'Noel Holmgren (The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] author), in Flora North America 4:261 (2003), has repositioned Monolepis pusilla Torr. ex S. Watson in the genus Micromonolepis, where the combination Micromonolepis pusilla (Torr. ex S. Watson) Ulbr. (in Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed 2. 16c:499. 1934) already exists. ' Also: moved from Chenopodiaceae to Amaranthaceae
'Noel Holmgren (The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] author), in Flora North America 4:261 (2003), has repositioned Monolepis pusilla Torr. ex S. Watson in the genus Micromonolepis, where the combination Micromonolepis pusilla (Torr. ex S. Watson) Ulbr. (in Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed 2. 16c:499. 1934) already exists. ' Also: moved from Chenopodiaceae to Amaranthaceae
What a wild little plant this is.
NOTE! In TJM2, the new name is Micromonolepis pusilla (Torr. ex S. Watson) Ulbr.