Neurothemis fulvia,[2] the fulvous forest skimmer,[3][4] is a species of dragonfly found in Asia.[1][5]
It is a medium-sized rusty dragonfly with transparent wing tips. Male has a reddish-brown face with eyes which are dark reddish brown above, golden brown below. Thorax, abdomen and legs are reddish brown. Wings are dark reddish brown with an irregular triangular transparent area at the tip of the wing. The wing spots are dark reddish brown. Many forms of females are found. Color of head, thorax and abdomen paler than males or rusty brown. Wings are clear amber yellow with a dark ray extending to the tip in fore wing. Many of them have an irregular triangular transparent area at the tip of the wing. The wings vary in size, shape, width and coloration. The clear uncoloured apices of wings will help to distinguish it from other red Asian dragonflies.[6][7][8][3][4]
It is a dragonfly of wet forests, usually perches on fallen logs and shrubs. A large number of them can be found together in canopy gaps and forest edges. It breeds in marshes associated with forest streams, marshes and ponds. They are also found in local parks, gardens, etc.[6][8]
Neurothemis fulvia est une espèce de libellule assez commune dans la péninsule malaise[1]et en Asie du Sud-Est[2].
(Ce qui le différentie de Neurothemis fluctuans dont l'extrémité des ailes est entièrement transparent). De plus, la tache transparente de l'aile postérieure de Neurothemis fulvia s'arrête au dernier quart alors qu'elle revient le long de la dernière nervure sur la moitié de l'aile postérieure chez Neurothemis fluctuans.
Depuis l'est de l'Inde, la Malaisie - Singapour - Thaïlande jusqu'en Chine et aux Philippines.
Neurothemis fulvia est une espèce de libellule assez commune dans la péninsule malaiseet en Asie du Sud-Est.
Neurothemis fulvia, femelleNeurothemis fulvia is een libellensoort uit de familie van de korenbouten (Libellulidae), onderorde echte libellen (Anisoptera).[2]
De soort staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als niet bedreigd, beoordelingsjaar 2009.[1]
De wetenschappelijke naam Neurothemis fulvia is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1773 door Drury.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesNeurothemis fulvia – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Neurothemis należącego do rodziny ważkowatych.
Neurothemis fulvia – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Neurothemis należącego do rodziny ważkowatych.
Neurothemis fulvia (tên tiếng Anh: Fulvous Forest Skimmer) là một loài chuồn chuồn ngô được tìm thấy ở Ấn Độ.[1]
Neurothemis fulvia (tên tiếng Anh: Fulvous Forest Skimmer) là một loài chuồn chuồn ngô được tìm thấy ở Ấn Độ.