
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Dicaeoma fidele Arthur
Puccinia Jidelis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 38: 369. 1911. Eriosporangium Jidelis Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 212. 1912.
Pycnia hypophyllous, grouped among the aecia, prominent, punctiform, in section imperfectly flask-shaped with shallow base, large, 112-144 /* broad by 65 fjt. high; protruding conoidal mass of ostiolar filaments 60-90 ju high.
Aecia hypophyllous and caulicolous, abundant, scattered over the whole plant from a diffused mycelium, causing some hypertrophy and etiolation, chiefly seated on the woody tissues and hence often in rows along the veins, bullate, mostly oval, large, 0.8-1.3 mm. across, somewhat tardily dehiscent by irregular slits, orange-colored fading to dirty-white, overarching epidermis reddish and prominent; peridium wanting; aeciospores globoid, 20-24 by 23-30 ju, mostly 23-26 ju in diameter; wall nearly or quite colorless, appearing very thick, 2.5-3 ju, coarsely and closely verrucose.
Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, soon naked, dark cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; lurediniospores globoid, 21-24 by 23-26 ju, usually 23-25 ju in diameter; waU cinnamon-brown, rather thin, 1-1.5 ju, finely and abundantly echinulate, the pores usually inconspicuous, generally 4 near the hilum.
библиографски навод
Joseph Charles Arthur, Herbert Spencer Jackson, Clayton Roberts Orton. 1921. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON CARDUACEAE; ALLODUS. North American flora. vol 7(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora