
Description ( англиски )

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"Genus Progoniada, new genus
Type Progoniada regularis, new species

This genus is characterized by having all parapodia uniramous, provided with only composite setae ; some are spinigerous, some falciger­ous. The proboscis terminates in a circlet of dark jaw pieces resembling those of Goniada, and chevrons are present. Progoniada bears the same relation to Goniada as Hemipodus to Glycera in the GLYCERIDAE: in Progoniada and Hemipodus all setae are composite, whereas in Gonia­da and Glycera, setae are both simple and composite. Progoniada also shows similarity to Goniadides Hartmann-Schroder (1960, p. 116) from the Red Sea, but the latter has the body divided into two regions, including an anterior uniramous and a posterior biramous one, in which notopodia are represented only by embedded acicula."

(Hartman, 1965)

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NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates