
Interjectio niviella ( англиски )

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Interjectio niviella is a species of snout moth in the genus Interjectio described by George Duryea Hulst in 1888. It is found in North America in Colorado, Manitoba, Alberta, North Dakota, Iowa and Arizona.

The length of the forewings is about 12.3 mm. The ground color of the forewings is white.[4]


  1. ^ "GlobIZ search". Global Information System on Pyraloidea. Retrieved September 15, 2017.
  2. ^ Savela, Markku. "Interjectio Heinrich, 1956". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved September 15, 2017.
  3. ^ Moth Photographers Group at Mississippi State University
  4. ^ Moths of North Dakota
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Interjectio niviella: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Interjectio niviella is a species of snout moth in the genus Interjectio described by George Duryea Hulst in 1888. It is found in North America in Colorado, Manitoba, Alberta, North Dakota, Iowa and Arizona.

The length of the forewings is about 12.3 mm. The ground color of the forewings is white.

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Interjectio niviella ( холандски; фламански )

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Interjectio niviella is een vlinder uit de familie van de snuitmotten (Pyralidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1888 door Hulst.

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