

добавил Cybertruffle
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Cybertruffle Foundation
соработничко мреж. место

General Description

добавил Cybertruffle
Ascomata. Perithecial, scattered or in small groups, semi-immersed to almost superficial, broadly obpyriform, 1200-1500 × 860-960 μm, with a cylindrical or tapering neck, 240-500 × 240 μm, covered with simple, flexuous, olivaceous brown, septate hairs about 3 μm thick. Peridium 3-layered, pseudoparenchymatous, membranaceous, semitransparent to almost opaque, olivaceous brown to blackish brown, with irregularly shaped outer cells, 4-9 μm diam., having slightly thickened, usually undulating walls; middle peridial layer composed of tangentially flattened cells, merging into a thin, inner layer of colourless cells. Asci clavate with a broadly rounded apex and a long stipe, (4-, 6- or, usually, 8-spored, 350-420 × 60-70 μm, swelling up to 110 μm wide, unitunicate, with longitudinal, cytoplasmic ribs visible after spore discharge; apical ring not observed, calotte thin; subapical chamber narrow. Ascospores at first colourless, fusiform, one-celled, then vermiform, strongly elongating up to 200-240 μm, not coiled. with monostichous oil drops, then becoming wider at both ends, becoming 3-celled by a transverse septum below and above each swelling; end cells ranging through olivaceous to dark brown with a plasma containing large oil drops, ± ellipsoidal, equilateral, 35-46 (-50) × 20-28 μm, a little truncate at the septum, with an apical and a basal germ pore respectively; intercalary cell more or less straight and cylindrical. 75-95 μm long, with an 8-10 μm wide inflation in the middle, 7-10 μm broad at the septa, 4.5-6 μm broad at the narrowest part between the septa and the inflation, colourless, eventually devoid of plasma and collapsing. Gelatinous caudae short, cylindrical or tapering, of irregular size and form sparsely attached to the end cells, sometimes drawn out at the spore ends to 40 (-60) μm; intercalary cell in its whole length surrounded by a coating of mucus of irregular outline that increases in width at the septa and the adjoining parts of the end cells; all gelatinous equipment solid, homogenous, swelling little or not al all in water, blackening in Indian ink. Paraphyses. Not observed.
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Ahmed Abdel-Azeem
соработничко мреж. место