Ikfil neɣ Akfal (Assaɣ ussnan: Drimia) d tawsit n yimɣan yeṭṭafaren tawacult n tsisant s unect n usismel aklasik, neɣ tizikemt s unect n usismel amhazɣer
Ikfil d imɣi ilan (yesɛan) aṭas n yismawen s Tmaziɣt, gar-asen: Akfal, Icfil, Taflalit, Timezrit, Amẓelli
Ikfil neɣ Akfal (Assaɣ ussnan: Drimia) d tawsit n yimɣan yeṭṭafaren tawacult n tsisant s unect n usismel aklasik, neɣ tizikemt s unect n usismel amhazɣer
Drimia is a genus of flowering plants. In the APG IV classification system, it is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae (formerly the family Hyacinthaceae[2]). When broadly circumscribed, the genus includes a number of other genera previously treated separately, including Litanthus, Rhodocodon, Schizobasis and Urginea.[1]
One of the best-known species is the sea squill, Drimia maritima (formerly Urginea maritima). Drimia intricata (formerly Schizobasis intricata) is sometimes cultivated as a bulbous or succulent plant.
Drimia species are usually deciduous, more rarely evergreen, growing from bulbs. The bulbs may be underground or occur on or near the surface. Each bulb has one to several leaves that are often dry by the time the flowers open. The inflorescence is in the form of a raceme, with one to many flowers. At least the lower inflorescence bracts have spurs (a characteristic of the tribe Urgineeae). The individual flowers generally last for only one to two days and have white to yellowish green or brown tepals that are either free or joined into a basal tube. The tepals often have a darker central keel. After fertilization, an ovoid capsule forms with several seeds in each locule. The seeds are black and winged.[3]
A formal description of genus Drimia first appeared in the fourth edition of Species Plantarum, published in 1799, authored by Carl Ludwig Willdenow. The name was attributed to Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin.[1][4] When describing Drimia elata (the type species of the genus) in a work published in 1797, Jacquin said that he was unable to assign it to one of the known genera, and so constructed a new one. The name is erived from the Greek δριμεῖα drimeia, the feminine form of the adjective δριμύς drimys meaning "bitter" or "acrid", referring to the root.[5][6]
The boundaries between genera within the Scilloideae are not completely settled.[3][7] The situation has been described as being in a "state of flux".[2] As early as 1977, it was suggested that Urginea be merged into Drimia, although other small genera continued to be kept separate. In 2000, Peter Goldblatt and John Charles Manning proposed including other related genera, including Litanthus, Rhadamanthus and Schizobasis, a position supported later by some molecular phylogenetic studies.[3] This broad circumscription of Drimia is accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families.[1] Other sources prefer to maintain a larger number of segregate genera.[8][9] Regardless of whether a broad or strict view is taken of Drimia, it is placed in the tribe Urgineeae of the subfamily Scilloideae (or the subfamily Urgineoideae of the family Hyacinthaceae if this family is separated from Asparagaceae).[3]
The genus Litanthus was for a long time monotypic, with the sole species L. pusillus, before in 2000 Goldblatt and Manning included it in Drimia.[3] A further species, Drimia stenocarpa, was added to the group in 2014. The Litanthus group is characterized by one- or occasionally two-flowered inflorescences with drooping tubular flowers whose tepals are united at the base for more than half their length.[10]
The genus Rhodocodon was included in Drimia by Goldblatt and Manning in 2000.[3] The species of Rhodocodon, or the Rhodocodon group within Drimia, including D. cryptopoda, form a well supported clade endemic to Madagascar. They appear to be the product of a single invasion of Madagascar by an African species. A total of 13 species are recognized by those who separate the genus from Drimia.[8]
The genus Schizobasis was included in Drimia by Goldblatt and Manning in 2000.[3] As many as eight species have been described, but in 2014 these were reduced to two: Drimia intricata, including all the previously described species, and the new species Drimia sigmoidea. The Schizobasis group is distinguished by its well branched, thin-stemmed inflorescence and small, filiform leaves that are found only in seedlings, disappearing in mature plants.[11]
As of August 2017, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepted 100 species:[12]
In addition, 10 species described in 2015, and placed by the authors in Rhodocodon,[9] are, as of August 2017, treated as "unplaced" in the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, which does not recognize the genus; none have names in Drimia:[13]
The broadly defined genus has about 100 species found in Africa, including Madagascar, the Mediterranean area and Asia. About half of all the species occur in southern Africa, where species diversity is greatest in semi-arid regions with winter rainfall. Drimia generally is found in regions with seasonal dryness.[3]
Drimia is a genus of flowering plants. In the APG IV classification system, it is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae (formerly the family Hyacinthaceae). When broadly circumscribed, the genus includes a number of other genera previously treated separately, including Litanthus, Rhodocodon, Schizobasis and Urginea.
One of the best-known species is the sea squill, Drimia maritima (formerly Urginea maritima). Drimia intricata (formerly Schizobasis intricata) is sometimes cultivated as a bulbous or succulent plant.
Drimia es un gran género de plantas herbáceas, perennes y bulbosas perteneciente a la subfamilia de las escilóideas dentro de las asparagáceas y distribuido esentialmente por África (incluido Madagascar y las Islas Canarias) y del Mediterráneo hasta la India.[3] Reagrupa una veintena de antiguos géneros, ahora considerados sinónimos, y comprende unas 100 especies aceptadas.[4]
El género fue descrito por Jacq. ex Willd. y publicado en Species Plantarum. Editio quarta 2(1): 165. 1799.[5] La especie tipo es: Drimia elata Jacq. ex Willd.
Nota: en España, solo 5 especies, todas anteriormente classificadas en el género Urginea:
Drimia es un gran género de plantas herbáceas, perennes y bulbosas perteneciente a la subfamilia de las escilóideas dentro de las asparagáceas y distribuido esentialmente por África (incluido Madagascar y las Islas Canarias) y del Mediterráneo hasta la India. Reagrupa una veintena de antiguos géneros, ahora considerados sinónimos, y comprende unas 100 especies aceptadas.
Drimia est un genre des plantes herbacées de la famille des Liliaceae selon la classification classique, ou des Asparagaceae ou des Hyacinthaceae selon la classification phylogénétique.
On considère généralement à l'heure actuelle que le genre Urginea est synonyme à Drimia.
Drimia est un genre des plantes herbacées de la famille des Liliaceae selon la classification classique, ou des Asparagaceae ou des Hyacinthaceae selon la classification phylogénétique.
On considère généralement à l'heure actuelle que le genre Urginea est synonyme à Drimia.
Drimia Jacq. ex Willd., 1799 è un genere di piante della famiglia delle Asparagacee[1] (sottofamiglia Scilloideae[2]).
Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]
Drimia Jacq. ex Willd., 1799 è un genere di piante della famiglia delle Asparagacee (sottofamiglia Scilloideae).
Drimia est genus plantarum florentium in familia Hyacinthacearum, in quo species Drimia maritima exstat.
Drimia est genus plantarum florentium in familia Hyacinthacearum, in quo species Drimia maritima exstat.
Drimia is een geslacht uit de aspergefamilie (Asparagaceae). De soorten komen voor in het Middellandse Zeegebied, Afrika, Madagaskar, de Canarische Eilanden en India.
Drimia is een geslacht uit de aspergefamilie (Asparagaceae). De soorten komen voor in het Middellandse Zeegebied, Afrika, Madagaskar, de Canarische Eilanden en India.
Drimia é um género botânico pertencente à família Asparagaceae.
Sjölökssläktet (Drimia) är ett släkte i familjen sparrisväxter med cirka 75 arter från södra Europa och Afrika.
Sjölökssläktet (Drimia) är ett släkte i familjen sparrisväxter med cirka 75 arter från södra Europa och Afrika.
Drimia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Asparagaceae.[2]
Drimia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Asparagaceae.
Дри́мия (лат. Drimia) — род однодольных цветковых растений, включённый в семейство Спаржевые (Asparagaceae).
Научное название рода, данное ему Николаусом Жакеном, образовано от др.-греч. δριμύς — «острый, едкий», что относится к неприятному вкусу корней некоторых видов рода.
Представители рода — многолетние луковичные травянистые растения с плотными или рыхлыми луковицами. Листья в количестве от 1 до множества, узкие, опадающие.
Цветки собраны в больших количествах в прямую рыхлую или густую кисть, горизонтальные или поникшие. Околоцветник разделён на 6 свободных бледно окрашенных долей. Тычинки в количестве 6, нитевидные, приросшие к трубке околоцветника. Пестик равен по длине тычинкам или превосходит их. Завязь трёхгнёздная, яйцевидная или продолговатая.
Плод — трёхрёберная коробочка с многочисленными уплощёнными или угловатыми, часто крылатыми семенами.
Представители рода распространены в Европе, Азии и Африке. В Средиземноморье встречаются три вида. В качестве декоративных растений выращиваются два вида — Drimia haworthioides и Drimia maritima.
Дри́мия (лат. Drimia) — род однодольных цветковых растений, включённый в семейство Спаржевые (Asparagaceae).
判官笔属(学名:Rhadamanthus)包含Rhadamanthus angolensis等12个品种。产自南非洲南非共和国、纳米比亚、安哥拉等干旱或半沙漠地区。适宜在阳光充沛及干旱环境下生长。[1]