
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Tilletia corona Scrib.; Tracy & Earle, Bull. Torrey Club
23: 210. 1896.
Neovossia corona Massee, Kew Bull. 1899 : 156. 1899.
Sori in ovaries, ovoid or ovate, about 3-4 mm. in length, more or less exposed between the glumes ; sp.ores showing different stages of development, when mature opaque, chiefly subspherical or spherical, with evident hyaline membrane ending at one side in a short pedicel -like projection, with evident sometimes slightly curved hyaline spines (on top of spore showing as papillae) extending out to membrane and with it forming a hyaline band 1-2 fi deep, chiefly 19-25 fjin diameter.
On Poaceae :
Homalocenchrus' lenticularis {Leersia lenticularis) ^ Mississippi.
Homalocenchrus oryzoides {Leersia oryzoides) , District of Columbia, Missouri.
Homalocenchrus virginicus {^Leersia virginica)^ District of Columbia, Illinois, Mississippi, Ohio. Type locality : Washington, District of Columbia, on Homalocenchrus oryzoides. Distribution : District of Columbia to Missouri and Mississippi.
библиографски навод
George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora