
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Nostima schildi Cresson

Nostima schildi Cresson, 1941:4.—Wirth, 1968:17 [Neotropical catalog].—Lizarralde de Grosso, 1989:54 [review, Argentina].—Mathis and Zatwarnicki, 1995:193 [world catalog].

Nostima (Nostima) schildi.—Cresson, 1947:41 [review].

DIAGNOSIS.—Nostima schildi is distinguished from congeners by the following combination of external characters: gena with silvery gray microtomentum; mesonotum vittate; scutellum laterally covered with silvery gray microtomentum; hindtibia banded; tergite 2 posterolaterally with dense, silvery gray microtomentum; tergite 3 with dense, silvery gray microtomentose band along posterolateral margin; tergite 4 with dense, silvery gray microtomentum in trapezoidal band along posterior margin and covering of mediodorsum; tergite 5 posteromedially with dense, silvery gray microtomentose triangular spot; and wing veins and crossveins unicolorous.

DESCRIPTION.—Small shore flies, body length 1.20–1.70 mm; yellowish brown to brown with yellowish silver and silvery gray microtomentum.

Head: Frons with brown ventrolateral triangles with yellowish silver microtomentum, anterior semicircle brown but slightly paler than ventrolateral triangles and with yellowish silver microtomentum, darker medioventrally. Occiput with silvery gray microtomentum. Outer vertical seta length of inner vertical seta; paravertical seta minute. Scape and pedicel yellowish brown; flagellomere 1 yellowish brown ventrally, brown dorsally; arista dorsally branched. Facial background yellowish brown with yellowish silver and silvery gray microtomentum; narrow band of yellowish silver microtomentum along eye margin beginning at vertical setae, extending and gradually blending with silvery gray microtomentum on gena. Medially along parafacial, a yellowish brown band extending lateroventrally below gena. Face yellowish brown and covered with sparse, yellowish silver microtomentum. Gena covered with silvery gray microtomentum; postgena covered with silvery gray microtomentum less dense than on gena. Maxillary palpus yellow; prementum yellowish brown.

Thorax (Figure 164): Scutal length 0.40–0.58 mm; scutellar length 0.14–0.23 mm. Mesonotum brown, vittate with silvery gray microtomentum, vittae posteriorly not distinct; mesonotum medially with dark brown line laterally bounded with silvery gray bands; dorsocentral line brown; silvery gray stripe between dorsocentral line and interalar setae; scutellum brown with sparse, yellowish silver microtomentum, laterally with silvery gray microtomentum; anepisternum shiny brown with sparse, silvery gray microtomentum; katepisternum brown with sparse, silvery gray microtomentum; subscutellum brown with sparse, yellowish silver microtomentum; anatergite shiny brown with sparse, yellowish silver microtomentum. Chaetotaxy: anterior dorsocentral seta length of posterior seta; supra-alar setae present; anterior notopleural seta length of posterior seta; lateral scutellar seta length of apical seta. Wing (Figure 164): length 1.40–1.76 mm; width 0.59–0.78 mm; costal-vein ratio 0.97–1.48; M-vein ratio 0.20–0.35; amber background, anteriorly slightly darker, with pale brown veins and crossveins. Halter yellowish white. Legs yellowish brown to brown; hindfemur yellowish brown proximally, darker distally; foretibia yellowish brown proximally, darker distally; hindtibia yellowish brown with medioproximal and mediodistal brown band; tarsi yellowish brown, tarsomere 5 slightly darker.

Abdomen (Figures 99–101, 229, 230): Background yellowish brown; tergites 1–5 covered with sparse, yellowish silver microtomentum; tergite 2 posterolaterally with dense, silvery gray microtomentum; tergite 3 with dense, silvery gray microtomentose band along posterolateral margin; tergite 4 with dense, silvery gray microtomentum in trapezoidal band along posterior margin covering of mediodorsum, lateral margins with dense, silvery gray microtomentum; tergite 5 with dense, very gray microtomentum posteromedially in triangular spot, male genitalia (Figures 99–101): epandrium-cerci-surstyli complex fused; epandrium a U-shaped band with rounded anoventral projection; cercus crescent-shaped with many long ulae, fused ventromedially with epandrium, separated dorsally from epandrium by V-shaped space; surstylus dorsally fused with epandrium, rounded with anterior projection, and wing several long setae; aedeagal apodeme triangular in lateral view, posterior projection spatulate, anterior projection narrowly pointed, lateral projections roundly pointed and expanding laterally beyond gonite; aedeagus heavily sclerotized, th posterior groove in ventral view, anteriorly bifurcate in lateral view; subepandrial plate-gonite-hypandrium fused; sub-andrial plate narrow; gonite anterolaterally fused with sub-andrial plate, with medioventral prominent setulae, posterior projection rectangular in lateral view with small posterodorsal int; hypandrium fused posterolaterally with subepandrial ate, with spatulate posterior projection and irregularly inded anterior projection.

TYPE MATERIAL.—The holotype male of Nostima schildi Cresson is labeled “La Suiza de Turrialba COSTA RICA Pablo Schild/[black circle]/TYPE Nostima SCHILDI E.T. Cresson, Jr. 6604 [red; species name and number handwritten, number written along left margin of label] [red]/ANSP [yellow].” The holotype is double mounted (plant spine through thorax, spine in a thin, rectangular plastic mount), is in good condition (wrinkled abdomen), and is deposited in the ANSP (6604).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED (14, 23 ).—ARGENTINA. Salta: Aguaray, 14–19 Feb 1950, R.M. Golbach (1 USNM).

BOLIVIA. La Paz: Apa Apa (8 km S Chulumani; 16°22′S, 67°30.4′W, 1960 m), 23 Mar 2001, S. Gaimari (1 USNM); Chulumani (2 km S; 16°23.5′S, 67°31.8′W; 1750 m), 9–10 Mar 2001, W.N. Mathis (1 USNM); Guanay (3 km E; 15°30.2′S, 67°52.3′W; 500 m), 14 Mar 2001, W.N. Mathis (3, 3 USNM).

COSTA RICA. Cartago: La Suiza, Jul-Aug, P. Schild (1, 5 ANSP).

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Azua: Barrero (7 km WNW; Sierra Martin Garcia; east side of crest; cloud forest adjacent to disturbed forest; 18°21′N, 70°58′W, 860 m), 25–26 Jul 1992, C. Young, R. Davidson, S. Thompson, J. Rawlins (1, 2 CARN). Barahona: Paraiso (9.2 km NW; confluence of Rio Nizao and Rio Coltico; 18°03′N, 71°12′W; 230 m), 9–10 Aug 1990, J. Rawlins, S. Thompson (1 CARN). Dajabon: Loma de Cabrera (9 km S; 19°21′N, 71°37′W; 620 m; disturbed pastures in mesic woodland), 12 Jul 1992, J. Rawlins, S. Thompson, C. Young, R. Davidson (1 CARN). Pedernales: Cabo Rojo (Alcoa Road, km 26), 17–20 Jan 1989, S.A. Marshall, J. Swann (1 GUEL); Cabo Rojo (26 km N; 18°06′N, 71°38′W; 730 m; mesic deciduous forest with scattered pines), 16 Jul 1992, C. Young, R. Davidson, S. Thompson, J. Rawlins (1 CARN); Las Abejas cloud forest (30 km N Cabo Rojo; 18°09′N, 71°38′W; 1300 m), 17 Jan 1989, L. Masner (1, 4 CNC); Las Abejas cloud forest (37 km N Cabo Rojo; 4 km E Las Abejas; 18°10′N, 71°37′W; 1440 m), 12 Jul 1987, J.E. Rawlins, R.L. Davidson (1 CARN); Las Abejas cloud forest (38 km NNW Cabo Rojo; 18°09′N, 71°38′W; 1250 m), 15 Jul 1987, J.E. Rawlins, R.L. Davidson (2 CARN).

ECUADOR. Chimborazo: Naranjapata, Chilicay, 16 Jun 1955, R. Levi Castillo (2 USNM). Napo: Coca, Napo River, 25–30 Apr 1965, L.E. Peña (1 CNC).

PANAMA. Canal Zone: Balboa, Feb 1958, M.R. Wheeler (1 USNM).

PERU. Huànuco: Tingo Maria, Sep 1955, T. Dobzhansky, C. Pavan (1 USNM); Tingo Maria, Monzon Valley, 11 Dec 1954, E.I. Schlinger, E.S. Ross (1 USNM).

UNITED STATES. Florida: Jackson County, Florida Caverns State Park (Malaise trap), 26 May 1973, W.W. Wirth (1 USNM).

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 102).—Nearctic: United States (Florida). Neotropical: Argentina (Salta), Bolivia (La Paz), Costa Rica (Cartago), Ecuador (Chimborazo, Napo), Panama (Canal Zone), Peru (Huànuco), West Indies (Dominican Republic).

ETYMOLOGY.—Nostima schildi was named to honor Pablo Schild, an early twentieth century collector of Costa Rican Diptera.
библиографски навод
Edmiston, J. F. and Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 2005. "A revision of the New World species of the shore-fly subgenus Nostima Coquillett (Genus Philygria Stenhammar; Diptera: Ephydridae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-108. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.623
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Nostima schildi ( холандски; фламански )

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Nostima schildi is een vliegensoort uit de familie van de oevervliegen (Ephydridae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1941 door Cresson.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Mathis and Zatwarnicki, 1995, World Catalog of Shore Flies, p. 193.
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