Comprehensive Description
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Eurema hecabe senegalensis (Boisduval)
Terias senegalensis Boisduval, 1836: 672 (Senegal).
= Terias leonis Butler, 1886: 222; pi. 5, fig. 6 (Sierra Leone).
This subspecies is found throughout Africa south of the desert and also occurs on the Arabian peninsula. It is one of the few butterflies active during the rainy season. I found it to be far more common near the coast in open agricultural lands than is indicated by the number of specimens collected. Within forests it flies only in open sunny clearings or along sunlit trails.
Liberia: Harbel, 4 3 , I, 1 9 , II, 6 3 , 1 9 , III, 1 3,1 9 , IV, 5 3
2 3,1 9 , XI, 5 3,3 9 , XII; Fish Lake, 2 9 , I, 2 3 , XII; Kpain
2 3 , V; Ganta, 1 3,1 9 , II, 5 3 , V, 1 3 , VI, 4 3 , VII, 1 3 VIII, 2 3 , X; Wanau Forest, 1 9 , I, 6 3,4 9 , III, 1 3 , V, 1 2 VIII, 4 3 , X; St. Paul River at Zorzor Road, 1 3 , III; Zorzor, 5 3
3 9 , XI; trail near Fisabu, 2 3,1 9 , XII; Bomi Hills, 23,1 9 , IV Yendamalahoun, 8 3,2 9 , IV (all Fox); Bigtown, 2 3,1 9 , XI (Naysmith); eastern Liberia, 42 3 , 8 9 (Berger, 1954); Buttikofer (1898) as fioricida Boisduval; Sharpe (1906), probably including brenda.
- библиографски навод
- Fox, R.M., Lindsey, A.W., Clench, H.K., Miller, L.D. 1965. The Butterflies of Liberia. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 19. Philadelphia, USA