
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил North American Flora
Sedum diffusum S. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 25 : 148. 1890
Rootstock widely branched, fleshy; stem short, the slender branches spreading, 1.5
dm. long or less, glabrous, very leafy. Leaves sessile or somewhat clasping, narrowly
oblong, obtuse, 4-9 mm. long; flowers sessile in secund spikes at the ends of the branches,
mostly longer than the bracts ; calyxsegments ovate, obtuse ; petals 4-6 mm. long, twice
as long as the calyx, white, narrowly oblong, acute ; stamens very short ; follicles widely
divergent, abruptly subulatetipped.
Type locality : Dry limestone ledges in the Sierra de la Silla, near Monterey, Mexico. Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
библиографски навод
John Kunkel SmaII, George Valentine Nash, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Joseph Nelson Rose, Per Axel Rydber. 1905. ROSALES, PODOSTEMONACEAE, CRASSULACEAE, PENTHORACEAE and PARNASSIACEAE. North American flora. vol 22(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora