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Measurements. Total length 5.5, carapace 3.0 long, 2.28 wide. AME 0.14, AME-AME 0.15. Position of metatarsal trichobothria IV 0.9. Whole body, including sternum and venter of abdomen covered by comouflaging dirt (Figs 1–2). Carapace brown, without pattern, with two rows of hairs aside of median line, these rows are visible after removing the comouflaging dirt. AME spaced by one diameter (Fig. 3), anterior eyes form inverted trapezium (ALE row wider than AME row), posterior eye row almost straight, cephalic area with pit behind posterior median eyes. Leg subeaqual in length, formula 1423. Legs heavily built, with thick femur–tibia and twice as thin metatasrus–tarsus, border between tarsus and metatarsus poorly visible, metatarsi with terminal trichobothria. Length of legs and leg joints. Abdomen oval, with two spinnerets (Sn) about the size of anal tubercle (At). Palp as shown in Figs 6–11. The single specimen examined has both palps expanded. Tibia (Fig. 11) with long retrolateral apophysis tapering in terminal 1/3, dorsal side of apophysis with shallow blunt outgrowth, retrolateral side of tibia with trichobothrium in proximal part; cymbium oval, with trichobothrium on retrolateral side. Subtegulum (St) (Figs 8–10) large (as long as tegulum in lateral view), cone-shaped with three threads (Ts); prolaterally with process (Sp) directed to notch of embolic base. Tegulum nearly oval with triangle extesion (Te) in terminal part (Figs 6, 8, 10). Embolus (Em) broad, longer than tegulum, heavily built in the base (Eb), terminal part lamellated with two processes: digitiform posterior process (Ep) and triangle shape terminal process (Ea), seminal duct (Sd) broad and heavily sclerotised in the base of embolus, and very fine in lamellar part of embolus.
Yuri M. Marusik, Mikhail M. Omelko
bibliographic citation
Marusik Y, Omelko M (2013) First description of the male of Cryptothele verrucosa L. Koch, 1872 (Araneae), the type species of the genus ZooKeys 351: 31–36
Yuri M. Marusik
Mikhail M. Omelko
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