The Coccocarpiaceae are a family of lichen-forming in the order Peltigerales.[1] There are three genera and about 60 species in the family. Species in this family have a widespread distribution, including boreal and austral regions.[2]
The Coccocarpiaceae are a family of lichen-forming in the order Peltigerales. There are three genera and about 60 species in the family. Species in this family have a widespread distribution, including boreal and austral regions.
Coccocarpiaceae es una familia de hongos liquenizados en el orden Peltigerales (suborden Collematineae). Las especies de esta familia poseen una distribución amplia, incluyendo ecosistemas en regiones boreales y australes.[1]
Coccocarpiaceae es una familia de hongos liquenizados en el orden Peltigerales (suborden Collematineae). Las especies de esta familia poseen una distribución amplia, incluyendo ecosistemas en regiones boreales y australes.