
Gloiocephala ( англиски )

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Gloiocephala is a genus of fungi in the family Physalacriaceae. The genus is widespread, though mainly known from tropical and sub-tropical areas, and contains about 30 species.[1]

The mushrooms of this group are very small and grow on stems and leaves of monocotyledonous plants, such as sedges, usually in wet places. In most species their fruiting bodies do not develop into a typical mushroom form - the gills are often reduced to vein-like structures or completely missing, and the stipe may be asymmetrical, short or absent.[2][3]

There are five species which grow in Europe: G. caricis, G. cerkesii, G. cornelii, G. menieri and G. pseudocaricis.[2]



  1. ^ Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. p. 285. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.
  2. ^ a b Antonín, V.; Noordeloos, M. E. (2010). A monograph of marasmioid and collybioid fungi in Europe. Berchtesgaden, DE: IHW Verlag. pp. 413–414. ISBN 978-3-930167-72-2.
  3. ^ Knudsen, H.; Vesterholt, J., eds. (2018). Funga Nordica Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gasteroid genera. Copenhagen: Nordsvamp. p. 329. ISBN 978-87-983961-3-0.
  4. ^ Desjardin DE, Martínez-Peck L, Rajchenberg M (1995). "An unusual psychrophilic aquatic agaric from Argentina". Mycologia. 87 (4): 547–50. doi:10.2307/3760774. JSTOR 3760774.
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wikipedia EN

Gloiocephala: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Gloiocephala is a genus of fungi in the family Physalacriaceae. The genus is widespread, though mainly known from tropical and sub-tropical areas, and contains about 30 species.

The mushrooms of this group are very small and grow on stems and leaves of monocotyledonous plants, such as sedges, usually in wet places. In most species their fruiting bodies do not develop into a typical mushroom form - the gills are often reduced to vein-like structures or completely missing, and the stipe may be asymmetrical, short or absent.

There are five species which grow in Europe: G. caricis, G. cerkesii, G. cornelii, G. menieri and G. pseudocaricis.

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wikipedia EN

Gloiocephala ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Gloiocephala es un género de hongo de la familia de setas Physalacriaceae. El género, distribuido de forma amplia, incluye 30 especies.[1]


  1. Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edición). Wallingford, UK: CABI. p. 285. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.

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wikipedia ES

Gloiocephala: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Gloiocephala es un género de hongo de la familia de setas Physalacriaceae. El género, distribuido de forma amplia, incluye 30 especies.​

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wikipedia ES

Gloiocephala ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Gloiocephala Massee – rodzaj grzybów z rodziny Physalacriaceae. Opisano około 50 gatunków[1], w Polsce jednego[2] .

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Physalacriaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].

Gatunki występujące w Polsce

Nazwy naukowe na podstawie Index Fungorum[3].


  1. a b Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2014-02-15].
  2. Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polish Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  3. Index Fungorum (gatunki) (ang.). [dostęp 2013-03-05].
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wikipedia POL

Gloiocephala: Brief Summary ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Gloiocephala Massee – rodzaj grzybów z rodziny Physalacriaceae. Opisano około 50 gatunków, w Polsce jednego .

авторски права
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Gloiocephala ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Gloiocephala là một chi nấm trong họ Physalacriaceae. Chi này phân bố rộng rãi này chứa 30 loài.[1]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (ấn bản 10). Wallingford, UK: CABI. tr. 285. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.

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Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến bộ nấm Agaricales này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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wikipedia VI

Gloiocephala: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Gloiocephala là một chi nấm trong họ Physalacriaceae. Chi này phân bố rộng rãi này chứa 30 loài.

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wikipedia VI