Неразрешено име

Solariola calida Bello', Osella & Baviera 2019

EOL има податоци за 2 атрибути, и тоа:

  • soil composition
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    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00002256
    • Дефиниција: Regosols form a taxonomic remnant group containing all soils that could not be accommodated in any of the other RSGs. In practice, Regosols are very weakly developed mineral soils in unconsolidated materials that do not have a mollic or umbric horizon, are not very shallow or very rich in gravels (Leptosols), sandy (Arenosols) or with fluvic materials (Fluvisols). Regosols are extensive in eroding lands, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas and in mountainous terrain.
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