
Behaviour ( англиски )

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Huffard et al. (2005) described in detail the remarkable bipedal locomotion of two octopus species, Amphioctopus marginatus (from Indonesia) and Abdopus aculeatus (from Australia), based on analyses of underwater video footage. These movements are distinctly different from from their normal crawling, which usually involves several arms sprawling around the body, using the suckers to push and pull the animal along. The bipedal movements of the two species studied differ significantly and the authors interpret these differences as achieving two different types of "crypsis in motion". Crypsis refers to the phenomenon whereby an animal's color pattern, behaviors, or other features make it "blend in" with the background. Crypsis, which can be achieved in a variety of ways, is the primary defense against predators used by most shallow-water octopuses, although there is some evidence that whether they choose to make themselves cryptic by modifying their physical appearance and/or behavior may depend on their assessment of the level of threat in their environment (Hanlon 1999). A number of octopus species are able to modify their appearance and behavior in such a way that they seem, at least to human observers, to resemble swimming fish, rocks, or other familiar objects in their habitat (Hanlon 1999). Both species studied by Huffard et al. (2005) use two arms for locomotion and the remaining six arms to provide camouflage. Each arm is on the sand for more than half of the stride, qualifying this behavior as a form of walking. The authors describe the bipedally locomoting A. marginatus as resembling a rolling coconut and A. aculeatus as resembling a clump of floating algae. They note that these animals achieve bipedal locomotion despite having only a hydrostatic skeleton, although this mode of locomotion has often been thought to require the opposition of muscle against a rigid skeleton.

Norman (2000) described an intriguing behavior by A. marginatus, observing that individuals of this species often carry around coconut shell halves, assembling them as a shelter only when needed. Finn et al. (2009) note that these shells offer no protection while being carried and, in fact, appear to be a burden as they force the octopus to use a novel and awkward form of locomotion which the authors describe as "stilt-walking". Finn et al. argue that this is the first known example of tool use by an invertebrate, if part of the definition of a tool is that it provides no benefit until it is used for a specific purpose. They argue that the fact that the shell is carried for future use rather than as part of a specific task differentiates this behaviour from other examples of object manipulation by octopuses, such as rocks being used to barricade lair entrances. Furthermore, the necessity to correctly assemble the separate parts (when transporting two shells) in order to create a single functioning tool sets this example of tool use apart from most or all examples previously known for invertebrates. The coconut shell carrying behavior is likely to have evolved using large empty bivalve shells prior to the relatively recent supply of the clean and light coconut shell halves discarded by the coastal human communities adjacent to the marine habitat of this species (Finn et al. 2009).

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Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus (formerly known as Octopus marginatus) is a medium-sized octopus found in the tropical western Pacific and coastal waters of the Indian Ocean (M. Vecchione in litt. January 2010).

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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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Diagnosis for genus Amphioctopus (from Kaneko 2008): Small to medium sized body (mantle length [ML]<140 mm); short arms (2-3 X ML), subequal in length, arm formula typically 4>3>2>1 or 4=3=2>1; moderate depth web with section A shallowest; moderate number of gill lamellae (6-11 in ocellates; 9-11 in non-ocellates); well-developed patch and groove system on skin surface.

Diagnosis for Amphioctopus marginatus (from Kaneko 2008): Body of moderate size (53-83 mm mantle length); ovoid (mantle width 51.3 - 58.8% of length). Head narrow (31.7 - 39% of mantle length). Arms short (2-3.5 X ML); width narrow to moderate (7.5 - 12.7); subequal in length (arm formula variable, typically dorsal pair shortest). Arm suckers in two rows; normal arms with 128-211 suckers (diameter of enlarged sucker 7.3 - 9.9% ML). Webs of moderate depth (to 17.4% of length of longest arm); web formula typically D>E>C>B>A. Right third arm of male hectocotylized, 87 - 90.3% length of opposite arm, with 110-123 suckers. Ligula small (length 1.3 - 2.1% of hectocotylized arm length); calamus moderate to large (length 28.9 - 51.4 of ligula length). Gills with 9 lamellae per demibranch. Funnel length short (length 31.3 - 37.1% of ML); free funnel length short (length 15.5 - 21.9% of ML). Funnel organ W-shaped. Male terminal organ moderate in length (length of terminal organ and diverticulum 23-35% of ML), straight, diverticulum well developed, coiled. Body of fresh and fixed specimens dark brown. Dorsal surface sculptured in relatively regular elongate patches to ridges defined by distinct darkened and branching grooves, most obvious as branching reticulations on lateral arm faces. Single superocular primary papilla present above each eye. Dorso-lateral faces of suckers white or pale-pink, forming contrasting white strip against dark brown or purple of aboral surfaces of arms.

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EOL staff

Distribution ( англиски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus is found in the tropical western Pacific and coastal waters of the Indian Ocean (M. Vecchione in litt. January 2010).

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Shapiro, Leo
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EOL staff

Morphology ( англиски )

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The main body of Amphioctopus marginatus is typically around 8 centimeters long (~15 cm including arms). It has dark lines resembling veins on its body (hence the common name "Veined Octopus"). The arms are usually dark with contrasting white suckers. In many color displays, a lighter trapezoidal area can be seen immediately below the eye.

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Shapiro, Leo
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Systematics and Taxonomy ( англиски )

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The current name for this species is Amphioctopus marginatus (Huffard and Hochberg 2005; M. Vecchione in litt. December 2009). It may actually be a complex of several species, though this question requires further study (Huffard and Hochberg 2005).

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Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus marginatus Taki, 1964

DIAGNOSIS.—Animal small (43 mm ML). Mantle ovoid, widest near midpoint of length (MWI 72); neck slightly constricted; head moderate in width (HWI 60); eyes small. Funnel short, funnel organ W-shaped, inner and outer limbs subequal in length. Arms moderate in length (ALI 73.7), arm order III > II = IV > I. Sucker size moderate (SIn 10); especially enlarged suckers absent in unique female type. Web shallow (WDI 28), web formula D > E > C > B > A. Gill lamellae 10. Radula with B4 seriation of rachidian. Surface of head and mantle granular, surface of basal of arms covered with elongated pustules arranged in oblique, radiating rows, ornamentation decreases toward arm tips. Color in life brown with lighter colored bar across eyes; narrow, white line borders edge of arms; suckers pink.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Taki, 1964:304, figs. 47, 48, pl. 5.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Western North Pacific Ocean, Japan, Kyushu, off Oita Prefecture.

TYPE.—Holotype: Not deposited, female, 43 mm ML, presumed extant, held in private collection (see “Introduction”).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type locality.
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus striolatus Dong, 1976

DIAGNOSIS.—Mantle ovoid. Funnel organ W-shaped. Arms short. Ligula conical (LLI 2). Penis slender, diverticulum nearly elliptical. Radula with pentacuspid rachidian. Mantle covered with fine papillae. Few longitudinal stripes on sides of mantle and lateral arms.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Dong, 1976:212, pls. 3, 4.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Western North Pacific Ocean, China, Quangdong Province.

TYPE.—Holotype: IOAS K65B-50, 1959.VII.1.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type locality.
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Amphioctopus marginatus ( германски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus (engl. coconut octopus oder veined octopus, daher in der Presse auch Ader-Oktopus genannt) ist ein mittelgroßer Kopffüßer aus der Gattung Amphioctopus. Er bewohnt tropische Gewässer im westlichen Pazifischen Ozean. Seine Hauptnahrung besteht aus Garnelen, Krabben und Muscheln.


Die durchschnittliche Mantellänge beträgt 8 Zentimeter. Die Fangarme sind ungefähr 15 Zentimeter lang. Diese Krakenart zeigt ein typisches Farbmuster mit dunklen verzweigten, venenähnlichen Linien und einen gelblichen Sipho. Die Arme sind dunkel mit kontrastierenden weißen Saugnäpfen. Häufig ist ein heller, trapezförmiger Bereich unmittelbar unter dem Auge zu erkennen.

Lebensraum und Lebensweise

Amphioctopus marginatus

Amphioctopus marginatus ist auf Sandböden in Buchten oder Lagunen zu finden. Er gräbt sich häufig im Sand ein, so dass nur noch die Augen herausschauen.

Im März 2005 legten Forscher der University of California, Berkeley in einen Artikel im Journal Science dar, dass diese Art eine von zwei Kopffüßern ist, die ein bipedes Verhalten zeigen.[1] Die andere Art ist Abdopus aculeatus. Laut diesem Artikel wurde dieses Verhalten in der Celebessee in Indonesien beobachtet, wo der Sandboden mit Kokosnussschalen übersät war. Mit der bipeden Fortbewegung wird offenbar eine schwebende Kokosnuss imitiert.[2] Mitarbeiter des Melbourne Museum in Australien konnten darüber hinaus nachweisen, dass Amphioctopus marginatus Kokosnussschalen zum Bau einer Schutzbehausung nutzt. Dieses Verhalten wurde zwischen 1998 und 2008 bei Kraken vor den Küsten Balis und Nordsulawesis beobachtet und im Dezember 2009 im Journal Current Biology beschrieben.[3][4][5] Die Forscher filmten ein Exemplar von Amphioctopus marginatus, das weggeworfene Kokosnussschalen vom Meeresgrund aufsammelte, sie ungefähr 20 Meter weit trug und daraus ein kugelförmiges Schutzversteck errichtete.[4] Obwohl Kraken häufig fremde Objekte als Unterschlupf verwenden, ist das hochentwickelte Verhalten von Amphioctopus marginatus, wenn er Material sammelt, transportiert und es zusammensetzt, weit komplexer. Die Forscher interpretierten dieses Verhalten als den Gebrauch von Werkzeugen, wobei sie als Werkzeug „ein Objekt, das für eine spätere Verwendung mitgeführt wird“, definierten; laut dieser Definition ist das Verhalten von Amphioctopus marginatus der erste dokumentierte Fall von Werkzeuggebrauch bei Wirbellosen.[4] Wenn die Kraken aus ihrer Schutzhütte vertrieben wurden, klemmten sie die Kokosnussschalen zwischen ihre Arme und staksten damit davon.


  • Taki, I. (1964): On eleven new species of the Cephalopoda from Japan, including two new genera of the Octopodinae. In: Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University, 5 (2). S. 297–343.


  1. Sanders, Robert: Octopuses occasionally stroll around on two arms, UC Berkeley biologists report, University of California, Berkeley, March 24, 2005.
  2. Christine L. Huffard, Farnis Boneka, Robert J. Full: Underwater Bipedal Locomotion by Octopuses in Disguise, Science, March 25, 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1109616; pdf
  3. Finn, Julian K.; Tregenza, Tom; Norman, Mark D. (2009): Defensive tool use in a coconut-carrying octopus. Current Biologie, Band 19, Nr. 23, S. 1069–1070, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.10.052
  4. a b c Gelineau, Kristen (15. Dezember 2009). Aussie scientists find coconut-carrying octopus. The Associated Press.
  5. Harmon, Katherine (14. Dezember 2009). A tool-wielding octopus? This invertebrate builds armor from coconut halves. Scientific American.
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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus (engl. coconut octopus oder veined octopus, daher in der Presse auch Ader-Oktopus genannt) ist ein mittelgroßer Kopffüßer aus der Gattung Amphioctopus. Er bewohnt tropische Gewässer im westlichen Pazifischen Ozean. Seine Hauptnahrung besteht aus Garnelen, Krabben und Muscheln.

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( англиски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus, also known as the coconut octopus and veined octopus, is a medium-sized cephalopod belonging to the genus Amphioctopus. It is found in tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean. It commonly preys upon shrimp, crabs, and clams, and displays unusual behavior including bipedal and quadrupedal walking as well as tool use (gathering coconut shells and seashells and using these for shelter).

Size and description

The main body of the octopus is normally 8 centimeters (3 in) long and including the arms, approximately 15 centimeters (6 in) long. The octopus displays a typical color pattern with dark ramified lines similar to veins, usually with a yellow siphon. The arms are usually dark in color, with contrasting white suckers. In many color displays, a lighter trapezoidal area can be seen immediately below the eye.

Behavior and habits

Small (4-5 cm diameter) individual using a nutshell and clam shell as shelter

The coconut octopus is found on sandy bottoms in bays or lagoons. It frequently buries itself in the sand with only its eyes uncovered.[2]

In March 2005, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, published an article in Science in which A. marginatus was reported to show bipedal locomotion. It is one of only two octopus species known to display such behavior, the other species being Abdopus aculeatus. The authors discovered this behavior in an area off Sulawesi, Indonesia, where the sandy bottom was littered with coconut shells.[3] The bipedal motion appears to mimic a floating coconut.[4]

Researchers from the Melbourne Museum in Australia claimed the coconut octopus uses tools for concealment and defense by gathering available debris to create a defensive fortress. This behavior was observed in individuals in Bali and North Sulawesi in Indonesia.[5][6][7] The researchers filmed the octopus collecting coconut half-shells from the sea floor that had been discarded by humans. They were then carried up to 20 meters (66 ft) and arranged around the body of the octopus to form a spherical hiding place similar to a clam-shell.[6][8]

See also


  1. ^ Allen, G & Allcock, L (2018). "Amphioctopus marginatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T163176A980445. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T163176A980445.en. Retrieved 7 March 2023.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ "Coconut Octopus Amphioctopus marginatus". Oceana. Retrieved 14 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ Sanders, Robert: Octopuses occasionally stroll around on two arms, UC Berkeley biologists report, University of California, Berkeley, March 24, 2005.
  4. ^ Christine L. Huffard, Farnis Boneka, Robert J. Full: Underwater Bipedal Locomotion by Octopuses in Disguise, Science, March 25, 2005.
  5. ^ Finn, Julian K.; Tregenza, Tom; Norman, Mark D. (2009), "Defensive tool use in a coconut-carrying octopus", Curr. Biol., 19 (23): R1069–R1070, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.10.052, PMID 20064403, S2CID 26835945.
  6. ^ a b Gelineau, Kristen (2009-12-15). "Aussie scientists find coconut-carrying octopus". The Associated Press. Archived from the original on December 18, 2009. Retrieved 2009-12-15.
  7. ^ Harmon, Katherine (2009-12-14). "A tool-wielding octopus? This invertebrate builds armor from coconut halves". Scientific American. Archived from the original on 2009-12-17. Retrieved 2009-12-15.
  8. ^ Henderson, Mark (2009-12-15). "Indonesia's veined octopus 'stilt walks' to collect coconut shells". Times Online. Archived from the original on August 15, 2011.

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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus, also known as the coconut octopus and veined octopus, is a medium-sized cephalopod belonging to the genus Amphioctopus. It is found in tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean. It commonly preys upon shrimp, crabs, and clams, and displays unusual behavior including bipedal and quadrupedal walking as well as tool use (gathering coconut shells and seashells and using these for shelter).

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( француски )

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Pieuvre veinée, Pieuvre noix de coco

Amphioctopus marginatus (syn. et ancien nom Octopus marginatus) est un poulpe vivant dans les eaux tropicales de la partie est du Pacifique[1].


Cette espèce présente des lignes sombres ramifiées qui font penser à des veines (d’où l’appellation Veined Octopus en langue anglaise). Les ventouses blanches contrastent nettement avec les tentacules, qui sont habituellement de couleur foncée. On peut apercevoir à proximité immédiate de l’œil une zone trapézoïdale claire de couleurs diverses. Le siphon est souvent jaune. Taille : corps 8 cm, tentacules 15 cm[2].

Comportement et habitat

Ce poulpe se rencontre sur les fonds sableux des baies et lagons, sur des substrats généralement lisses où d'autres types de poulpes seraient vulnérables du fait de l'absence de cachette. Il s'enterre fréquemment dans le sable en ne laissant dépasser que ses yeux. Il utilise toute sorte de débris pour se fabriquer une protection. Ce poulpe est réputé pour stocker et assembler des coquilles de noix de coco vides afin de les utiliser comme abri contre les prédateurs[3]. Cela en ferait « le premier cas connu d'utilisation d'un outil chez un invertébré »[4] (d'où son autre nom anglais Coconut octopus), mais il utilise aussi des coquilles de bivalves, des bouteilles vides ou d'autres déchets humains pratiques.

En mars 2005, des chercheurs de l'université de Californie à Berkeley ont publié un article où Octopus marginatus est décrit comme ayant un comportement de bipédie, partageant avec Abdopus aculeatus cette particularité. Comme l'indique cet article, les observations ont été faites autour de Célèbes (Indonésie) où les noix de coco sont fréquentes sur le fond sableux. Le poulpe replie six tentacules autour de son corps et se déplace en utilisant ses deux tentacules libres, passant ainsi, aux yeux de ses prédateurs, pour une noix de coco emportée par le courant[5].


En train de consommer un crabe.

Cette espèce se nourrit habituellement de crevettes, crabes et mollusques gastéropodes ou bivalves (palourdes).

Aire de répartition

Ce poulpe vit principalement dans les eaux tropicales océaniques, notamment en Indonésie et aux Philippines.

Notes et références

  1. « Coconut shell octopus - Encyclopedia of Life », sur eol.org (consulté le 15 mai 2021).
  2. « Coconut shell octopus - Encyclopedia of Life », sur eol.org (consulté le 15 mai 2021).
  3. Je poulpe, donc je suis., Effets de Terre.fr, 16 décembre 2009.
  4. « Le poulpe, la noix de coco et l'outil », Sciences et Avenir, 15 décembre 2009.
  5. Des enregistrements vidéo montrant ce comportement sont visibles sur le lien suivant : [1].
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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Pieuvre veinée, Pieuvre noix de coco

Amphioctopus marginatus (syn. et ancien nom Octopus marginatus) est un poulpe vivant dans les eaux tropicales de la partie est du Pacifique.

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Il polpo del cocco (Amphioctopus marginatus Taki, 1964), noto anche come polpo venato, è un mollusco cefalopode della famiglia Octopodidae, diffuso nei fondali sabbiosi adiacenti alle barriere coralline dell'Indo-Pacifico.

Questa specie è famosa per l'utilizzo di svariati strumenti o addirittura oggetti come riparo; uno dei ripari più noti per questo polpo sono le noci di cocco tagliate a metà e gettate in mare dall'uomo; da qui prende il nome comune di "polpo del cocco".

A. marginatus con diverse conchiglie di bivalvi come riparo
A. marginatus con la conchiglia di un gasteropode
A. marginatus ha catturato un granchio dal suo nascondiglio
A. marginatus utilizza la conchiglia di un gasteropode come riparo
A. marginatus dentro un barattolo di vetro


A. marginatus è uno dei polpi più piccoli; il corpo (mantello) è normalmente lungo 8 centimetri e, comprese le braccia, raggiunge circa i 15 centimetri[1].

Il polpo del cocco presenta una colorazione tipica con linee ramificate scure simili a nervature (da qui il nome di "polpo venato"), solitamente con sifone giallo. Le braccia sono generalmente di colore scuro, con ventose bianche o bluastre. In molti display a colori, un'area trapezoidale più chiara può essere vista immediatamente sotto l'occhio[1].

Distribuzione e habitat

A. marginatus si trova nelle acque tropicali dell'Oceano Pacifico occidentale. Si trova solitamente su fondali sabbiosi, in baie o lagune, sempre nei pressi dei reef tropicali. Questa specie è molto comune nello stretto di Lembeh, un caratteristico fondale sabbioso di origine vulcanica situato nel nord di Sulawesi, in Indonesia[1].


Questo particolare polpo è noto per i suoi comportamenti insoliti, tra cui la locomozione bipede e l'uso di attrezzi (raccoglie i gusci delle noci di cocco e le conchiglie per usarli come riparo). Spesso si seppellisce nella sabbia con solo gli occhi scoperti[1].


Nel marzo 2005 i ricercatori dell'Università della California, Berkeley, hanno pubblicato un articolo su Science in cui si diceva che A. marginatus mostrasse una locomozione bipede. È una delle sole due specie di polpi note per mostrare tale comportamento; l'altra specie è Abdopus aculeatus. Gli autori hanno scoperto questo comportamento in un'area al largo di Sulawesi, in Indonesia, dove il fondo sabbioso era disseminato di noci di cocco; il movimento bipede sembra imitare proprio una noce di cocco galleggiante[1].

I ricercatori del Museo di Melbourne in Australia hanno affermato che A. marginatus utilizza strumenti per l'occultamento e la difesa raccogliendo i detriti disponibili per creare una sorta di "fortezza" difensiva. Questo comportamento è stato osservato in individui a Bali e a Lembeh, nel Nord Sulawesi in Indonesia. I ricercatori hanno filmato il polpo mentre raccoglieva le noci di cocco scartate dagli umani dal fondo del mare. Il polpo le dispone quindi attorno al corpo del polpo per formare un nascondiglio sferico, simile a una conchiglia[1].

Galleria d'immagini


  1. ^ a b c d e f (EN) Amphioctopus marginatus, in Wikipedia, 13 maggio 2021. URL consultato il 16 giugno 2021.

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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Il polpo del cocco (Amphioctopus marginatus Taki, 1964), noto anche come polpo venato, è un mollusco cefalopode della famiglia Octopodidae, diffuso nei fondali sabbiosi adiacenti alle barriere coralline dell'Indo-Pacifico.

Questa specie è famosa per l'utilizzo di svariati strumenti o addirittura oggetti come riparo; uno dei ripari più noti per questo polpo sono le noci di cocco tagliate a metà e gettate in mare dall'uomo; da qui prende il nome comune di "polpo del cocco".

 src= A. marginatus con diverse conchiglie di bivalvi come riparo  src= A. marginatus con la conchiglia di un gasteropode  src= A. marginatus ha catturato un granchio dal suo nascondiglio  src= A. marginatus utilizza la conchiglia di un gasteropode come riparo src= A. marginatus dentro un barattolo di vetro
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Amphioctopus marginatus ( холандски; фламански )

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Amphioctopus marginatus ook bekend als de kokosnootoctopus of de geaderde octopus, is een inktvis uit het geslacht Amphioctopus. Hij komt voor in de tropische wateren in het westen van de Grote Oceaan.


Zijn mantellengte bedraagt 8 cm en met zijn armen gestrekt is hij 15 cm groot.

Deze octopus heeft een typerend kleurenpatroon met donkere, vertakte lijnen, die op aderen lijken, meestal met een gele sifon. De armen zijn meestal donker van kleur met contrasterende witte zuignappen.


De soort heeft de bijzondere eigenschap om zich op twee poten voor te bewegen[1] en kokosnoten te verzamelen om als schuilplaats te gebruiken[2].


  • Octopus marginatus Taki, 1964
  • Octopus striolatus Dong, 1976


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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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Amphioctopus marginatus ook bekend als de kokosnootoctopus of de geaderde octopus, is een inktvis uit het geslacht Amphioctopus. Hij komt voor in de tropische wateren in het westen van de Grote Oceaan.

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( полски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus – gatunek średniej wielkości ośmiornicy z rodziny Octopodidae. Występuje w tropikalnych wodach Oceanu Spokojnego. Jej ciało osiąga długość całkowitą około 15 cm, a nie licząc ramion – około 8 cm. Żywi się krewetkami, krabami i małżami. Jest jedynym znanym bezkręgowcem, u którego stwierdzono umiejętność gromadzenia i planowanego używania przedmiotów. Sfilmowano ośmiornicę z tego gatunku zbierającą łupiny orzecha kokosowego wrzuconego przez ludzi do morza, przenoszącą je na odległość 20 m i układającą z nich własne schronienie[1].


  1. Finn et al.. Defensive tool use in a coconut-carrying octopus. „Current Biology”. 19(23), s. R1069-R1070, 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.10.052 (ang.).
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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( полски )

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Amphioctopus marginatus – gatunek średniej wielkości ośmiornicy z rodziny Octopodidae. Występuje w tropikalnych wodach Oceanu Spokojnego. Jej ciało osiąga długość całkowitą około 15 cm, a nie licząc ramion – około 8 cm. Żywi się krewetkami, krabami i małżami. Jest jedynym znanym bezkręgowcem, u którego stwierdzono umiejętność gromadzenia i planowanego używania przedmiotów. Sfilmowano ośmiornicę z tego gatunku zbierającą łupiny orzecha kokosowego wrzuconego przez ludzi do morza, przenoszącą je na odległość 20 m i układającą z nich własne schronienie.

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Amphioctopus marginatus, conhecido popularmente em inglês como veined octopus ("polvo venoso") ou coconut octopus ("polvo do coco") é um cefalópode de tamanho médio. É facilmente encontrado em águas tropicais como as do oceano Pacífico. Sua principais presas são: camarões, caranguejos e outros crustáceos. Tem vários tipos de comportamento atípicos, tal como deslocação bípede e recolha de cocos abertos.


Protegendo-se com uma concha e pedaços de coco.

A espécie pode ser encontrada tanto em baías como em lagos, além dos oceanos de águas quentes. Há relatos de sua espécie encontrada em rios e lagoas próximos ao mar.

Em março de 2005, pesquisadores da University of California, Berkeley publicaram um artigo na revista Science em que relataram que A. marginatus tinha comportamento bípede.[1][2] Esta é uma de duas espécies com esse comportamento, sendo que a outra é Abdopus aculeatus. De acordo com o artigo, este comportamento foi descoberto em Sulawesi, na Indonésia, onde o fundo do mar arenoso está coberto de cascas de coco. O movimento bípede parece imitar um coco flutuante.[3]

Em pesquisa do Museu de Melbourne na Austrália, observou-se que a espécie utiliza pedaços de conchas como ferramenta para se proteger de possíveis ataques, caracterizando a primeira observação de uso de ferramentas por animais em invertebrados. A descoberta foi observada em Bali, também na Indonésia, entre os anos de 1998 e 2008, e foi publicada no jornal Current Biology em dezembro de 2009.[4][5] Os investigadores filmaram A. marginatus a pegar em cascas de coco deitadas ao mar, carregando-as por 20 m, e dispondo as cascas de forma a criar um esconderijo esférico.[4][6] Apesar de polvos muitas vezes usarem objectos como abrigo, o comportamento sofisticado de A. marginatus quando seleccionam materiais, transportam e dispôem-nos, é bastante mais complexo.[4] Os investigadores definem uma ferramenta como "um objecto transportado ou mantido para uso posterior" o que torna, de acordo com esta definição, o comportamento desta espécie como o primeiro uso de ferramentas documentado de um invertebrado.[4][6][2]


O corpo principal do polvo mede em torno de 8 cm de tamanho com tentáculos de aproximadamente 15 cm. Possui cores com tons escuros e cintilantes. Os braços geralmente são mais escuros que o corpo, em contraste com outras cores de tons escuros e cintilantes.

Ver também


  1. Sanders, Robert: Octopuses occasionally stroll around on two arms, UC Berkeley biologists report, University of California, Berkeley, March 24, 2005.
  2. a b «Os Engolidores da Natureza». Curiosidades Animal. 20 de outubro de 2018. Consultado em 30 de abril de 2018
  3. Christine L. Huffard, Farnis Boneka, Robert J. Full: Underwater Bipedal Locomotion by Octopuses in Disguise, Science, 25 de Março de 2005.
  4. a b c d «Aussie scientists find coconut-carrying octopus». The Associated Press. 15 de dezembro de 2009
  5. Harmon, Katherine (14 de dezembro de 2009). «A tool-wielding octopus? This invertebrate builds armor from coconut halves». Scientific American
  6. a b Henderson, Mark (15 de dezembro de 2009). «Indonesia's veined octopus 'stilt walks' to collect coconut shells». Times Online

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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Amphioctopus marginatus, conhecido popularmente em inglês como veined octopus ("polvo venoso") ou coconut octopus ("polvo do coco") é um cefalópode de tamanho médio. É facilmente encontrado em águas tropicais como as do oceano Pacífico. Sua principais presas são: camarões, caranguejos e outros crustáceos. Tem vários tipos de comportamento atípicos, tal como deslocação bípede e recolha de cocos abertos.

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Amphioctopus marginatus ( турски )

добавил wikipedia TR
Binominal adı Amphioctopus marginatus
(Taki, 1964) Sinonimler
  • Octopus marginatus
    Taki, 1964
  • Octopus striolatus
    Dong, 1976

Amphioctopus marginatus, ayrıca bilinen adıyla hindistan cevizi ahtapotu ve damarlı ahtapot, cinsi Amphioctopus olan orta boyulut, kafadan bacaklı bir ahtapottur. Batı Büyük Okyanus'un tropik sularında yaşar. Genellikle karides, yengeç ve istiridye avlar. İki ayaklı yürüyüş ve alet kullanımı (deniz ve hindistan cevizi kabuklarını toplar ve bunları barınak yapmak için kullanır) gibi olağan dışı davranışlar sergiler.

Boyutu ve tanımlama

Ahtapotun ana gövdesi 8 santimeter (3 in) uzunluğundadır ve bu uzunluğuna kollar da dahil ediliği zaman yaklaşık 15 santimeter (6 in) uzunluğu bulmaktadır. Ahtapot, damarları andıran ve koyu renkli çizgilerden oluşan tipik bir renk deseni gösterir. Genellikle sarı renkli bir sifonu vardır. Kolları genellikle koyu renklidir, kollara bağlı vantuzlar ise siyahın tersi beyaz renklidir. Bu ahtapotun birçok renkli gösteriminde, gözün hemen altında daha açık renkli yamuk bir alan görülebilir.

Davranış ve alışkanlıklar

Küçük bir marginatus (4-5 cm çapında) bir fındık ve istiridye kabuğunu barınak olarak kullanıyor.

2005'te, Berkeley Üniversitesi'ndeki araştırmacılar, Science dergisinde A. marginatusun iki ayağını kullanarak hareket ettiğini gösteren bir rapor yayınladı. İki ayağı ile hareket edebilen, Abdopus aculeatus ile birlikte iki türden birisidir. Yazarlar, bu olayı ilk kez kumlu zeminin üzerinin hindistan cevizleriyle kaplı olduğu Sulawesi, Endonezya'da gözlemlemiştir.[1] Ahtapotun, iki ayaklı hareket ile yüzen bir hindistan cevizini taklit ettiği düşünülmektedir.[2]

Avustralya'daki Melbourne Müzesi'nden araştırmacılar, hindistan cevizi ahtapotunun, mevcut molozları toplayarak gizleme ve savunma amacıyla kullandığını iddia etti. Bu davranış Endonezya'nın Bali ve Kuzey Sulawesi bölgelerinde gözlemlenmiştir.[3][4][5] Araştırmacılar, insanlar tarafından deniz tabanına atılan yarım kabukları toplayan ahtapotları filme aldılar. Kabukları 20 meter (66 ft) kadar taşıyabilen ahtapotlar, istiridye kabuğuna benzer küresel bir saklanma yeri oluşturmak için kabukları kendi etrafında düzenledi.[4][6]


  1. ^ Sanders, Robert: Octopuses occasionally stroll around on two arms, UC Berkeley biologists report, University of California, Berkeley, March 24, 2005.
  2. ^ Christine L. Huffard, Farnis Boneka, Robert J. Full: Underwater Bipedal Locomotion by Octopuses in Disguise, Science, March 25, 2005.
  3. ^ Finn, Julian K.; Tregenza, Tom; Norman, Mark D. (2009), "Defensive tool use in a coconut-carrying octopus", Curr. Biol., 19 (23), ss. R1069–R1070, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.10.052, PMID 20064403.
  4. ^ a b Gelineau, Kristen (2009-12-15). "Aussie scientists find coconut-carrying octopus". The Associated Press. December 18, 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2009-12-15.
  5. ^ Harmon, Katherine (2009-12-14). "A tool-wielding octopus? This invertebrate builds armor from coconut halves". Scientific American.
  6. ^ Henderson, Mark (2009-12-15). "Indonesia's veined octopus 'stilt walks' to collect coconut shells". Times Online. August 15, 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( турски )

добавил wikipedia TR

Amphioctopus marginatus, ayrıca bilinen adıyla hindistan cevizi ahtapotu ve damarlı ahtapot, cinsi Amphioctopus olan orta boyulut, kafadan bacaklı bir ahtapottur. Batı Büyük Okyanus'un tropik sularında yaşar. Genellikle karides, yengeç ve istiridye avlar. İki ayaklı yürüyüş ve alet kullanımı (deniz ve hindistan cevizi kabuklarını toplar ve bunları barınak yapmak için kullanır) gibi olağan dışı davranışlar sergiler.

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wikipedia TR

Amphioctopus marginatus ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Bạch tuộc vân (Danh pháp khoa học: Amphioctopus marginatus) hay còn gọi là bạch tuộc dừa là một loài bạch tuộc trong họ Octopodidae. Chúng là loài thông minh và biết dùng những chiếc vỏ dừa làm nơi trú ẩn di động. Ban đầu chúng nhấc vỏ dừa lên, dùng xúc tu quét sạch bùn trên đó. Khi muốn di chuyển, xúc tu sẽ cuốn lấy nửa mảnh vỏ dừa và đặt nó dưới cơ thể, giúp chúng ung dung lướt đi dưới đáy biển.

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Amphioctopus marginatus: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Bạch tuộc vân (Danh pháp khoa học: Amphioctopus marginatus) hay còn gọi là bạch tuộc dừa là một loài bạch tuộc trong họ Octopodidae. Chúng là loài thông minh và biết dùng những chiếc vỏ dừa làm nơi trú ẩn di động. Ban đầu chúng nhấc vỏ dừa lên, dùng xúc tu quét sạch bùn trên đó. Khi muốn di chuyển, xúc tu sẽ cuốn lấy nửa mảnh vỏ dừa và đặt nó dưới cơ thể, giúp chúng ung dung lướt đi dưới đáy biển.

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条纹蛸 ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Amphioctopus marginatus
(Dong, 1976)[1]

条纹蛸学名Amphioctopus striolatus)为蛸科蛸属的动物,是中国的特有物种。分布于广东西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,常见于暖水区。该物种的模式产地在中国广东上川岛。[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 条纹蛸. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:条纹蛸 小作品圖示这是一篇與章魚相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
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条纹蛸: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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条纹蛸(学名:Amphioctopus striolatus)为蛸科蛸属的动物,是中国的特有物种。分布于广东西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,常见于暖水区。该物种的模式产地在中国广东上川岛。

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