
Ulmus ismaelis ( англиски )

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Ulmus ismaelis is a small tree discovered circa 1997 in southern Mexico by Ismael Calzada in riparian forest along the Mixteco River system in northeastern Oaxaca, where it grows among large boulders in the limestone canyons.[1] The tree has since been found in Honduras and El Salvador.[2] The tree is exceptional in its habitat: dry places, sometimes with <500 mm per annum precipitation, and comparatively low altitudes of 450–750 m.[2]


Rarely growing to> 15 m in height, typically < 10 m with a trunk diameter of 30 cm; the tree has exfoliating orangish bark. The ovate leaves are coriaceous, < 9.6 cm in length by 4.6 cm broad, acute at the apex, pinnately veined, on short (2–5 mm) petioles; the colour ranges from dull green to light brown. The apetalous flowers are arranged as short racemes on leafless twigs, sparsely clustered on < 7 mm peduncles. The samarae are < 22 × 13 mm, tapering at the base to a <8 mm stalk, with ciliate margins, and are shed during June and July in Mexico;[1] in Honduras and El Salvador the tree flowers at the time of foliage change, just before the fall of the leaves of the previous season during the months of February and March, and fructifies from March to the end of April, coinciding with the emergence of the new season's leaves.[2]

Pests and diseases

No information available.


The tree is extremely rare in cultivation; it was introduced to Europe in 2019 as seed sent to the Grange Farm Arboretum, Lincolnshire, UK. Seedlings were later disseminated by the arboretum to Butterfly Conservation's main trials site, Great Fontley, Hampshire, UK, and the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain.


The species is named for the Mexican botanist and collector Dr Juan Ismael Calzada, who discovered the tree.



  • Grange Farm Arboretum, Lincs., UK. Seedlings germinated 2019.
  • Butterfly Conservation elm trials plantation, Great Fontley, Hants., UK. One seedling, germinated 2019.


  1. ^ a b Todzia, Carol A.; Panero, Jose L. (1998). "A New Species of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) from Southern Mexico and a Synopsis of the Species in Mexico". Brittonia. Springer Nature. 50 (3): 343. doi:10.2307/2807778. ISSN 0007-196X. JSTOR 2807778. S2CID 21320752.
  2. ^ a b c Linares, J. L. (2005). First record of Ulmus ismaelis (Ulmaceae) in Central America. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. vol.76 no.1 México. Jun. 2005 (in Spanish). [1]
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Ulmus ismaelis: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Ulmus ismaelis is a small tree discovered circa 1997 in southern Mexico by Ismael Calzada in riparian forest along the Mixteco River system in northeastern Oaxaca, where it grows among large boulders in the limestone canyons. The tree has since been found in Honduras and El Salvador. The tree is exceptional in its habitat: dry places, sometimes with

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Ulmus ismaelis ( латински )

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Ulmus ismaelis est parva familiae Ulmacearum arbor florens, in Mexico meridiano nuperrime inventa, et solum in silvis ripariis per systema Mixteci Fluminis in Oaxaca septentrio-orientali endemica, ubi inter magnis saxis in vallibus calcareis crescere solet.


Arbori, quae plus quam 15 m alta raro attingit, est aurantiacus cortex exfolians. Folia sunt ovata et coriacea, minus quam 9.6 cm longa et 4.6 cm lata, apice acuta, pinnatinervata, in brevibus (2–5 mm) petiolis; color a viride sordido ad fuscum dilutum variat. Flores, apetali, ordinantur ut breves racemi in ramunculis foliis carentibus, in pedunculis minus quam 7 mm longis sparsim fasciculatis. Fructus sunt samarae minus quam 22 mm ad 13 mm latae, basi ad pedicellum minus quam 4 mm longum decrescens, et mensibus Iunio Iulioque exuuntur.[1]


Arbor coli non putatur.

Pestes et morbi

Scientia caret.


Appellatur planta ex Doctore Ioanne Ismael Calzada, botanista et conlectore, qui eam invenit.


  1. C. A. Todzia et J. L. Panero (1998), "A new species of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) from southern Mexico and a synopsis of the species in Mexico." Brittonia 50(3):346.
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Ulmus ismaelis: Brief Summary ( латински )

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Ulmus ismaelis est parva familiae Ulmacearum arbor florens, in Mexico meridiano nuperrime inventa, et solum in silvis ripariis per systema Mixteci Fluminis in Oaxaca septentrio-orientali endemica, ubi inter magnis saxis in vallibus calcareis crescere solet.

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Ulmus ismaelis ( виетнамски )

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Ulmus ismaelis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Ulmaceae. Loài này được Todzia & Panero miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1998.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Ulmus ismaelis. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Ulmus ismaelis: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Ulmus ismaelis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Ulmaceae. Loài này được Todzia & Panero miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1998.

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