brahmina C. & R. Felder, 1865; Polyommatus kandura Moore, 1866


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Chilades lajus: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NO

Chilades lajus er en av blåvingene, en dagaktiv sommerfugl i gruppen glansvinger.

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