
Heuchera hispida

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Heuchera hispida Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 188. 1814
Acaulescent; flowering branches scapiform, usually densely hispid, 6-12 dm. high; petioles also densely white-hispid, 1-2 dm. long; leaf-blades orbicular-cordate or reniform, 4-7 cm. wide, 5-9-lobed with shallow rounded lobes and broad teeth, short-hispidulous or glabrate above, hirsute beneath and ciliate on the margins ; hypanthium open-campanulate, very oblique, together with the oblong or somewhat spatulate very obtuse sepals 7-8 mm. long ; petals spatulate, equaling or shorter than the sepals ; stamens usually slightly exserted.
Type locality : On high mountains of Virginia and Carolina.
Distribution : In woods and on hillsides, from Ontario to Assiniboia and Wyoming, south to
библиографски навод
John Kunkel SmaII, Per Axel Rydber, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Percy Wilson, Henry Hurd Rusby. 1905. ROSALES, PODOSTEMONACEAE, CRASSULACEAE, PENTHORACEAE and PARNASSIACEAE. North American flora. vol 22(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora