shrub on coarse calcareous sands and gravel of shallow braided arroyos cutting white limestone outcrops on a gently sloping out-wash plain. Foliage view
on road right of way crossing overgrazed, shrub invaded grassland on basin fill flats of mixed limestone and volcanic gravels over calcareous soil. Foliage view
on road right of way crossing overgrazed, shrub invaded grassland on basin fill flats of mixed limestone and volcanic gravels over calcareous soil.
small shrub on silty calcareous soils of drainage flats at west end of earthen flood control dam on Dry Creek arroyo, shaded in roadside thicket with Prosopis, Koeberlinia, Flourensia.
small shrub on silty calcareous soils of drainage flats at west end of earthen flood control dam on Dry Creek arroyo, shaded in roadside thicket with Prosopis, Koeberlinia, Flourensia. NOTE: dehiscent fruiting capsules
shrub on low exposure of calcareous, gypsophilic clays outcropping in degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil
shrub on low exposure of calcareous, gypsophilic clays outcropping in degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil
shrub on low exposure of calcareous, gypsophilic clays outcropping in degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil
among scattered roadside shrubs adjacent to low gypsophilous plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of flat bolson playa. Special thanks to George Hinton who took us to this unusual site
among scattered roadside shrubs adjacent to low gypsophilous plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of flat bolson playa. Special thanks to George Hinton who took us to this unusual site
on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.
on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.
among scattered roadside shrubs on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.
on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.
on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.
on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa. Grateful to George Hinton for guiding us to this rich, diverse site.