
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Bocconia frutescens L

Bocconia frutescens L., Sp. Pl. 505, 1753.

In 1961 this species was very sparingly and locally naturalized, a few plants only, in East Maui, just south of Ulapalakua Ranch, as reported by Fosberg (1969:17).

On 14 April 1974, it was seen to have spread some distance from the locality noted in 1961. Many well-grown shrubs were seen for some distance along the road south. A single seedling several decimeters tall was seen in the fenced nature preserve at Auwahi, and a mature shrub was growing in Kula, along the road to Haleakala Crater some hundreds of meters above the junction with the Upper Kula Road at perhaps 1200 m elevation. It would seem to be still possible to eradicate this shrub if desired. The fleshy aril or caruncle of its seed probably assures its wide distribution by mynahs and other introduced frugivorous birds.

Rubus L.
библиографски навод
Fosberg, F. Raymond and Sachet, Marie-Hélène. 1975. "Polynesian Plant Studies 1-5." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.21
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Smithsonian Contributions to Botany