
Associations ( англиски )

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Diogenella deichmannae Humes & Ho, 1970 (parasitic: endoparasitic)
Diogenella impar Humes & Ho, 1970 (parasitic: endoparasitic)
Diogenella seticauda Stock, 1968 (parasitic: endoparasitic)
Diogenidium deforme Stock, 1968 (parasitic: endoparasitic)
Nanaspis truncata Stock, Humes & Gooding, 1962 (parasitic: ectoparasitic)
Nanaspis truncata Stock, Humes & Gooding, 1962 (parasitic: endoparasitic)

авторски права
Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
соработничко мреж. место
Echinoderms of Panama

Distribution ( англиски )

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This species is recorded off both the eastern Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Panama.

On the eastern Pacific side it has been collected off Perico Island (USNM E 9883; Centroid Latitude: 8.917, Centroid Longitude: -79.517), Pedro Gonzales Island, Perlas Archipelago (USNM E 21685) and off Taboga Island (USNM E 2359), Bay of Panama; while on the Caribbean side it has been collected off of Sail Rock (USNM E 21708), Toro Point, Fort Sherman, Limon Bay (USNM E 21668); and Galeta Point, Galeta Island (USNM E 23721).

авторски права
Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
соработничко мреж. место
Echinoderms of Panama

References and links ( англиски )

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Semper, C. (1868). Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zweiter Theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate. Erster Band. Holothurien. Hefte iv. and v: Unpaginated.

Cherbonnier, G. (1988). Echinodermes: Holothurides. Faune de Madagascar 70.

Heding, S. G. (1939). The Holothurians collected during the cruises of the M/S Monsunen in the tropical Pacific in 1934. Vidensk. Medd. naturh. Foren. Kjob 102: pp. 213-222.

Pearson, J. (1913). Notes on the Holothurioidea of the Indian Ocean. I. The genus Holothuria. Spolia Zeylan. 9 (34): 49-101.

Selenka, E. (1867). Beitrage zur Anatomie und Systematik der Holothurien. Der Philosophischen Facultat zu Gottingen in December 1866, als Dissertation vorgelegt.: pp. 291-374.

Tortonese, E. (1980). Researches on the coast of Somalia. Littoral Echinodermata. Monitore zoologico italiano NS Supplemento XIII 5: 99-139.

World Register of Marine Species

LSID urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:210814

авторски права
Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
соработничко мреж. место
Echinoderms of Panama

Synonymised taxa ( англиски )

добавил Echinoderms of Panama
авторски права
Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
соработничко мреж. место
Echinoderms of Panama

Description ( англиски )

добавил World Register of Marine Species
General distribution: almost circumtropical (Tortonese, 1980); tropical, circumtropical, depth range 0-30 m. (Rowe & Gates, 1995). Also distributed in Maldive area, Bay of Bengal, East Indies, north Australia, Philippine, China, south Japan, South Pacific Is. and Hawaiian Is. (Clark & Rowe, 1971); Australia (Rowe & Gates, 1995). Ecology: benthic, inshore, detritus feeder, deposit feeder (Rowe & Gates, 1995).


2. Huxley, A. (1997) The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan Reference Limited, London.

авторски права
WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
World Register of Marine Species