Phil Myers,   cc-by-nc-sa-3.0

Apis mellifera (Honey Bee) is a species of Hymenoptera in the family Apidae. They are native to and . They visit flowers of Asparagus albus, sweet breath of spring, California croton, and Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. They are . Individuals can grow to 18 mm. They have parental care (). They rely on to move around.

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Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Honey bee. View this species on GBIF
Honey beeStenopogon californiaeEccritosia rubriventrisDiogmites salutansOrizaba Spotted OrbweaverProctacanthus brevipennisAphaenogaster senilisRuncinioides litteratuscrimson bottlebrushCatnipOrpineredflower gumobedient plantCommon Dandelionwhite sapoteLesser GoldfinchCommon Oblique SyrphidAmerican Hover FlyWhite-lined SphinxTwice-stabbed Stink BugVerbena Bud MothOrange-tipped Wood-diggerBellflower Resin BeeJapanese carpenter beeHylephila phylaeus

Trophic Web

data from GloBI