Vigna luteola, commonly known as the hairy cowpea and the Nile bean,[2] is a perennial vine found in many tropical areas.
Vigna luteola is widely known in North America by the common names hairy cowpea or hairypod cowpea. This common name is derived from the Chickasaw waakimbala, which translates literally to "cow bean".
The vine also has a variety of other common names in South America and the Caribbean. In Cuba the plant is known as frijol cimarrón, Spanish for "wild bean", in Venezuela the plant is known as bajuco marullero, and in the Bahamas the plant is known as yellow vigna.[3]
Vigna luteola is a hairy, short-lived perennial vine that occurs in moist soil and grows in either a spreading or climbing fashion. Its leaves are trifoliate, meaning they are a compound leaf of three leaflets. The leaflets are oval shaped and become acute at their apex. The leaflets are 2.5–10 cm (0.98–3.94 in) long, and 1.5–5 cm (0.59–1.97 in) wide. It has numerous yellow flowers that are 1.8–2.2 cm (0.71–0.87 in) long and are made of one large standard petal, two lateral wing petals, and two lower keel petals. This creates bilateral symmetry in the flower.[4] It has thin, pubescent pods that are up to 5 cm (2.0 in) long and 5–6 mm (0.20–0.24 in) wide. The pods are range from green to brown or black. The pods contain numerous large black seeds, and the pod twists spirally when the seeds are dispersed.[5]
The flavonoids quercetin and isorhamnetin are found in the leaves, and are thought to help the plant resist aphids. The seeds resist storage pests due to their high levels of phytic acid, trypsin, and cystatin.[6]
Vigna luteola was first classified as Dolichos luteolus in 1771 by Nicholas von Jacquin, naming it from plants he cultivated in Vienna. In 1859, it was moved to the genus Vigna by George Bentham, classifying it as Vigna luteola.[3] The name Luteola is derived from the Latin luteus, meaning "yellow", in reference to the plant's yellow flowers.[7]
Vigna luteola can be found in tropical areas on many continents. Formerly native to the New World, the plant was brought into cultivation in Ethiopia and is now spread around the world.[3]
Vigna luteola grows in most commonly in coastal habitats on the Atlantic coast of the Americas, ranging from tropical regions of South and Central America to the Gulf Coast states, as far north as North Carolina.[8] In Africa, the plant is most common to Zimbabwe, but ranges from Senegal to Ethiopia to Egypt, and can be found in the Middle East, in Australia, and is widespread across Asia.[9][10]
It grows in swampy grasslands, on sandy lake shores, on stream sides, in wet pastures, in swamps, and in swamp forests.[6] It prefers moist to wet clay soils, and will tolerate a wide range of salinities, from 0-10 ppt.[8]
It is a larval host plant for cassius blue, grey hairstreak, long-tailed skipper and dorantes skipper butterflies,[7][11] is often used as a source of browsing for white-tailed deer, and ground-feeding birds often consume the seeds.[8]
Oomyces langloisii grows from dead stems of the plant in North America.[12]
The flowers of Vigna luteola are eaten as a boiled vegetable in Ethiopia and Malawi, and the roots are chewed for the sweet juice. In Ethiopia the leaves and flowers are mixed with Hagenia abyssinica to treat ulcers and syphilis. In Argentina it is used to control cholesterol levels and is reported to have antimicrobial properties as well. It is also used to treat "ghost sickness", a supernatural ailment, in Polynesia.[7]
Vigna luteola is most often considered a weed for crops due to its abundance.[13] However, the plant is palatable for livestock and grows well in friable and slightly saline soils, meaning it is used as a pasture plant and as a ground cover in many countries, such as Ghana, Zambia, and Australia.[14] However, its short lifespan and vulnerability to insects and frost can make it ineffective.[6]
Flower with Pheidole megacephala
Vigna luteola, commonly known as the hairy cowpea and the Nile bean, is a perennial vine found in many tropical areas.
Vigna luteola, comúnmente conocida como porotillo o frijol de la playa, es una especie herbácea perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae (leguminosa). Sus hojas son trifoliadas y presentan una longitud de dos a diez centímetros de longitud. Sus racimos miden de diez a veintiocho centímetros y sus flores son de un color amarillo pálido. La forma de la semilla se asemeja a la de un riñón negro y moteado. (Fernández et. al 1988). (Foto 1 y 2.). Se encuentra en países de clima tropical, aunque también se ha visto en algunos de clima templado. Suele utilizarse como cultivo de cobertura o como forrajera para la alimentación del ganado en la región NEA. En Cuba se le denomina frijol cimarrón.[1]
El género Vigna forma parte de un grupo de hierbas trepadoras que se distinguen por sus hojas trifoliadas, flores asimétricas y la quilla (resultado de la fusión de los dos pétalos inferiores) curvada o en forma de espiral. También Phaseolus, con los frijoles domesticados, pertenece a este grupo. Vigna se distingue por tener nudos conspicuos en la inflorescencia y carecer de pelos con gancho, característica primaria de Phaseolus. La inflorescencia es erecta y la flor más larga supera los 25 milímetros.
La especie Vigna vexillata se caracteriza por tener flores blancas, lilas, moradas o amarillo pálidas; tallos con cerdas fuertes café amarillentas y los dientes del cáliz de igual o mayor longitud que el tubo. El fruto es largo, delgado y piloso. Las estípulas son triangulares.
Vigna luteola, comúnmente conocida como porotillo o frijol de la playa, es una especie herbácea perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae (leguminosa). Sus hojas son trifoliadas y presentan una longitud de dos a diez centímetros de longitud. Sus racimos miden de diez a veintiocho centímetros y sus flores son de un color amarillo pálido. La forma de la semilla se asemeja a la de un riñón negro y moteado. (Fernández et. al 1988). (Foto 1 y 2.). Se encuentra en países de clima tropical, aunque también se ha visto en algunos de clima templado. Suele utilizarse como cultivo de cobertura o como forrajera para la alimentación del ganado en la región NEA. En Cuba se le denomina frijol cimarrón.
Vigna luteola est une espèce de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Faboideae, originaire des régions tropicales d'Amérique, mais désormais à distribution pantropicale. C'est une plante herbacée volubile, vivace à courte durée de vie, aux feuilles trifoliées et aux fleurs papilionacées de couleur jaune. Les graines, relativement riches en protéines, contiennent aussi des facteurs antinutritionnels, tels que acide phytique et inhibiteurs de la trypsine.
Selon The Plant List (17 octobre 2021)[1]
Selon The Plant List (17 octobre 2021)[1] :
Selon Tropicos (17 octobre 2021)[3] (Attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) :
Vigna luteola est une espèce de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Faboideae, originaire des régions tropicales d'Amérique, mais désormais à distribution pantropicale. C'est une plante herbacée volubile, vivace à courte durée de vie, aux feuilles trifoliées et aux fleurs papilionacées de couleur jaune. Les graines, relativement riches en protéines, contiennent aussi des facteurs antinutritionnels, tels que acide phytique et inhibiteurs de la trypsine.
Vigna luteola là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Jacq.) Benth. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[1]
Vigna luteola là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Jacq.) Benth. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.