
Cypherotylus asperus ( англиски )

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Cypherotylus californicus, sometimes known as the blue fungus beetle or blue pleasing fungus beetle, is a species of pleasing fungus beetle in the family Erotylidae. It is recorded from Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Kansas, and the Mexican state of Sonora.[1]


It starts its life in the spring when it hatches from an egg and pupates in the summer. It mates and lays eggs in the late summer and early fall. It feeds on the Conk Fungus it can find growing on logs and trees. Their elytra are blue with black dots, and it turns grey as they age.



  1. ^ Branham, M.A. (1993) A new eastern record for Cypherotylus californicus Lacordaire in the United States (Coleoptera: Erotylidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 47: 81–82. JSTOR
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Cypherotylus asperus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Cypherotylus californicus, sometimes known as the blue fungus beetle or blue pleasing fungus beetle, is a species of pleasing fungus beetle in the family Erotylidae. It is recorded from Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Kansas, and the Mexican state of Sonora.

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wikipedia EN