
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Inocybe fibrosa (Sow.) Bres. Fungi Trid. 1: 51. 1884
Agaricus fibrosus Sow. Engl, Fungi pi. 414. 1814.
Agaricus repandus Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 255. 1821. Not A. repandus Bull. 1788.
Pileus fleshy, obtusely campanulate then expanded and broadly umbonate, 4^1 cm. broad ;
surface dry, silky-fibrillose, at length rimose, creamy-white or tinged straw-colored, sometimes
ochraceous-stained; margin lobed, split or recurved; context white, unchanged, the odor
somewhat penetrating ; lamellae free, rounded behind, broader toward the front, close to crowded,
whitish then ashy-cinnamon, the edges white-fimbriate ; stipe fibrous, subequal, striatulate
to subsulcate, glabrescent, pruinose at the apex, incrassate towards the base, soUd, white then
sordid, 4^10 cm. long, 6-20 mm. thick; spores angular-oblong, with obsciure, scattered tubercles,
9-12 (-13) X 5-7 jLt; cystidia broadly subcylindric to subfusoid, moderately abimdant on the
sides and the edges of the lamellae, 60-90 X 10-15 ju-
Type locality: Austria. Habitat: In coniferous and mixed woods. Distribution: New York and Michigan; also Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Calvin Henry Kauffman, Lee Oras Overholts. 1924. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), INOCYBE, PHOLIOTA. North American flora. vol 10(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora