Yellow mud turtles have high-domed carapaces. The scutes are rounded and smooth, but the ninth and tenth scutes are larger than the others. The carapace can be olive green, brown, or tan with the borders of each scute bordered in black. Males are slightly larger than females. Males have larger heads than females, but they are more flattened on top. The head, neck, and limbs are the same color as the shell, but the chin and cheeks are yellowish. Yellow mud turtles range from 10.2 to 15.2 cm in body length. Female yellow mud turtles have an average size of 11.4 cm, males are slightly larger with an average size of 14 cm. Average mass is 391 g.
Average mass: 391 g.
Range length: 10.2 to 15.2 cm.
Average length: 11.4 cm.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; sexes shaped differently
As soon as yellow mud turtles have hatched the new young are nearly independent. Some female turtles stay with the young for a few days, but others abandon the eggs. Once hatched, these turtles begin looking for food.
Kinosternon flavescens flavescens was introduced to portions of Arizona and may have become an aquatic nuisance species there.
Yellow mud turtles are important predators of fishes, snakes, and other turtles in their native ecosystems.
Feces from Kinosternon flavescens helps with soil fertilization. Yellow mud turtles help regulate population size of small fishes and amphibians by feeding on the eggs of many species. Yellow mud turtles are parasitized by leeches, Macrobdella decora, which attach themselves to the skin of their legs and tails. Algae are also found on the shells of yellow mud turtles, including Basicladia chelonum and Basicladia crassa. Algae typically had no harmful effect on the turtle but, in rare cases the algae harmed the strength of the shell.
Commensal/Parasitic Species:
Yellow mud turtles are omnivores with a broad diet. Animals consumed range from small insects to amphibians and reptiles, as long as they are smaller than the turtle. Yellow mud turtles generally forage in the water, but sometimes find food on the surface of the water or on land. Their sense of smell and taste enable these turtles to locate food easily under water. Yellow mud turtles eat vegetation, carrion, fish, shrimp, crayfish, snails, and small clams. Yellow mud turtles also prey on the eggs of other turtles and fish. During dry seasons, yellow mud turtles bury themselves in mud or dirt and prey on earthworms, insects, spiders, and ticks.
Animal Foods: amphibians; reptiles; fish; eggs; carrion ; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods; mollusks; terrestrial worms; aquatic crustaceans
Plant Foods: leaves; algae
Other Foods: detritus
Primary Diet: omnivore
Yellow mud turtles range throughout the midwest United States, from the northern parts of Mexico to as far north as Nebraska. Yellow mud turtles are also found in eastern New Mexico, Oklahoma, southeast Arizona and western Kansas. There are disjunct populations in northeast Missouri and central Illinois.
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
Yellow mud turtles are found in freshwater habitats. They are found in small permanent and temporary ponds. Yellow mud turtles are found mainly in smaller ponds with muddy bottoms with little or no vegetation. In arid regions yellow mud turtles can be found in cattle tanks, ditches, and sewer drains. When their small pools and ditches start drying up, yellow mud turtles can be found buried beneath the mud.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial ; freshwater
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland
Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; temporary pools
Other Habitat Features: agricultural ; riparian
Yellow mud turtles have a lifespan of about fifteen years in the wild. Turtles in captivity have a lifespan of roughly ten years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 15 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 10 years.
Yellow mud turtles have few natural predators as adults. As eggs and young they are preyed on by skunks, raccoons, other turtles, water snakes, and large predatory fish. When yellow mud turtles are threatened they release a potent smell from their bodies which may repel predators.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Yellow mud turtle populations are stable throughout most of their range. Yellow mud turtles are not endangered or threatened in northern Nebraska through Texas and into Mexico. In Missouri K. f. flavescens is listed as state endangered. Kinosternon flavescens flavescens is on the state-endangered list in Illinois.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: no special status
Yellow mud turtles use touch to communicate with other yellow mud turtles. They use scent for social communication and to detect prey. Yellow mud turtles emit a strong musky odor when threatened by a predator.
Communication Channels: tactile ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical
There are three phases of courtship in mating: tactile, mounting, and intromission (biting and rubbing). The tactile stage involves a male turtle approaching another turtle with head extended to smell the tail to determine the sex. If the turtle is male, the courtship ends; if female, the male will nudge the area of her nose around the musk glands. The female will usually move away at this point and the male turtle will either follow her or go elsewhere. If followed the male turtle will attempt to bite and nip the female around her head. The male turtle will then mount the female, which can occur on land, in the water, or along the shoreline. This stage lasts from a few seconds to 3 minutes. The second stage of mounting then begins, with the male mounting on all fours and using its tail to grab and move the female's tail, after which copulation occurs.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Yellow mud turtles mate in April and May, a second period of mating occurs in September. Most nesting occurs during the springtime and hatching during the fall. Young turtles hatch and either spend the winter in a pond or bury themselves in the mud until spring. Yellow mud turtles usually have one clutch a year, but sometimes have a second clutch. The clutch size is typically 4 to 6 eggs. Female turtles become sexually mature at 5 to 8 years of age, males mature at 4 to 7 years old.
Breeding interval: Yellow mud turtles breed once a year.
Breeding season: Breeding occurs from July through September.
Range number of offspring: 3 to 6.
Average number of offspring: 4.
Range gestation period: 2 to 3 months.
Range time to independence: 0 to 40 days.
Average time to independence: 10-15 days.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 5 to 8 years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 4 to 7 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous
Female yellow mud turtles lay eggs on the surface of the ground or dig a shallow hole in which they lay the eggs. Once laid, females will often stay with their eggs for forty days, but some will leave after laying the egg. Most females only stay for ten to fifteen days with their eggs. After hatching, young turtles are entirely independent. Hatchlings either stay in a pond over the winter months or bury themselves in mud to overwinter.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Protecting: Female)
The yellow mud turtle (Kinosternon flavescens),[3] also commonly known as the yellow-necked mud turtle,[4] is a species of mud turtle in the family Kinosternidae. The species is endemic to the Central United States and Mexico.
Its current presence is uncertain in Veracruz (Mexico) and Arkansas (United States).
The yellow mud turtle is a small, olive-colored turtle. Both the common name, yellow mud turtle, and the specific name, flavescens (Latin: yellow), refer to the yellow-colored areas on the throat, head, and sides of the neck. The bottom shell (plastron) is yellow to brown with two hinges, allowing the turtle to close each end separately. The male's tail has a blunt spine on the end, but the female's tail does not.
The yellow mud turtle can live for more than 40 years.[5]
Yellow mud turtles are omnivorous. Their diet includes worms, crayfish, frogs, snails, fish, fairy shrimp, slugs, leeches, tadpoles, and other aquatic insects and invertebrates. They also eat vegetation and dead and decaying matter.
Yellow mud turtles forage on land and water for food. In early spring their main diet is fairy shrimp they find in the shallows of their ponds. While they are burrowing, they will eat earthworms or grubs they encounter. Some studies show these turtles will eat earthworms that pass in front of them while hibernating. They also consume fish and other aquatic organisms.
Most female aquatic turtles excavate a nest in the soil near a water source, deposit their eggs and leave, but yellow mud turtles exhibit a pattern of parental care. They are the only turtle that has been observed that stays with the eggs for any period of time. The female lays a clutch of 1-9 eggs[6] and stays with the eggs for a period of time of a few hours up to 38 days. It is believed that the female stays to keep the predators away from the eggs. It was also observed that the females would urinate on their nests in dry years. This is believed to aid in the hatch success rate of the eggs in dry years.
It is believed that in their natural habitat that spring rains induce the turtles to begin nesting. The eggs hatch in the fall and some hatchlings leave the nest and spend the winter in aquatic habitats, but most of the hatchlings burrow below the nest and wait until spring to emerge and then move to the water. This is believed to aid in survival rates of the hatchlings, because some water bodies freeze solid during the winter. Another benefit of waiting to emerge in the spring is that hatchlings enter an environment of increasing resources, such as heat, light, and food.
The yellow mud turtle (Kinosternon flavescens), also commonly known as the yellow-necked mud turtle, is a species of mud turtle in the family Kinosternidae. The species is endemic to the Central United States and Mexico.
La tortuga de pantano amarilla (Kinosternon flavescens) es una especie de tortuga de la familia Kinosternidae. Se distribuye por el norte de México y el centro de Estados Unidos.
Su presencia es incierta en Veracruz (México) y en Arkansas (Estados Unidos).
La tortuga de pantano amarilla es un pequeño reptil de color verde oliva. Su nombre proviene de las áreas de color amarillo de su garganta, cabeza y en los lados de su cuello. El forro del fondo es de color amarillo a marrón con dos bisagras, lo que permite a la tortuga cerrar cada extremo por separado. La cola del macho tiene una espina dorsal contundente en el final, pero la cola de la hembra no la tiene. Vive unos 15 años de media.
Las tortugas amarillas son omnívoras. Su dieta incluye gusanos, cangrejos de río, ranas, caracoles, peces, sanguijuelas, renacuajos y otros insectos acuáticos e invertebrados. También se alimentan de la vegetación y de la materia muerta y en descomposición.
En la primavera su alimento principal es el camarón que encuentran en las aguas poco profundas de sus estanques, además de gusanos o larvas que puedan encontrar. Comen lombrices que pasan por delante de ellas mientras hibernan, aunque no buscan alimentos, están en alerta para cazar lo que esté disponible.
Las tortugas acuáticas hembras excavan un nido en el suelo cerca de una fuente de agua, depositan sus huevos y se van, pero las tortugas de esta especie presentan un patrón de atención materna. Es la única tortuga que se ha observado que se queda con los huevos por un período de tiempo. La hembra pone 1-9 huevos y se queda con los huevos por un período de tiempo de unas pocas horas hasta 38 días. Se cree que la hembra se queda para mantener a los depredadores lejos de los huevos. También se observó que las hembras orinan en sus nidos en los años secos. Se cree que esto ayuda en la tasa de éxito de eclosión de los huevos en los años secos.
Se cree que en su hábitat natural las lluvias de primavera inducen a las tortugas para comenzar a anidar. Los huevos eclosionan en el otoño y algunas crías abandonan el nido y pasan el invierno en hábitats acuáticos, pero la mayoría de las crías se quedan en el nido y esperan hasta la primavera para salir y saltar al agua. Esto se cree que ayuda en las tasas de supervivencia de las crías, ya que algunos cuerpos de agua se congelan durante el invierno. Otro beneficio de la espera de salir en la primavera es que las crías entran en un entorno de aumento de los recursos, tales como calor, luz y comida.
La tortuga de pantano amarilla (Kinosternon flavescens) es una especie de tortuga de la familia Kinosternidae. Se distribuye por el norte de México y el centro de Estados Unidos.
Kinosternon flavescens Kinosternon generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Kinosternidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Kinosternon flavescens Kinosternon generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Kinosternidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Keltainenmutakilpikonna (Kinosternon flavescens) on myskikilpikonnalle sukua oleva kilpikonnalaji. Keltaisenmutakilpikonnan alalajeja ovat K. f. flavescens, K. f. stejnegeri ja illinoisinkeltainenmutakilpikonna (K. f. spooneri).
Yksilön pituus on 12–16 cm. Lajin nimi johtuu keltaisesta kurkusta. Kilpi on vihertävänruskea ja se on muodoltaan ovaalinmuotoinen ja matala. Kuono on terävä.
Lajia tavataan Yhdysvaltojen keski- ja eteläosissa ja Meksikossa. Sitä esiintyy matalikoissa ja ruohikoilla, myös preerialla ja autiomaassa.[1]
Munia on 1–6, joskus jopa 9. Munimisesta poikasten kuoriutumiseen kuluu noin 75 vuorokautta.
Eläin syö enimmäkseen vedessä eläviä selkärangattomia eläimiä. Joskus se syö myös maalla eläviä selkärangattomia, kaloja, sammakkoeläimiä ja kasveja.[2][3]
Keltainenmutakilpikonna (Kinosternon flavescens) on myskikilpikonnalle sukua oleva kilpikonnalaji. Keltaisenmutakilpikonnan alalajeja ovat K. f. flavescens, K. f. stejnegeri ja illinoisinkeltainenmutakilpikonna (K. f. spooneri).
Kinosternon flavescens est une espèce de tortues de la famille des Kinosternidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :
Sa présence est incertaine de l'État de Veracruz au Mexique et dans l'Arkansas aux États-Unis.
Kinosternon flavescens est une espèce de tortues de la famille des Kinosternidae.
De gele modderschildpad[2] (Kinosternon flavescens) is een schildpad uit de familie modder- en muskusschildpadden (Kinosternidae).[3] De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Louis Agassiz in 1857. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Platythyra flavescens gebruikt.
De juveniele dieren zijn zeer donkerbruingrijs tot zwart, het schild is nog niet koepelvormig, en poten en flanken zijn duidelijk zichtbaar. De schildrand is geel, evenals de buik maar in het midden heeft de buik dezelfde kleur als het schild, meestal iets donkerder.[4] Aan de gele kleuren is de wetenschappelijke soortnaam te danken, want flavescens betekent geel. Bij de volwassen exemplaren is de gele kleur meestal verdwenen, soms zijn de buikplaten bruingeel, het schild is zeer donkerbruin, -grijs of -groen. Het schild van een volwassen dier heeft een plat middendeel met daar omheen negen hoornplaten. De kop en poten kunnen volledig worden teruggetrokken. Het schild wordt ongeveer 15 - 20 cm lang.
De schildpad is omnivoor; hij eet zo af en toe weleens plantendelen, hoewel het menu uit hoofdzaak bestaat uit amfibieën, visjes en insectenlarven. Als typische moerasbewoner vertoeft deze soort graag in het water maar om te zonnen kruipt de schildpad op het land. Ter verdediging scheidt hij een stinkende geurstof af uit twee klieren onder zijn rugschild, maar hij kan ook bijten met zijn krachtige kaken. Zijn zomerslaap houdt hij in het hol van een bisamrat of onder dode bladeren. In koudere streken houdt hij ook een winterslaap.
De gele modderschildpad komt voor in het noorden van Mexico en de Verenigde Staten, in Nebraska en Texas. De habitat bestaat uit ondiepe, modderige wateren of gegraven drinkputten voor vee.
De gele modderschildpad (Kinosternon flavescens) is een schildpad uit de familie modder- en muskusschildpadden (Kinosternidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Louis Agassiz in 1857. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Platythyra flavescens gebruikt.
Gulmudderskilpadden (kinosternon flavescens) er en ferskvannsskilpadde som lever i Sør-USA og Nord-Mexico.
I tillegg til å trekke seg inn i skallet for å forsvare seg mot fiender, kan gulmudderskilpadden slippe ut en illeluktende moskusduft fra to par kjertler under ryggskjoldet. Iblant biter den også. Den har svært kraftige kjever som knuser byttedyr som snegler, insekter og rumpetroll med. Den er hovedsakelig dagaktiv og oppholder seg for det meste i grunne, sakteflytende vannveier på grassmark. Midt på sommeren søker den ly mot varmen i bisamrottebol eller under bladstrø. I de kalde delene av biotopen går den i vinterdvale.
Gulmudderskilpadden (kinosternon flavescens) er en ferskvannsskilpadde som lever i Sør-USA og Nord-Mexico.
I tillegg til å trekke seg inn i skallet for å forsvare seg mot fiender, kan gulmudderskilpadden slippe ut en illeluktende moskusduft fra to par kjertler under ryggskjoldet. Iblant biter den også. Den har svært kraftige kjever som knuser byttedyr som snegler, insekter og rumpetroll med. Den er hovedsakelig dagaktiv og oppholder seg for det meste i grunne, sakteflytende vannveier på grassmark. Midt på sommeren søker den ly mot varmen i bisamrottebol eller under bladstrø. I de kalde delene av biotopen går den i vinterdvale.
Kinosternon flavescens – gatunek gada z podrzędu żółwi skrytoszyjnych.
Karpaks oliwkowy, oliwkowo-żółty lub oliwkowo-szary. Brzegi karpaksu są czasami bardziej żółte. Głowa i kończyny są podobnie ubarwione jak karpaks lecz z wyraźniej zaznaczonym kolorem żółtym. Żyją ponad 10 lat[1]. Długość ciała wynosi 8-16,8 cm[2][3]. Samice w maju lub czerwcu składają od 1 do 10 jaj barwy białej, kształtu eliptycznego , niewielkich rozmiarów - 23-31mm długości i 14-18 mm szerokości[4].Młode klują się po 90 do 118 dniach. Odżywia się ślimakami, rakami, insektami, robakami, drobnymi rybami. Występuje w Ameryce Północnej na terenie USA i Meksyku.
Kinosternon flavescens – gatunek gada z podrzędu żółwi skrytoszyjnych.
Karpaks oliwkowy, oliwkowo-żółty lub oliwkowo-szary. Brzegi karpaksu są czasami bardziej żółte. Głowa i kończyny są podobnie ubarwione jak karpaks lecz z wyraźniej zaznaczonym kolorem żółtym. Żyją ponad 10 lat. Długość ciała wynosi 8-16,8 cm. Samice w maju lub czerwcu składają od 1 do 10 jaj barwy białej, kształtu eliptycznego , niewielkich rozmiarów - 23-31mm długości i 14-18 mm szerokości.Młode klują się po 90 do 118 dniach. Odżywia się ślimakami, rakami, insektami, robakami, drobnymi rybami. Występuje w Ameryce Północnej na terenie USA i Meksyku.
Kinosternon flavescens[2] är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Agassiz 1857. Kinosternon flavescens ingår i släktet Kinosternon, och familjen slamsköldpaddor.[3][4] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1]
Arten delas in i följande underarter:[3]
Honor blir könsmogna vid en ålder på mellan 11 och 16 år.[4] De kan bli mer än 40 år gamla, eventuellt ännu mer.[1]
Honor lägger ägg en gång per år med fyra till nio ägg per kull som kläcks som tidigast efter tre månader.[1] Ungarna är 1,8 till 3,1 cm när de kläcks.[1] Ovanligt bland sköldpaddor är att honorna vaktar sitt bo, någon tid efter att de lagt äggen, mellan några timmar men upp till 38 dagar.[1]
Arten finns i USA (Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico och Arizona) och i Mexiko (Sonora, Durango, Sinaloa, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas och Veracruz).[3] Den är relativt vanlig även om beståndet har minskat något.[1]
Arten finns i stort sett i vilken typ av vatten som helst i öken eller prärie.[1] Populationerna i USA föredrar temporära vattensamlingar medan de i Mexiko föredrar permanenta vattensamlingar.[1] Om det krävs kan de gå i dvala nergrävda i sand upp till 450 meter från vattensamlingar.[1]
Arten är allätare men föredrar animalisk föda.[1]
De populationerna som finns i USA minskar på grund av habitatförstöring.[1]
Kinosternon flavescens är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Agassiz 1857. Kinosternon flavescens ingår i släktet Kinosternon, och familjen slamsköldpaddor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.
Загальна довжина карапаксу досягає довжини 15 см. Спостерігається статевий диморфізм: самці більші за самиць, хвости у них довші і важчі, на кінці у них кігтеподібний відгалуження. Пластини на карапаксі розширені зверху, мають вигляд грибних капелюшків.
Карапакс забарвлено у темно-оливковий, темно-коричневий або чорний колір. Пластрон світлий.
Полюбляють ставки та річки, зустрічаються на піщаних пляжах. Більшу частину року проводить зарившись у пісок, до води виходить навесні і на початку літа. Харчується безхребетними, слимаками, рибою, рослинами.
Статева зрілість настає у 4 роки. Самиця відкладає від 3 до 7 яєць еліптичної форми (25 x 15 мм) в ямки у період з середини червня до липня. Інкубаційний період триває від 94 до 125 днів.
Страждає від природних хижаків: змій, скунсів, лисиць й койотів.
Мешкає у штатах США: Аризона, Канзас, Арканзас, Небраска, Колорадо, Нью-Мексико, Айова, Іллінойс, Міссурі, Міссісіпі, Оклахома, Техас, у Мексиці: Чихуахуа, Коауїла, Нуево-Леон, Тамауліпас, Веракрус.
Kinosternon flavescens là một loài rùa trong họ Kinosternidae. Loài này được Agassiz mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1857.[2]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Kinosternon flavescens tại Wikimedia Commons
Kinosternon flavescens là một loài rùa trong họ Kinosternidae. Loài này được Agassiz mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1857.
Kinosternon flavescens (Agassiz, 1857)
СинонимыЖёлтая замыкающаяся черепаха[1] (лат. Kinosternon flavescens) — вид иловых черепах, обитающий в Северной Америке[2].
Общая длина карапакса достигает длины 15 см. Наблюдается половой диморфизм: самцы крупнее самок, хвосты у них длиннее и тяжелее, на конце у них ногтеобразные ответвления. Пластины на карапаксе расширенные сверху, имеют вид грибных шляпок.
Карапакс окрашен в тёмно-оливковый, тёмно-коричневый или чёрный цвет. Пластрон светлый.
Предпочитает пруды и реки, встречающиеся на песчаных пляжах. Большую часть года проводит зарывшись в песок, в воду выходит весной и в начале лета. Питается беспозвоночными, моллюсками, рыбой, растениями.
Половая зрелость наступает в 4 года. Самка откладывает от 3 до 7 яиц эллиптической формы (25 x 15 мм) в ямки в период с середины июня до июля. Инкубационный период длится от 94 до 125 дней.
Обитает в США — в штатах Аризона, Канзас, Арканзас, Небраска, Колорадо, Нью-Мексико, Айова, Иллинойс, Миссури, Миссисипи, Оклахома, Техас, и в Мексике — в штатах Чихуахуа, Коауила, Нуэво-Леон, Тамаулипас, Веракрус.
Жёлтая замыкающаяся черепаха (лат. Kinosternon flavescens) — вид иловых черепах, обитающий в Северной Америке.
黃動胸龜(學名:Kinosternon flavescens)為動胸龜屬下的一種龜。發現於墨西哥和美國。
Cinosternon flavescens
Agassiz, 1857
キイロドロガメ(学名:Kinosternon flavescens)は、ドロガメ科ドロガメ属に分類されるカメ。
以前は4亜種に分かれていた。しかし亜種アリゾナキイロドロガメと亜種ドゥランゴキイロドロガメはミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列の分子系統学的解析では、基亜種(現在の本種)ではなくザラアシドロガメと単系統群を形成すると推定されたため独立種として分割する説が有力[3]。アイオワ州、イリノイ州、ミズーリ州の個体群を亜種イリノイキイロドロガメK. f. spooneriとする説もあったが、識別形態が基亜種と重複すること、分子系統学的解析でも基亜種と差異がないため、現在は本種の亜種を認めない説が有力[3]。