
Distribution ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Bocconia frutescens L

Bocconia frutescens L., Sp. Pl. 505, 1753.

In 1961 this species was very sparingly and locally naturalized, a few plants only, in East Maui, just south of Ulapalakua Ranch, as reported by Fosberg (1969:17).

On 14 April 1974, it was seen to have spread some distance from the locality noted in 1961. Many well-grown shrubs were seen for some distance along the road south. A single seedling several decimeters tall was seen in the fenced nature preserve at Auwahi, and a mature shrub was growing in Kula, along the road to Haleakala Crater some hundreds of meters above the junction with the Upper Kula Road at perhaps 1200 m elevation. It would seem to be still possible to eradicate this shrub if desired. The fleshy aril or caruncle of its seed probably assures its wide distribution by mynahs and other introduced frugivorous birds.

Rubus L.
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Fosberg, F. Raymond and Sachet, Marie-Hélène. 1975. "Polynesian Plant Studies 1-5." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.21
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Smithsonian Contributions to Botany

Bocconia frutescens ( астурски )

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Bocconia frutescens ye una especie d'árbol perteneciente a la familia de les papaveracees.

Detalle de les fueyes
Vista de la planta


Son parrotales a pequeños árboles, qu'algamen un tamañu d'hasta 7 m d'altu. Fueyes desaxeradamente variables en forma y tamañu, de 15–35 (–60) cm de llargu y 10–30 cm d'anchu, xeneralmente fonda ya irregularmente llobaes, llobu de ápiz obtusu a agudu y marxes enteros, o llixeramente serraos, fai glabra, viesu pardusco-tomentoso a abuxáu-tomentoso o dacuando glabro, pecíolus 3–6 cm de llargu. Les inflorescencies en panículas de 25–60 cm de llargu, pedicelos 5–12 mm de llargu; sépalos los 7–10 mm de llargu, acuminaos. Cápsules elipsoides, 5–7 mm de llargu, estípite basal 5–8 mm de llargu, xeneralmente recurváu, estilu 3–4 mm de llargu, persistente y engrosáu; granes 5–6 mm de llargu, café foscu a negres, polenques, superficie menudamente foveolada.[1]

Distribución y hábitat

Orixinaria d'América tropical, ta presente en climes templaos, semicálidos y templaos ente los 200 a los 2600 metros, acomuñada a vexetación alteriada de montes tropicales caducifolios y perennifolios según al monte mesófilu de monte, monte d'encino y mistu de pinu-encino.


L'usu melecinal del cordollobu toma diverses afecciones respiratories como resfriáu, tos ferina, ahoguillo (sensación de opresión y fatiga nel pechu que torga alendar con llibertá), bronquitis y tuberculosis. Principalmente prescríbese-y contra la tos.

Ocúpase como remedio'l cocimientu de les fueyes, alministráu per vía oral o en baños pa quitar la tos, o les fueyes soasaes y asitiaes a manera de cataplasma en casu de bronquitis.

Pa problemes de la piel, aplícase'l látex sobre empeines, escarlatina, tiña, granos, verrugues, sabañones, dureces, irritaciones, llurdios na piel y en feríes. En desordes xinecolóxicos como hemorraxa vaxinal, emplégase la planta en cocción, alministrada per vía oral y pa les muyeres dempués del partu aconseya la fervinchu de cordollobu con mirto, yerba del perru y yerba del uxu (spp. n/r).

Emplégase-y tamién en trestornos del aparatu dixestivu como disentería, dolor d'estómagu, úlceras y afecciones del fégadu.

Otros usos melecinal indicar en golpes, reumes, debilidá de neños, delgadez, quemazón de neños, anemia, dolor de llombu, calentura, hemorroides, infeiciones nel pene (V. purgación), como desinflamatorio, tónicu y diaforético y n'enfermedaes culturales como'l plasmu.


Nel sieglu XVI Martín de la Cruz la cita pa la gastritis. El Códice Florentino rellata que "el raigañu ye d'utilidá pa les afecciones de la vexiga, feríes internes de neños; pal dolor de cabeza usen unes gotes na ñariz y molida ye emplegada pa les descomposturas de les manes”. Lliga, ”la yerba ye d'utilidá pa les paperes ya inflamaciones del gargüelu, puesta nos párpagos ye d'utilidá p'apangar el dolor de los güeyos; pa la fiebre, purificar el gargüelu y pechu da la raigañu por tristel" (vía anal). Nel mesmu sieglu Francisco Hernández refier na so obra que "los retueyos desaposiaos de la so corteza y untaos eslleen los tabayones y nubes. El zusmiu y el frutu quiten la flatulencia, cura los empeines, asela los dolores que provienen de la causa fría; les fueyes curen les llagues antigües, destrúin les verrugas, principalmente les del prepuciu y demás partes sexuales; sollivia extraordinariamente la tos, asela los dolores agudos de banduyu y escita el mambís; provoca les regles y l'orina abre les obstrucciones, cura'l paralís, ayuda a la dixestión, corta los humores gruesos, y restablez los miembros entumidos de fríu".

La Sociedá Mexicana d'Historia Natural reporta nel sieglu XIX reporta los usos melecinales como antiparasitario, atrofia mesentérica, como catárticu, detersivo, diuréticu, pa la ictericia, enfermedá de los güeyos, como tónicu, vulnerario y pa les úlceras de mal calter.

Pa entamos del sieglu XX l'Institutu Médicu Nacional la conseña como analxésicu. La Sociedá Farmacéutica de Méxicu describir como analxésica local, antiparasitaria, diuréticu a enfermedaes de los güeyos y como vulnerario. La mesma Sociedá, años dempués amestaría que causa irritación doliosa de la conxuntiva cuando hai carecimientos oculares ye tóxicu y vasodilatador.


De les fueyes de B. frutescens aislláronse los alcaloides d'isoquinolina, columbamina, eltetrahidro-deriváu, coptisina, iso-coripalmina, corisamina, alo-criptopina, protopina, nor-queleritrina, rocadina, sanguinarina y el nor-deriváu.[2]


Bocconia frutescens describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 1: 505. 1753.[1]


Bocconia: nome xenéricu dau n'honor del monxu y botánicu italianu Paolo Boccone (1633-1703).[3]

frutescens: epítetu llatín que significa "que apuerta a parrotal".[4]

  • Bocconia glauca Salisb.
  • Bocconia quercifolia Moench
  • Bocconia sinuatifolia Stokes
  • Bocconia subtomentosa (L'Her. ex DC.) L'Hér. ex Stahl[5]

Ver tamién



  1. Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi. (eds.) 1993. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45: i–xl, 1–1286.
  2. Breedlove, D. Y. 1986. Flora de Chiapas. Llistaos Floríst. Méxicu 4: i–v, 1–246.
  3. CONABIO. 2009. Catálogu taxonómicu d'especies de Méxicu. 1. In Capital Nat. Méxicu. CONABIO, Mexico City.
  4. Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. N. S. Stapf. 2004. Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá 1–599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.
  5. Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., R. D. C. Ortiz, R. Caleyes Posada & M. Merello. (eds.) 2011. Fl. Antioquia: Cat. 2: 9–939. Universidá d'Antioquia, Medellín.
  6. Killeen, T. J., Y. García Estigarribia & S. G. Beck. (eds.) 1993. Guía Arb. Bolivia 1–958. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia & Missouri Botanical Garden, La Paz.
  7. Llinares, J. L. 2003 [2005]. Llistáu comentáu de los árboles nativu y cultivar na república d'El Salvador. Ceiba 44(2): 105–268.
  8. Martínez Ojeda, Y. 1982. Papaveraceae. Fl. Veracruz 22: 1–16.
  9. Molina Rosito, A. 1975. Enumeración de les plantes d'Hondures. Ceiba 19(1): 1–118.
  10. Rusby, H. H. 1893. On the collections of Mr. Miguel Bang in Bolivia. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3(3): 1–67.
  11. Sotu. 2007. Papaveraceae. In: Manual de Plantes de Costa Rica. Vol. 6. B.Y. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.). Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 111: 859–861.
  12. Standley, P. C. & J. A. Steyermark. 1946. Papaveraceae. In P. C. Standley & J. A. Steyermark (Eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part IV. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(4): 347–354.
  13. Stein, B. A. 2001. Papaveraceae. En: Stevens, W.D., C. Ulloa, A. Pool & O.M. Montiel (eds.), Flora de Nicaragua. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85(3): 1911–1913.
  14. Stevens, W. D., C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montiel Jarquin. 2001. Flora de Nicaragua. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: i–xlii,.

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Bocconia frutescens: Brief Summary ( астурски )

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Bocconia frutescens

Bocconia frutescens ye una especie d'árbol perteneciente a la familia de les papaveracees.

 src= Detalle de les fueyes  src= Inflorescencia  src= Vista de la planta
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Yanali ( кечуански )

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Yanali (Bocconia frutescens) nisqaqa huk amakari sach'am (ayllu: Papaveraceae), Antikunapi wiñaq. Yanali sutiyuq kaptinpas, q'illu tullpunapaqmi llamk'apunku.

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Yanali: Brief Summary ( кечуански )

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Yanali (Bocconia frutescens) nisqaqa huk amakari sach'am (ayllu: Papaveraceae), Antikunapi wiñaq. Yanali sutiyuq kaptinpas, q'illu tullpunapaqmi llamk'apunku.

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Bocconia frutescens ( англиски )

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Bocconia frutescens is a species of flowering plant in the poppy family known by many common names, including plume poppy, tree poppy, tree celandine, parrotweed,[1] sea oxeye daisy,[2] and John Crow bush[3] in English, gordolobo, llorasangre,[4] tabaquillo, palo amarillo,[5] palo de toro and pan cimarrón[1] in Spanish, bois codine[1] in French and bwa kodenn in Haitian Kreyòl. It is native to the Americas, including Mexico, parts of Central and South America, and the West Indies. It is perhaps better known in Hawaii, where it is an introduced species and an aggressive invasive weed with rapid negative effects on local ecosystems. In other parts of the United States it is used as an ornamental plant for its "tropical"-looking foliage.[3]


This relative of the poppy is a shrub growing up to 6 metres tall.[2] It yields a bitter yellow or orange latex sap.[6][7] The leaves are up to 45 cm long by 20 wide and the blades are divided into deep lobes. There are many leaves toward the ends of the branches. The inflorescence is a branching panicle up to 60 centimeters long. The purple-green flower lacks petals but has sepals each up to a centimetre long. The anthers dangle from the flower center by their filaments. The fruit is a capsule about 1.2 cm long containing yellowish pulp and a single black seed half-sheathed in a bright red aril.[2]


This plant is capable of thriving in many types of habitat. In its native range it grows in dry, moist, and wet forests on many soil types. It is known from cloud forests and several types of disturbed and degraded habitat. It is not, however, tolerant of dense shade.[1]

The seeds of the plant are generally dispersed by birds, which are attracted to the pulpy fruits.[1][3] In Hawaii, the Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) is a common visitor to the plant. In its native range it is also an important plant for various birds.[3]

Relationship with humans

There are a number of human uses for this species, such as its use for ornamental purposes. It also has a variety of medicinal uses. In Mexico it has been used to treat skin conditions and respiratory tract infections. A laboratory study confirmed that extracts of the plant had antimicrobial action against the human pathogens Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as Bacillus subtilis.[4] If the leaf is heated and applied to a wound it is said to provide pain relief. The plant can also be used as a dye.[3]

This plant grows quickly and is a prolific producer of seeds. It was introduced to Hawaii as a garden plant around 1920, and it promptly spread to the surrounding forests and other wild habitat.[2] It is a problem on two of the Hawaiian islands, Hawaii and Maui. At one spot on Hawaii it moved from the local landscaping and soon covered over 3500 acres of abandoned agricultural fields. It is a common weed of other crop fields nearby.[1] It easily invades eucalyptus plantations and areas of forest already dominated by non-native trees and shrubs. It is a weed of roadsides, vacant lots, and residential areas.[8] It is tolerant of Hawaii's lava soils.[2] On Maui it has been observed at elevations near 5800 feet.[1] It is one of the noxious plants posing a threat to the native and rare flora of Kanaio Natural Area Reserve. The plant is thick and bushy, producing multiple stems at times and spreading densely to produce "carpets" that shade out smaller plants. Native species negatively affected include Melicope adscendens, Alectryon macrococcus, Bonamia menziesii, Cenchrus agrimonioides, Flueggea neowawraea, Melicope knudsenii, Santalum freycinetianum var. lanaiense, and Nothocestrum latifolium, a host plant of the federally endangered Blackburn’s sphinx moth (Manduca blackburni).[3]

Herbicides are a commonly recommended method of control for this species, particularly triclopyr.[2][6] Small seedlings can be pulled by hand; larger seedlings root firmly and break if pulled, resprouting soon after. Effective control is difficult because of the plant's ability to sprout back up after being cleared off the land.[2] Heavy machinery should be cleaned after digging in infested areas to prevent the transfer of seeds. Aerial monitoring of vulnerable areas is also recommended.[8]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Bocconia frutescens. US Forest Service, Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER).
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Starr, F., et al. (2003). Bocconia frutescens. USGS Biological Resources Division. Haleakala Field Station, Maui, Hawai'i.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Chimera, C. G. 2003. Report on Bocconia frutescens. Internal Report prepared for the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk Project.
  4. ^ a b Sánchez-Arreola, E., et al. (2006). Alkaloids from Bocconia frutescens and biological activity of their extracts. Pharmaceutical Biology 44(7) 540-43.
  5. ^ Bocconia frutescens. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
  6. ^ a b Bocconia frutescens. From Motooka, P., et al. (2003). Weeds of Hawai‘i’s Pastures and Natural Areas; An Identification and Management Guide. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
  7. ^ Have you seen Bocconia (Bocconia frutescens)? Hawaii Biodiversity Information Network.
  8. ^ a b Benitez, D. M. and D. Saulibio. (2007). Bocconia frutescens Distribution on the Island of Hawai'i. Technical Report 144. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit. University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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Bocconia frutescens: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Bocconia frutescens is a species of flowering plant in the poppy family known by many common names, including plume poppy, tree poppy, tree celandine, parrotweed, sea oxeye daisy, and John Crow bush in English, gordolobo, llorasangre, tabaquillo, palo amarillo, palo de toro and pan cimarrón in Spanish, bois codine in French and bwa kodenn in Haitian Kreyòl. It is native to the Americas, including Mexico, parts of Central and South America, and the West Indies. It is perhaps better known in Hawaii, where it is an introduced species and an aggressive invasive weed with rapid negative effects on local ecosystems. In other parts of the United States it is used as an ornamental plant for its "tropical"-looking foliage.

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Bocconia latisepala ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Bocconia latisepala es una especie de arbusto de la familia de las papaveráceas.[1]


Es un arbusto que crece hasta una altura de 2 m, presenta un tallo quebradizo, de hojas grandes lobuladas, de 15 a 35 cm de ancho y de 10 a 30 cm de largo, el haz es verde sin vellosidades y el envés grisáceo con vellosidades. La Inflorescencia esta organizada en panículas de 25 a 60 cm de largo, concentradas en las puntas de las ramas, las flores son pequeñas, apétalas, cáliz de dos sépalos, contienen de 12 a 16 estambres de filamentos cortos y finos y anteras alargadas amarillas. El fruto es una cápsula elipsoide, lisa, de hasta 7 mm de largo, carnosa y puntiaguda, color rojo amaranto, las semillas son pequeñas, negras, con una zona roja en un extremo.[2]


Originaria del estado de Nuevo León, México, forma parte del matorral submontano de la Sierra Madre Oriental, se localiza en lomeríos de suaves pendientes y en los taludes inferiores sobre los plegamientos de las faldas de dicha sierra, entre los 400 y 800 m de altura sobre el nivel del mar.[3]


De la corteza, tallos y hojas de B. latisepala se han aislado los alcaloides queleritrina, sanguinarina, oxisanguinarina, protopina, y α-alocriptopina.[4]​ De las semillas de B. latisepala se han aislado: dihidrosanguinarina, oxisanguinarina, dihidroqueleritrina, (–)-6-acetonildihidroqueleritrina, (–)-queleritridimerina, arnottianamida, queleritrina, (–)-6-acetonil-12-metoxidihidroqueleritrina, (–)-6,12-dimetoxidihidroqueleritrina y 12-metoxiqueleritrina.[5]


Bocconia latisepala fue descrita por Sereno Watson y publicado en Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 25: 141. 1890.[6]

Archivo:Frutos de Bocconia latisepala.jpg
Frutos de Bocconia latisepala

Ver: Bocconia

latisepala: Epíteto latino que se deriva de las palabras latus = 'largo' y sepala = "sépalos", que significa "de sépalos largos".


  1. «Colecciones Biológicas». Colecciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 27 de mayo de 2010. Archivado desde el original el 21 de diciembre de 2016. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2016.
  2. «Flora del Noreste de México». Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2016.
  3. Rodríguez Ramírez, Carlos (2007). Chipinque: Testigo de la Naturaleza. Monterrey, Nuevo León: Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León. ISBN 978-970-9715-42-2. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2016.
  4. Domínguez, Xavier Alejandro (1965). «A Chemical Study of Bocconia latisepala Wats.». Canadian Journal of Chemistry. doi:10.1139/v65-086. Consultado el 21 de abril de 2017.
  5. Hernández Almanza, Eulogio Tadeo (Marzo de 2016). «Aislamiento, Caracterización Estructural y Evaluación Antimicobacteriana de los Alcaloides de Bocconia latisepala». Tesis de Maestría, UANL. Consultado el 20 de mayo de 2019.
  6. Tropicos.org. «Bocconia latisepala S. Watson». www.tropicos.org (en inglés). Consultado el 26 de abril de 2017.
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wikipedia ES

Bocconia latisepala: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Bocconia latisepala es una especie de arbusto de la familia de las papaveráceas.​

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Bocconia frutescens ( виетнамски )

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Bocconia frutescens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Anh túc. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Bocconia frutescens. Truy cập ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2013.

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Bocconia frutescens: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Bocconia frutescens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Anh túc. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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