acaulescent, clumping semi-succulent on a low crest of reddish gravels and shallow pale sands and silts over eroding limestone bedrock. Varietal status suggested principally by leaf characters; i.e. fewer and longer in length and a basal leaf blade width greater than 10 mm than the species, and to a lesser degree, the recurved 'scimitar-like' nature of the stiff, narrow leaves.
acaulescent, clumping semi-succulent on a low crest of reddish gravels and shallow pale sands and silts over eroding limestone bedrock. Varietal status suggested principally by leaf characters; i.e. fewer and longer in length and a basal leaf blade width greater than 10 mm than the species, and to a lesser degree, the recurved 'scimitar-like' nature of the stiff, narrow leaves.