La Lobelia azul (Lobelia siphilitica) ye una especie de planta de flores perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Nativa del este d'Estaos Xuníos.
Ye una planta yerbácea perenne qu'algama los 100 cm d'altor que vive n'árees húmedes. Produz una espiga de flores zigomorfes a finales del branu. Son bien apreciaes como planta ornamental.
La Lobelia azul (Lobelia siphilitica) ye una especie de planta de flores perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Nativa del este d'Estaos Xuníos.
Lobelia siphilitica (lat. Lobelia siphilitica) - zəngçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin firəngotu cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Lobelia siphilitica, the great blue lobelia,[2] great lobelia,[3] or blue cardinal flower,[4] is a plant species within the family Campanulaceae. It is an herbaceous perennial dicot native to eastern and central Canada and United States. There are two recognized varieties of Lobelia siphilitica, var. siphilitica and var. ludoviciana.[5] Blooming from August to October,[6] it is short-lived, lasting only for a few years.[6]
Although self-compatible, a flower is unable to offer pollen to itself and it must be pollinated by insects, primarily bumblebees.[6] Bees use the lower three fused petals as a landing pad. A bee of correct weight will depress these petals on its way to the flower's nectar, this lowers the stigma wiping it against the bee's back.[7]
Growing up to 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, Lobelia siphilitica has a single ridged, unbranched stem, which is smooth or sparsely hairy. Leaves are hairless or scarcely hairy, that vary in shape from elliptical to lance-like, slightly narrowing at the base. They are about 2 inches (51 mm) wide and 2 to 6 in (51 to 152 mm) in length. Leaves are alternately attached to the stem with no leaf stalk.[8] The root system is a central taproot, that occasionally produces basal offshoots.[5]
The plant produces a spike of zygomorphic flowers in the late summer. The flowers are more closely clustered towards the top of the raceme and become more infrequent further down with the lower flowers begin blooming first.[9] Great lobelia flowers are notably larger than many other lobelia species. Flowers are typically blue or violet, but can be lighter, even white and are usually about 1 in (25 mm) long.[10] The tubed portion of the flower is often striped. Great lobelia flowers have five petals; the three lower petals are fused, and the two upper petals are usually curled back. A curved style pokes between the upper two petals. The lower center lobe is wider and has two small bumps near the throat that are typically lighter in coloration.[5] Seed pods are two-chambered with an auriculate base and have many small seeds. Seeds are ovular, translucent, and golden brown and are presumed to be distributed by wind or water.[11]
Great lobelia is found in the north from Maine to Manitoba and in the south from North Carolina to Texas. Sparse populations can be found as far west as Wyoming and Colorado.[12]
It thrives in moist to wet soils and partially shaded environments, including swamp forests, roadside ditches, floodplains, lake margins, and wet prairies.[12]
Lobelia siphilitica is sold in garden centers and is often grown in zones 4 to 9. It can be propagated either by cutting or seed.[12]
Native Americans traditionally use Lobelia siphilitica to treat respiratory and muscle disorders. It was once considered a cure for syphilis by early European settlers, which is where the scientific name for the species originates.[12]
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: CS1 maint: url-status (link) Lobelia siphilitica, the great blue lobelia, great lobelia, or blue cardinal flower, is a plant species within the family Campanulaceae. It is an herbaceous perennial dicot native to eastern and central Canada and United States. There are two recognized varieties of Lobelia siphilitica, var. siphilitica and var. ludoviciana. Blooming from August to October, it is short-lived, lasting only for a few years.
Although self-compatible, a flower is unable to offer pollen to itself and it must be pollinated by insects, primarily bumblebees. Bees use the lower three fused petals as a landing pad. A bee of correct weight will depress these petals on its way to the flower's nectar, this lowers the stigma wiping it against the bee's back.
La cardenala azul[1] o lobelia azul (Lobelia siphilitica) es una especie de planta de flores perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Nativa del este de Estados Unidos.
Es una planta herbácea perenne que alcanza los 100 cm de altura que vive en áreas húmedas. Produce una espiga de flores zigomorfas a finales del verano. Son muy apreciadas como planta ornamental.
Lobelia siphilitica fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 931. 1753.[2]
Lobelia: nombre genérico que fue nombrado en honor del botánico belga Matthias de Lobel (1538-1616).[3]
siphilitica: epíteto latino que se refiere a su uso como planta medicinal contra la sífilis.[4]
La cardenala azul o lobelia azul (Lobelia siphilitica) es una especie de planta de flores perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Nativa del este de Estados Unidos.
Vista de la planta Detalle de la flor InflorescenciaLa grande lobélie ou Lobelia siphilitica est une plante herbacée originaire des marais de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord, tirant son nom de ses propriétés à lutter contre la syphilis.
On la trouve avec certitude au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe, où elle se ressème naturellement dans les milieux humides. Elle est cultivée dans les jardins.
Il s'agit d'une plante herbacée annuelle ou bisannuelle érigée pouvant atteindre 100 cm de hauteur, avec des tiges portant de minuscules poils.
Ses fleurs apparaissant en été varient du bleu au pourpre en passant par le violet. Elles sont elles aussi recouvertes de poils sur la face externe de leurs pétales.
Les racines de Lobelia siphilitica sont réputées avoir été utilisées pour traiter la syphilis. Tout comme sa consœur Lobelia inflata, elle a des propriétés antispasmodiques utilisables pour lutter contre l'asthme et les spasmes bronchiques[1].
La grande lobélie ou Lobelia siphilitica est une plante herbacée originaire des marais de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord, tirant son nom de ses propriétés à lutter contre la syphilis.
Lobelia siphilitica là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Loài này được Carl von Linné mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]
Lobelia siphilitica là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Loài này được Carl von Linné mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.
大山梗菜(學名:Lobelia siphilitica)生長在潮濕林地及溪畔,分佈北美東部。綠莖直立,珠高約60公分,莖頂著生花穗,為藍紫色花朵組成的密集穗狀花序。葉無柄,為兩端漸窄的矛形葉,有齒狀邊緣且不平整。大團的白根被印地安人用來治梅毒。
大山梗菜(學名:Lobelia siphilitica)生長在潮濕林地及溪畔,分佈北美東部。綠莖直立,珠高約60公分,莖頂著生花穗,為藍紫色花朵組成的密集穗狀花序。葉無柄,為兩端漸窄的矛形葉,有齒狀邊緣且不平整。大團的白根被印地安人用來治梅毒。