transition zone from Central Desert to Gulf Coastal scrub
on volcanic silts and gravel of flat alluvial plain.
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
transition zone from Central Desert to Gulf Coastal scrub on braided drainage of shallow basin
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate
flat badland plain with desert pavement of accumulated mixed gravels over calcareous silty/sandy substrate