Schweiggeria l'è 'n zèner de piànte che fà part de la famìa botànica de le Violaceae. El töl dét quàter us tasonòmiche, ma de chèste nesüna la rezülta acetàda come spéce[1].
Le quàter us tasonòmiche i è:
Schweiggeria l'è 'n zèner de piànte che fà part de la famìa botànica de le Violaceae. El töl dét quàter us tasonòmiche, ma de chèste nesüna la rezülta acetàda come spéce.
Le quàter us tasonòmiche i è:
Schweiggeria floribunda A.St.-Hil. Schweiggeria fruticosa Spreng. Schweiggeria mexicana Schltdl. Schweiggeria pauciflora Lindl.
Schweiggeria is a genus of flowering plants in the violet family Violaceae, with one or two species, found in eastern Brazil.
Shrubs, with oblanceolate (wider near tip) leaves. White flowers strongly zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetrical), rarely solitary, in axillary fascicles, with caducous corolla with the bottom petal longer than the others and clawed with a spur that is well exserted. The stamens have free filaments, with the lowest two being calcarate (spurred) and possessing a large dorsal connective appendage that is entire and oblong-ovate. In the gynoecium, the style is rostellate (beaked) or lobed. The fruit is a thick-walled capsule with 3 obovoid seeds per carpel.[2]
The genus Schweiggeria was first described by Sprengel, with the single species Schweiggeria fruticosa, placing it in the family Ionidia, named for the genus Ionidium[3] in 1821.[4] In 1846, Lindley classified both Schweiggeria and Ionidium in Violaceae, within the Violales,[5] although Bentham and Hooker (1862) called the family Violarieae.[6]
Historically Schweiggeria was placed within Violaceae in subfamily Violoideae, tribe Violeae, subtribe Violinae, together with Anchietea, Calyptrion, Noisettia and Viola.[2] But these divisions have been shown to be artificial and not monophyletic. Molecular phylogenetic studies show that Violaceae is best considered as four clades rather than taxonomic ranks. Schweiggeria occurs in Clade I of the family, consisting of Viola, Schweiggeria, Noisettia and Allexis, in which Schweiggeria and Noisettia are monotypic and form a sister group to Viola.[7][8][9]
Sprengel named the genus in honour of his colleague August Friedrich Schweigger (1783–1821).[3]
Four species have been described;
of which two, S. fruticosa and S. mexicana are accepted by Plants of the World Online, considering S. floribunda and S. pauciflora as synonyms of S. fruticosa.[10] Other authors consider Schweiggeria to be monotypic for S. fruticosa.[2][7][11][12]
Eastern Brazil.[10]
Schweiggeria is a genus of flowering plants in the violet family Violaceae, with one or two species, found in eastern Brazil.
Schweiggeria es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Violaceae. Violacecae es una familiar del orden Malpighiales. En la península ibérica consta de plantas herbáceas mientras que en los trópicos consta de especies arbustivas, arbóreas y sobre todo lianas. Comprende cuatro especies.
Schweiggeria es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Violaceae. Violacecae es una familiar del orden Malpighiales. En la península ibérica consta de plantas herbáceas mientras que en los trópicos consta de especies arbustivas, arbóreas y sobre todo lianas. Comprende cuatro especies.