
Solenopsis laboriosa Smith

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

S. ferruginea: capite maximo, longi-tudinahter striato, postice transverso-striato; spinis metathoracis minu-tissimis.

Worker major. Length 3 lines. Dark ferruginous, with the legs pale; rufo-testaceous; the head very large, twice as wide as the abdomen, in front and at the sides roughly striated, posteriorly delicately striated; the sides of the head very slightly rounded, emarginate behind with a central impressed line running forwards and terminating opposite the eyes; the eyes very small and placed at the sides a little beyond the middle; the vertex smooth and shining, with a few scattered fine punctures. Thorax sub-rugose, convex anteriorly and shining, behind constricted and narrowed; the metathorax with two short, erect, acute spines. Abdomen smooth, shining and slightly pubescent. The mandibles have a single tooth at their apex.

Worker minor. Length 1 - 2 lines. This form is of a much paler colour, the larger individuals having the abdomen fuscous, except at the extreme base; in the smaller examples it is only fuscous at the apex; in large individuals the head is slightly striated in front, in small ones it is entirely smooth and shining; the head much smaller in proportion than in the worker major; the mandibles with two or three teeth on their inner margin.

Hab. Celebes (Tondano).

The different-sized workers were taken from the nest by Mr. Wallace.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Smith, F., 1861, Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo., Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, pp. 36-48, vol. 6
Smith, F.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)