
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Alisotrichia argentilinea Flint

Alisotrichia argentilinea Flint, 1968a, p. 34.

This is another extremely distinctive species, belonging to the typical section of the genus. The lateral spines of the eighth sternum and odd structures of the tendi tergum are distinctive.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 2.5 mm. Color brown; antennae, head, and mesonotum dorsally with silvery hair; forewing with a longitudinally silvery band ending in a transverse line, apex white. Ocelli 2 and . Basal antennal segment greatly enlarged and covering face. Spurs 0, 2, 4. Male genitalia: Sevendi sternum with a short apicomesal process. Eighth sternum with 3 lateral processes, dorsalmost terminating in a heavy spine, ventral one curved mesad; posterior margin with enlarged setae submesally. Ninth segment mostly rodlike, with long anterolateral projections, posteriorly with slender dorsolateral processes, and a basal plate sclerotized marginally. Tendi tergum consisting of a pair of dorsal, elongate plates slightly enlarged apically. Aedeagus tubular, conical basally, enlarged and indistinct within tenth tergum, ending in a tubule.

LARVA.—Length to 2.5 mm. Sclerites pale brown. All thoracic nota divided longitudinally; mesonotal and metanotal tergites surrounded by small sclerotized points. Legs extending laterad in plane of body; coxae and femora with dorsal combs of setae. Enlarged setae of thoracic nota, legs, and abdominal tergites short, dark and truncate. Abdomen (excluding anal prolegs) subequal in length to thorax, about twice as long as width of widest segment. Abdomen with 8 tergites, anterior 5 or 6 bordered posteriorly with small sclerotized points; tergites 1–8 each with a rectangular anteromesal excision, central opening composed of 3 small pores; anterolateral sclerites large. Anal claw with large, black apicodorsal seta.

MATERIAL.—JAMAICA: ST. ANDREW: Yallahs River, Chestervale, 17 July 1963, Flint and Farr, holotype, allotype, 1 paratype; same, but 24–25 July 1962, 8 6 paratypes, larvae, and pupae; Hope River, near Newcastle, at milepost 16.5, 30 July 1962, Flint and Farr, 1 paratype; same, but 18 July 1963, 6 paratypes.
библиографски навод
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1970. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies X: Leucotrichia and Related Genera from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.60
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Alisotrichia argentilinea ( холандски; фламански )

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Alisotrichia argentilinea is een schietmot uit de familie Hydroptilidae. De soort komt voor in het Neotropisch gebied.

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