“Crella crassa (Hentschel) (Plate XII, 25 - 27)
Hentschel, 1914: 95, Taf.VII, Fig. 3 (Grayella); Burton, 1932: 327.
LOCALITIES. St. 44-A, 164, 460.
DIAGNOSIS. Body globular or elongate (somewhat clavate), to 5 cm long. Surface fairly smooth. Color: grayish yellow. At the tip of the body there are numerous small craterlike papillae with oscula 1 mm maximum diameter. The basal skeleton is formed of ramified fibers or strongyles and of scattered isolated acanthostyles. The dermal skeleton is a dense layer of tangential acanthostyles.
Spicules. Macroscleres: strongyles — 0.400 - 0.590 mm long and 0.009 - 0.014 mm wide; acanthostyles — 0.104 - 0.180 mm long and 0.005 ‑ 0.006 mm wide. Microscleres: arcuate chelas - 0.002 - 0.030 mm long.
DISTRIBUTION. Antarctic shores (Wilhelm II Coast, Banzare Coast,Elephant [Mordvinov] Island). Depth: 200-540 m.”
(Koltun, 1964)