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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Genus recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Genus recognized by
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
wikipedia русскую Википедию
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EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
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Spain Species List
Sweden Species List
United Kingdom Species List
North Atlantic Species List
wikipedia hr Croatian
United States Species List
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Paleobiology Database
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Barcode of Life Data Systems
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
Wikipedia (inferred records)
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
GGBN data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Platygaster Faust & J. 1885
Genus recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Platygaster Latreille 1809
Genus recognized by
GBIF classification
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
, and
GBIF data coverage
Alternative Names
Amblyaspis angustula
Thomson 1859
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Amblyaspis Förster, 1856)
Anopedias pentatoma
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Anopedias Förster, 1856)
Cynips phragmitis
Schrank 1781
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Epimeces canestrinii
Rondani 1866
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Epimeces ensifer
Westwood 1833
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Epimeces)
Epimeces equestris
Spittler 1969
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Euxestonotus parallela
(Walker 1835)
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Euxestonotus Fouts, 1925)
Hypocampsis angustula
Thomson 1859
Proparte synonym according to
GBIF classification
GBIF classification
Hypocampsis compressicornis
Thomson 1859
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocampsis confinis
Thomson 1859
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops betulae
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops crevecoeuri
Maneval 1936
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops iteophilus
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops leucanthemi
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops nigerrimus
Kieffer 1926
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as heterotypic synonym of Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck, 1834)
Misocyclops nodicola
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops pini
Kieffer 1916
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops sambuci
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops scrophulariae
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops stachydis
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops subterraneus
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops transsylvanicus
Szelenyi 1958
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Misocyclops tuberculi
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster armata
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster ater
Buhl 2011
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster brevicaudataus
Kieffer 1906
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster cleodaeus
Walker 1835
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster cratinus
Walker 1835
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster danyiensis
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster eucalyptodiplosisae
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster evadne
Walker 1835
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster fuscalis
Buhl 2011
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster ilione
Walker 1835
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster ingeniosus
Matsuo & Yamagishi 2018
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster liga
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster lobata
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster mayi
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster novaezealandiae
Buhl 2011
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster otandjoboliensis
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster planivertex
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster podocarpi
Buhl 2015
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster politiceps
Buhl 2013
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster robertensis
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster sagana
Buhl 1997
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Platygaster sagana Walker, 1836)
Platygaster solodovnikovi
Buhl 2011
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster subanguliceps
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster subparallela
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster tricarinata
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster tschirnhausi
Buhl 2014
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster tuberculatrix
Buhl 2011
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster urniphila
Matsuo & Yamagishi 2018
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Platygaster walkerae
Buhl 2017
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus crassus
Szelenyi 1958
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus longicaudata
Kieffer 1906
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus marchali
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus quadrifarius
Kieffer 1916
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus signata
Foerster 1861
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Polygnotus suecicus
Kieffer 1926
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Prosactogaster luteocoxalis
Kozlov 1966
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Scelio ruficornis
Latreille 1805
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Synopeas antennariae
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Synopeas Förster, 1856)
Synopeas salicicola
(Kieffer 1916)
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Synopeas Förster, 1856)
Harvest ancestor according to
GBIF national node type records France
GBIF national node type records France
GBIF national node type records Sweden
NMNH type specimens
NMNH type specimens
iDigBio type specimen records
Alaskan Arthropods
Simpson et al 2020
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
, and
Flickr Group
Common Names
ذو البطن المسطح
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Curated hierarchies for Platygaster
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens MacGown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperi MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperina MacGown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi MacGown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri MacGown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila MacGown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta MacGown 1979
Platygaster prolata MacGown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis MacGown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori MacGown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae MacGown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
116 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Platygastridae Haliday 1833
Platygastrinae Haliday 1833
Platygaster Latreille 1809
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens MacGown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperi MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperina MacGown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi MacGown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri MacGown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila MacGown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta MacGown 1979
Platygaster prolata MacGown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis MacGown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori MacGown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae MacGown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
Acerotella Masner 1964
Aceroteta Kozlov & Masner 1977
Allostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
Almargella Masner & Huggert 1989
Amblyaspis Förster 1856
Anectadius Kieffer 1905
Anirama Kozlov 1970
Annettella Masner & Huggert 1989
Anopedias Förster 1856
Ceratacis Thomson 1859
Criomica Kozlov 1975
Diplatygaster Kieffer 1926
Eritrissomerus Ashmead 1893
Euxestonotus Fouts 1925
Gastrotrypes Brues 1922
Holocoeliella Huggert 1976
Inostemma Haliday 1833
Iphitrachelus Haliday 1836
Isocybus Förster 1856
Isostasius Förster 1856
Leptacis Förster 1856
Magellanium Masner & Huggert 1989
Metaclisis Förster 1856
Metanopedias Brues 1910
Moninostemma Kieffer 1914
Orseta Masner & Huggert 1989
Piestopleura Förster 1856
Platygasterites Statz 1938
Proleptacis Kieffer 1926
Proplatygaster Kieffer 1904
Prosactogaster Kieffer 1914
Prosinostemma Kieffer 1914
Prosynopeas Kieffer 1916
Pyrgaspis Kozlov 1967
Rao Masner & Huggert 1989
Sacespalus Kieffer 1917
Stosta Kozlov 1975
Synopeas Förster 1856
Trichacis Förster 1856
Trichacoides Dodd 1914
Tricholeptacis Kieffer 1914
Zelostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Curculionidae Latreille & P. A. 1802
Platygaster Faust & J. 1885
(this page)
Platygaster venustus Faust 1885
Aades Schoenherr & C. J. 1823
Abagous Sharp & D. 1916
Abantiades Broun & T. 1914
Abantiadinus Schenkling & S. 1929
Abaris Voss & E. 1958
Abebaeus Kirsch & T. 1870
Abrachybaris Bondar & G. 1946
Abrotheus Broun & T. 1917
Acacallis Pascoe & F. P. 1883
Acacicis Lea & A. M. 1910
Acaerus Pascoe & F. P. 1882
Acalles Schoenherr & C. J. 1825
Acallestes Pascoe & F. P. 1881
Acallinus Morimoto & K. 1962
Acallocrates Reitter & E. 1913
Acallodes Le Conte & J. L. 1876
Acallopais Pascoe & F. P. 1877
Acallophila Hoffmann & A. 1964
Corynephorus Schoenherr & C. J. 1837
4455 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens MacGown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperi MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperina MacGown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi MacGown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri MacGown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila MacGown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta MacGown 1979
Platygaster prolata MacGown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis MacGown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori MacGown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae MacGown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
116 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis Mac Gown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster juniperi Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster juniperina Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis Mac Gown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelenyi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster prolata Mac Gown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
116 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens MacGown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperi MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperina MacGown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi MacGown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri MacGown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila MacGown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta MacGown 1979
Platygaster prolata MacGown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis MacGown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori MacGown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae MacGown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
116 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Platygaster Latreille 1809
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis Mac Gown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster aptera Nees 1834
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster cenone Fouts
Platygaster chaos
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster davei Buhl 2010
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster disincta Fouts
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster glemhornae Buhl 2010
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gracilis Ashmead
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster harpagoceras
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis Forbes 1888
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster juniperi Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster juniperina Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster karlssoni Buhl 2010
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster latiptera Buhl 2010
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis Mac Gown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster micromma Buhl 2010
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster minutula Dalla Torre 1898
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nashi Buhl & O'Connor 2011
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parallela Walker 1835
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pini Fouts
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster prolata Mac Gown 1971
Platygaster propucta Macgown
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster robiniae Buhl & Duso 2008
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spiniger Nees 1834
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster subuliformis Kieffer 1926
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster sylveni Buhl 2009
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori Mac Gown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tengoei Buhl 2010
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster variarilis Fouts
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae Mac Gown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vitreus Buhl 1997
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
Acerota Förster 1856
Acerotella Masner 1964
Aceroteta Kozlov & Masner 1977
Afrisolia Masner & Huggert 1989
Aleyroctonus Masner & Huggert 1989
Alfredella Masner & Huggert 1989
Allostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
Allotropa Förster 1856
Almargella Masner & Huggert 1989
Amblyaspis Förster 1856
Amitus Haldeman 1850
Anectadius Kieffer 1905
Anirama Kozlov 1970
Annettella Masner & Huggert 1989
Anopedias Förster 1856
Aphanomerella Dodd 1913
Aphanomerus Perkins 1905
Atritomus americanus Ashmead
Austromerus Masner & Huggert 1989
Axea Masner & Johnson 2009
Calomerella Masner & Huggert 1989
Cascoscelio Poinar 2012
Ceratacis Thomson 1859
Crabroborus Muesebeck 1963
Criomica Kozlov 1975
Diplatygaster Kieffer 1926
Eritrissomerus Ashmead 1893
Errolium Masner & Huggert 1989
Euxestonotus Fouts 1925
Fidiobia Ashmead 1894
Gastrotrypes Brues 1922
Helava Masner & Huggert 1989
Holocoeliella Huggert 1976
Inostemma Haliday 1833
Iphitrachelus Haliday 1836
Isocybus Förster 1856
Isolia Förster 1878
Isostasius Förster 1856
Leptacis Förster 1856
Magellanium Masner & Huggert 1989
Masnerium Polaszek 2009
Metaclisis Förster 1856
Metanopedias Brues 1910
Momocrita canadensis Ashmead
Moninostemma Kieffer 1914
Nanomerus Masner & Huggert 1989
Neobia Masner & Huggert 1989
Oligomerella Masner & Huggert 1989
Orseta Masner & Huggert 1989
Orwellium Johnson, Masner & Musetti 2009
Parabaeus Kieffer 1910
Phanuropsis Girault 1916
Phlebiaporus Kozlov 1967
Piestopleura Förster 1856
Platygasterites Statz 1938
Platygastoides Dodd 1913
Platystasius Nixon 1937
Plutomerus Masner & Huggert 1989
Proleptacis Kieffer 1926
Proplatygaster Kieffer 1904
Prosactogaster Kieffer 1914
Prosinostemma Kieffer 1914
Prosynopeas Kieffer 1916
Pseudaphanomerus Szelényi 1941
Pulchrisolia Szabó 1959
Pyrgaspis Kozlov 1967
Rao Masner & Huggert 1989
Sacespalus Kieffer 1917
Sactogaster Förster 1856
Sceliotrachelus Brues 1908
Stosta Kozlov 1975
Synopeas Förster 1856
Tetrabaeus Kieffer 1912
Trichacis Förster 1856
Trichacoides Dodd 1914
Tricholeptacis Kieffer 1914
Zelamerus Masner & Huggert 1989
Zelandonota Masner & Huggert 1989
Zelostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Platygastridae Haliday 1833
Platygastrinae Haliday 1833
Platygaster Latreille 1809
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans Buhl 1998
Platygaster abia Walker 1836
Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster abisares Walker 1836
Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl 2004
Platygaster abrupta Buhl 1994
Platygaster acciculosis Drake 1970
Platygaster aciculata Ashmead 1893
Platygaster acrisius Walker 1836
Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster acuticlava Buhl 1998
Platygaster acutocularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster aegeus Walker 1836
Platygaster affinis Fouts 1925
Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer 1910
Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec 1955
Platygaster americana (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster aneurus (Provancher 1887)
Platygaster angulata (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster angustula (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster anopediana Buhl 2005
Platygaster anormis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster anura Fouts 1925
Platygaster aphidis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster apicalis Thomson 1859
Platygaster applanata Buhl 2001
Platygaster appropinquata Buhl 2006
Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert 1973
Platygaster asiatica Buhl 2004
Platygaster astericola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster athamas Walker 1836
Platygaster atrae Fouts 1924
Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster attenuata Walker 1836
Platygaster australis (Dodd 1916)
Platygaster automenes Walker 1839
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl 2003
Platygaster baloghi Buhl 2004
Platygaster basi Vlug 1995
Platygaster beneficiens MacGown 1979
Platygaster betulae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster betularia Kieffer 1916
Platygaster biroi Buhl 2004
Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl 1998
Platygaster bonessi Buhl 2000
Platygaster boneti Buhl 2006
Platygaster borealis Buhl 1998
Platygaster brachyptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl 2004
Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster bucolion Walker 1836
Platygaster bureschi Szabó 1959
Platygaster burkei (Rohwer 1917)
Platygaster californica (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani 1866)
Platygaster caninifrons (Brues 1910)
Platygaster caryae Ashmead 1893
Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster cebes Walker 1836
Platygaster cecconii Kieffer 1913
Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes 1915)
Platygaster chloropus Thomson 1859
Platygaster chrysippus Walker 1836
Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster clavata Buhl 1994
Platygaster cochleata Walker 1836
Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster columbiana Fouts 1924
Platygaster compressa Fouts 1934
Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster confinis Thomson 1859
Platygaster consobrina Kieffer 1913
Platygaster contorticornis Ratzeburg 1844
Platygaster convergens Kieffer 1913
Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster corcyrana Buhl 1996
Platygaster corni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster coronata (Brues 1910)
Platygaster corvina Förster 1861
Platygaster costaricae Buhl 2003
Platygaster cottei Kieffer 1913
Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht 1938)
Platygaster crassicornis Buhl 1998
Platygaster crenulata Buhl 2004
Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster csoszi Buhl 2004
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl 2005
Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster cyrsilus Walker 1836
Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl 2006
Platygaster damokles Buhl 1998
Platygaster danica Buhl 1999
Platygaster danielssoni Buhl 1998
Platygaster deipyla Walker 1836
Platygaster delyi Buhl 2006
Platygaster demades Walker 1836
Platygaster dentata Buhl 2001
Platygaster denticulata Buhl 2001
Platygaster depressiventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster dictys Walker 1836
Platygaster dilata Buhl 2001
Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec 1956
Platygaster distincta Fouts 1926
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec 1953
Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl 2006
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide 1927
Platygaster dryope Walker 1836
Platygaster dubia (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster elissa Walker 1839
Platygaster elongata Haliday 1833
Platygaster ennius Walker 1836
Platygaster ensifer (Westwood 1833)
Platygaster entwistlei Buhl 1997
Platygaster equestris Spittler 1969
Platygaster ericeti Rondani 1877
Platygaster eriphyle Walker 1836
Platygaster errans Fouts 1924
Platygaster eryngii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead 1888)
Platygaster estonica Buhl 2004
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl 2004
Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl 1998
Platygaster euhemerus Walker 1836
Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euurae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl 1998
Platygaster exiguae Fouts 1926
Platygaster felti Fouts 1920
Platygaster fennica Buhl 2003
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts 1925
Platygaster filicornis Walker 1836
Platygaster flabellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flagellata Buhl 2003
Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts 1926
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead 1887
Platygaster foersteri (Gahan 1919)
Platygaster formicarum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster forshagei Buhl 2006
Platygaster foutsi Huggert 1973
Platygaster frater Buhl 2006
Platygaster fumipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster funesta Motschulsky 1852
Platygaster fungicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster fusca Buhl 2004
Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts 1924
Platygaster gahani Fouts 1924
Platygaster gaia Buhl 2004
Platygaster galbus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster galenus Walker 1836
Platygaster gambiana Buhl 2006
Platygaster genata Buhl 1998
Platygaster generalii Rondani 1866
Platygaster germanica Buhl 1998
Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead 1904)
Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster gorge Walker 1836
Platygaster gorgo Walker 1839
Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster gracilipes Huggert 1975
Platygaster gyge Walker 1836
Platygaster gyrone Szelényi 1958
Platygaster hanseni Buhl 2006
Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl 2003
Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl 1996
Platygaster hera Buhl 1998
Platygaster herricki Packard 1880
Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes 1888)
Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl 2006
Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl 2006
Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster huggerti Buhl 2001
Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson 1859)
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster hybrida Buhl 1994
Platygaster hyemalis Curtis 1830
Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iberica Buhl 1998
Platygaster ilona Szabó 1976
Platygaster imlaci Buhl 1997
Platygaster inconspicua Buhl 1999
Platygaster indefinita Buhl 2006
Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug 1995
Platygaster indica Mukerjee 1978
Platygaster inermis Walker 1836
Platygaster insularis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster intermedia Buhl 2006
Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster iolas Walker 1836
Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer 1916
Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster javieri Buhl 1998
Platygaster juniperella MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperi MacGown 1979
Platygaster juniperina MacGown 1979
Platygaster jutlandica Buhl 2006
Platygaster kalmiae Fouts 1925
Platygaster kaszabi Buhl 2004
Platygaster kenyana Buhl 2004
Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster kimballi MacGown 1974
Platygaster komugi Ishii 1953
Platygaster koponeni Buhl 2003
Platygaster koreana Buhl 2006
Platygaster krarupi Buhl 1995
Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl 2006
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster laevifrons Buhl 2002
Platygaster laeviventris Thomson 1859
Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert 1973
Platygaster lampronota Fouts 1924
Platygaster lanceolata Buhl 1996
Platygaster lapponica Thomson 1859
Platygaster laricis Haliday 1836
Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer 1916
Platygaster lata Förster 1861
Platygaster latescens (Brues 1910)
Platygaster laticeps Thomson 1859
Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster laticornis Buhl 2004
Platygaster latifrons Huggert 1973
Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts 1920
Platygaster leileri Buhl 2007
Platygaster leptines Walker 1836
Platygaster leptoptera Buhl 1998
Platygaster leptosoma Buhl 2006
Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster libocedri MacGown 1974
Platygaster linearis Fouts 1924
Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl 1994
Platygaster litoralis Buhl 1998
Platygaster longestriata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster longestriolata Thomson 1859
Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl 1995
Platygaster lucida Fouts 1924
Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst 1911
Platygaster lugens Kieffer 1926
Platygaster lundensis Buhl 1997
Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov 1966)
Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl 1998
Platygaster lysicles Walker 1836
Platygaster maarteni Vlug 1995
Platygaster macgowni Buhl 2001
Platygaster macroptera Buhl 2004
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer 1912
Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood 1971
Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl 2005
Platygaster malpighii Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec 1955
Platygaster manto Walker 1836
Platygaster marchali Kieffer 1906
Platygaster marginata Thomson 1859
Platygaster martikaineni Buhl 2003
Platygaster marttii Buhl 2003
Platygaster marylandica Fouts 1924
Platygaster masneri Huggert 1975
Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl 2003
Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer 1916
Platygaster mediocris (Brues 1910)
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl 2006
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl 1999
Platygaster minima (Mukerjee 1978)
Platygaster minthe Walker 1836
Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster minutissima Fouts 1925
Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster misella Buhl 2006
Platygaster moczari Szabó 1976
Platygaster modesta Buhl 1998
Platygaster molsensis Buhl 1995
Platygaster mongolica Buhl 2004
Platygaster mumfordi Fouts 1934
Platygaster munita Walker 1836
Platygaster munki Buhl 1994
Platygaster muscivora Risbec 1950
Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer 1913
Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster natalensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts 1925
Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg 1852
Platygaster nigrita Buhl 2004
Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster nisus Walker 1836
Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster noonae Buhl 1995
Platygaster norvegica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster nottoni Buhl 1995
Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues 1910)
Platygaster oblonga Buhl 2005
Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead 1893
Platygaster oculata Buhl 2004
Platygaster oebalus Walker 1836
Platygaster oeclus Walker 1836
Platygaster oenone Fouts 1925
Platygaster oleae Szelényi 1940
Platygaster opaca Ruthe 1859
Platygaster orcus Walker 1836
Platygaster ornata Kieffer 1906
Platygaster orus Walker 1836
Platygaster oryzae Cameron 1891
Platygaster oscus Walker 1836
Platygaster otanes Walker 1836
Platygaster oviventris Buhl 2004
Platygaster paches Walker 1842
Platygaster pallida Fouts 1925
Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead 1894)
Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead 1890)
Platygaster panamaensis Buhl 2002
Platygaster panchganii Mani 1975
Platygaster pappi Buhl 2004
Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt 1840
Platygaster pauliani Risbec 1953
Platygaster pedasus Walker 1836
Platygaster pedestris Buhl 2004
Platygaster pelias Walker 1836
Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster perineti Risbec 1953
Platygaster perplexa Fouts 1925
Platygaster persicariae Kieffer 1906
Platygaster philinna Walker 1836
Platygaster philippiae Risbec 1953
Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl 2006
Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank 1781)
Platygaster picipes Förster 1861
Platygaster pilco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster pinaensis Buhl 1998
Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster piniphila MacGown 1979
Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown 1979
Platygaster piso Sundholm 1970
Platygaster plana Buhl 1994
Platygaster planoides Buhl 1995
Platygaster platyptera Buhl 2005
Platygaster pleuron Walker 1836
Platygaster plotina Walker 1836
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl 2004
Platygaster polita Thomson 1859
Platygaster ponderosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster praecox Buhl 1999
Platygaster producta MacGown 1979
Platygaster prolata MacGown 1971
Platygaster proxima (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown 1979
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl 2005
Platygaster puccinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster punctiventris Buhl 2006
Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer 1913
Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster quadriceps Buhl 2006
Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao 1950)
Platygaster relativa Fouts 1924
Platygaster resinosae MacGown 1979
Platygaster retuertae Buhl 1998
Platygaster reyi Buhl 2001
Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown 1979
Platygaster riparia Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster rohweri Fouts 1924
Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl 2005
Platygaster rossinii Vlug 1995
Platygaster rubi (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille 1805)
Platygaster rufidens Fouts 1925
Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster rufitibia Buhl 1999
Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl 1994
Platygaster rutilipes Buhl 1997
Platygaster rutubus Walker 1836
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec 1958
Platygaster sagana Walker 1836
Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer 1913
Platygaster salvadorae Rao 1950
Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sasii Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster satara Mani 1975
Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley 1951
Platygaster scotica Kieffer 1913
Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl 2007
Platygaster scutellator Fouts 1925
Platygaster semiflava Buhl 2006
Platygaster semiglabra (Girault 1920)
Platygaster setosa Buhl 2003
Platygaster shastensis Fouts 1924
Platygaster signata (Förster 1861)
Platygaster signe Buhl 2006
Platygaster similis MacGown 1974
Platygaster simplex (Brues 1922)
Platygaster singularis Buhl 2006
Platygaster sinica Buhl 1996
Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster soederlundi Buhl 1998
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead 1887)
Platygaster sonchis Walker 1836
Platygaster sophianae Szabó 1976
Platygaster specularis Buhl 1998
Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster splendens Sundholm 1970
Platygaster splendidula Ruthe 1859
Platygaster srilankensis Buhl 2003
Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl 2000
Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl 1998
Platygaster sterope Walker 1836
Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster strato Walker 1836
Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl 1998
Platygaster striatifacies Buhl 1996
Platygaster striatifrons Fouts 1925
Platygaster striatipleura Buhl 2004
Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl 1995
Platygaster striatithorax Buhl 1994
Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster stylata Huggert 1980
Platygaster subapicalis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl 2006
Platygaster subplana Buhl 2005
Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster subtilis Förster 1861
Platygaster suecica (Kieffer 1926)
Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima 1979
Platygaster sylea Walker 1843
Platygaster szelenyii Huggert 1975
Platygaster tacita Fouts 1925
Platygaster tanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster taras Walker 1836
Platygaster taylori MacGown 1974
Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl 2001
Platygaster tenuicornis Förster 1861
Platygaster terco Sundholm 1970
Platygaster texana Fouts 1924
Platygaster tibialis Kieffer 1905
Platygaster tisias Walker 1836
Platygaster topali Buhl 2004
Platygaster topaliana Buhl 2004
Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi 1958)
Platygaster transversiceps Buhl 1998
Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi 2006
Platygaster truncata Buhl 2004
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl 2005
Platygaster tuberata Kieffer 1916
Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer 1916)
Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck 1834
Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer 1926
Platygaster tubulosa Brues 1922
Platygaster tumida (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen 1910
Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer 1916
Platygaster ungeri Buhl 1999
Platygaster uniformis Buhl 2006
Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi 1980
Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vaenia Walker 1836
Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster variabilis Fouts 1924
Platygaster varicornis Buhl 1999
Platygaster vedresi Szabó 1977
Platygaster vera Buhl 1998
Platygaster verdii Vlug 1995
Platygaster vernalis (Myers 1917)
Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer 1916
Platygaster verticalis Buhl 2003
Platygaster vestina Walker 1836
Platygaster viburni Kieffer 1916
Platygaster victoriae MacGown 1979
Platygaster vintheri Buhl 1994
Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster virgo Day 1971
Platygaster viticola (Ashmead 1893)
Platygaster vulgaris Buhl 1998
Platygaster warda Buhl 2004
Platygaster websteri Fouts 1924
Platygaster xeneus Walker 1838
Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl 2007
Platygaster zambiana Buhl 2007
Platygaster zangherii Szelényi 1955
Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari 2004
Platygaster zaragozana Buhl 1998
Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl 2004
Platygaster zethus Walker 1839
Platygaster zosine Walker 1836
Acerotella Masner 1964
Aceroteta Kozlov & Masner 1977
Allostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
Almargella Masner & Huggert 1989
Amblyaspis Förster 1856
Anectadius Kieffer 1905
Anirama Kozlov 1970
Annettella Masner & Huggert 1989
Anopedias Förster 1856
Ceratacis Thomson 1859
Criomica Kozlov 1975
Diplatygaster Kieffer 1926
Eritrissomerus Ashmead 1893
Euxestonotus Fouts 1925
Gastrotrypes Brues 1922
Holocoeliella Huggert 1976
Inostemma Haliday 1833
Iphitrachelus Haliday 1836
Isocybus Förster 1856
Isostasius Förster 1856
Leptacis Förster 1856
Magellanium Masner & Huggert 1989
Metaclisis Förster 1856
Metanopedias Brues 1910
Moninostemma Kieffer 1914
Orseta Masner & Huggert 1989
Piestopleura Förster 1856
Platygasterites Statz 1938
Proleptacis Kieffer 1926
Proplatygaster Kieffer 1904
Prosactogaster Kieffer 1914
Prosinostemma Kieffer 1914
Prosynopeas Kieffer 1916
Pyrgaspis Kozlov 1967
Rao Masner & Huggert 1989
Sacespalus Kieffer 1917
Stosta Kozlov 1975
Synopeas Förster 1856
Trichacis Förster 1856
Trichacoides Dodd 1914
Tricholeptacis Kieffer 1914
Zelostemma Masner & Huggert 1989
cellular organisms
(this page)
Platygaster betulae
Platygaster demades
Platygaster sagana
Platygaster striaticollis
Platygaster tuberosula
Platygaster variabilis
unclassified Platygaster
unclassified Platygastrinae
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
(this page)
Platygaster aberrans
Platygaster abia
Platygaster abicollis
Platygaster abisares
Platygaster aboriginalis
Platygaster abrupta
Platygaster acciculosis
Platygaster aciculata
Platygaster acrisius
Platygaster actinomeridis
Platygaster acuticlava
Platygaster acutocularis
Platygaster aebeloeensis
Platygaster aegeus
Platygaster alnicola
Platygaster alticola
Platygaster ambositrensis
Platygaster americana
Platygaster aneurus
Platygaster angulata
Platygaster angustula
Platygaster anopediana
Platygaster anormis
Platygaster antennariae
Platygaster anura
Platygaster aphidis
Platygaster apicalis
Platygaster applanata
Platygaster appropinquata
Platygaster aptera
Platygaster artemisiae
Platygaster ashmeadiana
Platygaster asiatica
Platygaster astericola
Platygaster asynaptae
Platygaster ater
Platygaster athamas
Platygaster atrae
Platygaster atriplicis
Platygaster attenuata
Platygaster australis
Platygaster automenes
Platygaster baccharicola
Platygaster baccharidis
Platygaster baezi
Platygaster baloghi
Platygaster basi
Platygaster beneficiens
Platygaster betulae
Platygaster betularia
Platygaster biroi
Platygaster blascozumetae
Platygaster bonessi
Platygaster boneti
Platygaster borealis
Platygaster brachyptera
Platygaster brevicornis
Platygaster brevipetiolata
Platygaster brevistriata
Platygaster bucolion
Platygaster bureschi
Platygaster burkei
Platygaster bygebjergi
Platygaster californica
Platygaster canestrinii
Platygaster caninifrons
Platygaster caryae
Platygaster caulicola
Platygaster cebes
Platygaster cecconii
Platygaster cecidomyiae
Platygaster chilensis
Platygaster chloropus
Platygaster chrysippus
Platygaster ciliata
Platygaster clavata
Platygaster clavatus
Platygaster cochleata
Platygaster coloradensis
Platygaster columbiana
Platygaster compressa
Platygaster compressicornis
Platygaster compressiventris
Platygaster concava
Platygaster confinis
Platygaster consobrina
Platygaster contorticornis
Platygaster convergens
Platygaster coorgensis
Platygaster corcyrana
Platygaster corcyranus
Platygaster corni
Platygaster coronata
Platygaster corvina
Platygaster costaricae
Platygaster cottei
Platygaster crassa
Platygaster crassicornis
Platygaster crassus
Platygaster crenulata
Platygaster cruciferarum
Platygaster csoszi
Platygaster cuspidata
Platygaster cynipicola
Platygaster cyrsilus
Platygaster dalgaardi
Platygaster damokles
Platygaster danica
Platygaster danielssoni
Platygaster danyiensis
Platygaster deipyla
Platygaster delyi
Platygaster demades
Platygaster dentata
Platygaster denticulata
Platygaster depressiventris
Platygaster dictys
Platygaster dilata
Platygaster diplosidis
Platygaster diplosisae
Platygaster distincta
Platygaster dombeyae
Platygaster draskovitsi
Platygaster dryomiae
Platygaster dryope
Platygaster dubia
Platygaster elissa
Platygaster elongata
Platygaster enneatomus
Platygaster ennius
Platygaster ensifer
Platygaster entwistlei
Platygaster equestris
Platygaster erdosi
Platygaster ericeti
Platygaster eriphyle
Platygaster errans
Platygaster eryngii
Platygaster erythropus
Platygaster estonica
Platygaster ethiopica
Platygaster etsuhoae
Platygaster euhemerus
Platygaster eurotiae
Platygaster euurae
Platygaster euxestonotoides
Platygaster exiguae
Platygaster felti
Platygaster fennica
Platygaster filicaudis
Platygaster filicornis
Platygaster flabellata
Platygaster flagellata
Platygaster flavifemorata
Platygaster flavitarsis
Platygaster floricola
Platygaster floridensis
Platygaster foersteri
Platygaster formicarum
Platygaster forshagei
Platygaster foutsi
Platygaster frater
Platygaster fumipennis
Platygaster funesta
Platygaster fungicola
Platygaster fusca
Platygaster fuscalis
Platygaster fuscipennis
Platygaster fuscipes
Platygaster gahani
Platygaster gaia
Platygaster galbus
Platygaster galenus
Platygaster gambiana
Platygaster genata
Platygaster generalii
Platygaster germanica
Platygaster gibba
Platygaster gifuensis
Platygaster gladiator
Platygaster globicola
Platygaster gorge
Platygaster gorgo
Platygaster gracilicornis
Platygaster gracilipes
Platygaster graminis
Platygaster grandidieri
Platygaster gyge
Platygaster gyrone
Platygaster hamadryas
Platygaster hanseni
Platygaster hansseni
Platygaster hanssoniana
Platygaster harasbeddensis
Platygaster henkvlugi
Platygaster hera
Platygaster herricki
Platygaster heterothalami
Platygaster hiemalis
Platygaster hoffmeyeri
Platygaster hovmoelleri
Platygaster huachucae
Platygaster huggerti
Platygaster hyalinata
Platygaster hyalinipennis
Platygaster hybrida
Platygaster hyemalis
Platygaster hygrophila
Platygaster iberica
Platygaster ilona
Platygaster imlaci
Platygaster inconspicua
Platygaster indefinita
Platygaster inderdaadi
Platygaster indica
Platygaster inermis
Platygaster ingeniosus
Platygaster insularis
Platygaster intermedia
Platygaster intermedius
Platygaster iolas
Platygaster iteocrypta
Platygaster iteophila
Platygaster iteophilus
Platygaster javieri
Platygaster joergenseni
Platygaster juniperella
Platygaster juniperi
Platygaster juniperina
Platygaster jutlandica
Platygaster kalmiae
Platygaster kaszabi
Platygaster kenyana
Platygaster keralicus
Platygaster kimballi
Platygaster komugi
Platygaster koponeni
Platygaster koreana
Platygaster krarupi
Platygaster kui
Platygaster kwamgumiensis
Platygaster laevicollis
Platygaster laevifoveolata
Platygaster laevifrons
Platygaster laeviventris
Platygaster lamelliformis
Platygaster lampronota
Platygaster lanceolata
Platygaster lapponica
Platygaster lapponicus
Platygaster laricis
Platygaster lasiopterae
Platygaster lasiorum
Platygaster lata
Platygaster latescens
Platygaster laticeps
Platygaster laticlavus
Platygaster laticornis
Platygaster latifrons
Platygaster lativentris
Platygaster leguminicolae
Platygaster leileri
Platygaster leptines
Platygaster leptocera
Platygaster leptoptera
Platygaster leptosoma
Platygaster leptothorax
Platygaster leucanthemi
Platygaster libocedri
Platygaster liga
Platygaster lilleoeensis
Platygaster linearis
Platygaster lineata
Platygaster lineaticeps
Platygaster litoralis
Platygaster lobata
Platygaster longestriata
Platygaster longestriolata
Platygaster longestriolatus
Platygaster longicaudata
Platygaster longula
Platygaster lubomasneri
Platygaster lucida
Platygaster luctuosa
Platygaster lugens
Platygaster lundensis
Platygaster lupinicola
Platygaster luteocoxalis
Platygaster lyciicola
Platygaster lyneborgi
Platygaster lysicles
Platygaster maarteni
Platygaster macgowni
Platygaster macroptera
Platygaster madagascariensis
Platygaster mahensis
Platygaster mainensis
Platygaster malabarica
Platygaster malaisei
Platygaster malpighii
Platygaster mandrakae
Platygaster manto
Platygaster marchali
Platygaster marginata
Platygaster maritima
Platygaster maroantsetrensis
Platygaster marshalli
Platygaster martikaineni
Platygaster marttii
Platygaster marylandica
Platygaster masneri
Platygaster matsutama
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi
Platygaster mayetiolae
Platygaster mazumbaiensis
Platygaster mediocris
Platygaster meduxnekeagensis
Platygaster melanocera
Platygaster melliscapus
Platygaster meridionalis
Platygaster microsculpturata
Platygaster minima
Platygaster minthe
Platygaster minuta
Platygaster minutissima
Platygaster minutula
Platygaster mirabilis
Platygaster misella
Platygaster moczari
Platygaster modesta
Platygaster molsensis
Platygaster mongolica
Platygaster mumfordi
Platygaster munita
Platygaster munki
Platygaster muscivora
Platygaster myrmecobia
Platygaster narendrani
Platygaster natalensis
Platygaster nielseni
Platygaster nigeriana
Platygaster nigerrimus
Platygaster nigra
Platygaster nigricoxa
Platygaster nigrifemur
Platygaster nigripes
Platygaster nigrita
Platygaster nigrocoxatus
Platygaster nisus
Platygaster nodicola
Platygaster noonae
Platygaster norvegica
Platygaster nottoni
Platygaster novaezealandiae
Platygaster noveboracensis
Platygaster oblonga
Platygaster obscura
Platygaster obscuripennis
Platygaster occipitalis
Platygaster oculata
Platygaster oebalus
Platygaster oeclus
Platygaster oenone
Platygaster oleae
Platygaster omoeensis
Platygaster opaca
Platygaster orcus
Platygaster ornata
Platygaster ornatus
Platygaster orus
Platygaster oryzae
Platygaster oscus
Platygaster otandjoboliensis
Platygaster otanes
Platygaster oviventris
Platygaster paches
Platygaster pallida
Platygaster pallidicoxalis
Platygaster pallipes
Platygaster panamaensis
Platygaster panchganii
Platygaster pappi
Platygaster parallela
Platygaster parvula
Platygaster pauliani
Platygaster pedasus
Platygaster pedestris
Platygaster pedicellata
Platygaster pelias
Platygaster pentatoma
Platygaster perineti
Platygaster perplexa
Platygaster persicariae
Platygaster philinna
Platygaster philippiae
Platygaster phragmitiphila
Platygaster phragmitis
Platygaster picipes
Platygaster pilco
Platygaster pilosiscutellata
Platygaster pinaensis
Platygaster pinicola
Platygaster piniphila
Platygaster pinyonicola
Platygaster piso
Platygaster plana
Platygaster planivertex
Platygaster planoides
Platygaster planus
Platygaster platyptera
Platygaster pleuron
Platygaster plotina
Platygaster pluto
Platygaster polaszeki
Platygaster polita
Platygaster politiceps
Platygaster ponderosae
Platygaster portneufensis
Platygaster praecox
Platygaster producta
Platygaster prolata
Platygaster proxima
Platygaster pseudotsugae
Platygaster pubiventris
Platygaster puccinii
Platygaster punctiventris
Platygaster pygmaea
Platygaster pyramidalis
Platygaster quadriceps
Platygaster quadrifarius
Platygaster ramachandrai
Platygaster relativa
Platygaster resinosae
Platygaster retuertae
Platygaster reyi
Platygaster rhabdophagae
Platygaster riparia
Platygaster risbeciana
Platygaster robiniae
Platygaster rohweri
Platygaster romanica
Platygaster rossinii
Platygaster rubi
Platygaster ruficornis
Platygaster rufidens
Platygaster rufipes
Platygaster rufitibia
Platygaster rugosiceps
Platygaster rugosiscutellum
Platygaster rutilipes
Platygaster rutubus
Platygaster rwankwiensis
Platygaster sagana
Platygaster salicicola
Platygaster saliciperdae
Platygaster salvadorae
Platygaster sambuci
Platygaster sasii
Platygaster satara
Platygaster schlicki
Platygaster scorpoides
Platygaster scotica
Platygaster scrophulariae
Platygaster sculptiventris
Platygaster scutellator
Platygaster semiflava
Platygaster semiglabra
Platygaster setosa
Platygaster shastensis
Platygaster signata
Platygaster signe
Platygaster similis
Platygaster simplex
Platygaster singularis
Platygaster sinica
Platygaster sociabilis
Platygaster soederlundi
Platygaster solidaginis
Platygaster solodovnikovi
Platygaster sonchis
Platygaster sonnei
Platygaster sophianae
Platygaster srilankensis
Platygaster stachydis
Platygaster stefaniellae
Platygaster stefaniolae
Platygaster sterope
Platygaster stimulator
Platygaster strato
Platygaster striaticeps
Platygaster striaticollis
Platygaster striatidorsum
Platygaster striatifacies
Platygaster striatifrons
Platygaster striatipleura
Platygaster striatitergitis
Platygaster striatithorax
Platygaster striolata
Platygaster striolatus
Platygaster stylata
Platygaster subanguliceps
Platygaster subapicalis
Platygaster subaptera
Platygaster subfilicornis
Platygaster subplana
Platygaster subterranea
Platygaster subterraneus
Platygaster subtilis
Platygaster subulata
Platygaster subuliformis
Platygaster suecica
Platygaster suecicus
Platygaster sugitama
Platygaster sylea
Platygaster szelenyii
Platygaster tacita
Platygaster tanus
Platygaster taras
Platygaster taylori
Platygaster tenerifensis
Platygaster tenuicornis
Platygaster terco
Platygaster texana
Platygaster thomsoni
Platygaster tibialis
Platygaster tisias
Platygaster topali
Platygaster topaliana
Platygaster transsylvanica
Platygaster transsylvanicus
Platygaster transversiceps
Platygaster tricarinata
Platygaster tripotini
Platygaster truncata
Platygaster tschirnhausi
Platygaster tsitsikamensis
Platygaster tuberata
Platygaster tuberculatrix
Platygaster tuberculi
Platygaster tuberosa
Platygaster tuberosula
Platygaster tubulosa
Platygaster tumida
Platygaster tumoricola
Platygaster ulmicola
Platygaster ultima
Platygaster umbraculi
Platygaster ungeri
Platygaster uniformis
Platygaster urnicola
Platygaster urniphila
Platygaster utahensis
Platygaster vaenia
Platygaster vancouverensis
Platygaster variabilis
Platygaster varicornis
Platygaster vedresi
Platygaster vera
Platygaster verdii
Platygaster vernalis
Platygaster vernoniae
Platygaster verrucosa
Platygaster vertexialis
Platygaster verticalis
Platygaster vestina
Platygaster vestinus
Platygaster viburni
Platygaster victoriae
Platygaster vintheri
Platygaster virginiensis
Platygaster virgo
Platygaster viticola
Platygaster vitreus
Platygaster vulgaris
Platygaster warda
Platygaster websteri
Platygaster xeneus
Platygaster yunnanensis
Platygaster zambiana
Platygaster zangherii
Platygaster zantanus
Platygaster zaragozana
Platygaster zavchanensis
Platygaster zethus
Platygaster zosine