
Description ( англиски )

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Dioecious trees. Leaves pinnately-veined, densely puberulous below on the reticulate venation. Stipules semi-amplexicaul, free. Inflorescences borne in leaf axils, unisexual, with both the male and female in the form of a spike. Male flowers with 4 tepals and stamens. Female flowers: tepals 4; stigmas 2, markedly unequal; fruiting perianth enlarged and fleshy, Fruit drupaceous.
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Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
библиографски навод
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Milicia Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=468
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Milicia ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Milicia ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Maulbeergewächse (Moraceae). Die nur zwei Arten sind in Afrika beheimatet. Trivialnamen in den Heimatländern und teilweise Handelsnamen für das Holz sind Iroko, Semli (Sierra Leone, Liberia), Odoum (Ghana, Elfenbeinküste), Rokko, Oroko (Nigeria), Abang, Mandji (Kamerun, Gabun), Mereira (Angola), Kambala (Zaire), Mvule (Ostafrika) und African Teak (englisch).


Die beiden Milicia-Arten sind sehr große Bäume. Die wechselständig und zweizeilig angeordneten Laubblätter sind einfach und fiedernervig. Die beiden Nebenblätter sind nicht verwachsen.

Milicia-Arten sind zweihäusig getrenntgeschlechtig (diözisch). Die Blüten stehen in achselständigen, ährigen Blütenständen zusammen mit Tragblättern. Die eingeschlechtigen Blüten sind vierzählig mit nur einem Blütenhüllblattkreis. Die vier Blütenhüllblätter sind an ihrer Basis verwachsen. Die männlichen Blüten besitzen vier Staubblätter. In einem weiblichen Blütenstand stehen viele Blüten zusammen. In den weiblichen Blüten sind gut zwei dünne, deutlich unterschiedlich lange Narben erkennbar. Die Steinfrüchte in den Fruchtverbänden sind fleischig und grünlich. Die Samen (Achänen) sind klein.


Milicia-Arten sind im tropischen immergrünen und halbimmergrünen Regenwald, sowie im Savannenwald südlich des Sahel von Senegal und Sierra Leone bis Mozambique im südlichen Ostafrika verbreitet. Hauptsächlich kommen die beiden Milicia-Arten in Côte d'Ivoire (Iroko), Ghana (Odum), Nigeria und Kamerun (Kambala), vom Kongo in Zentralafrika bis nach Uganda und Tansania (Mvule) im Osten vor.


Die Gattung Milicia wurde 1909 durch Thomas Robertson Sim in Forest Flora and Forest Researches of Portuguese East Africa, S. 97 aufgestellt.[1] Als Lectotypusart wurde 1960 von Swart Milicia africana Sim festgelegt. Ein Synonym für Milicia Sim ist Chlorophora Gaudich., Maclura sect. Chlorophora (Gaudich.) Baill. Der Gattungsnanem ehrt einen Verwalter mit Namen Milici, der im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in Mosambik lebte.[2]

Die Gattung Milicia Sim gehört zur Tribus Moreae in der Familie Moraceae.[3]

Zur Gattung Milicia gehören nur zwei Arten:[3]

  • Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C.Berg (Syn.: Chlorophora excelsa (Welw.) Benth., Morus excelsa Welw., Chlorophora alba A.Chev., Milicia africana Sim)
  • Milicia regia (A.Chev.) C.C.Berg (Syn.: Chlorophora regia A.Chev.)


Iroko Holz

Iroko ist der Handelsname des Holzes. Die Holzfarbe ist goldbraun mit einem gelblichweißen Splint, es hat die Tendenz nachzudunkeln. Die Fasern verlaufen oft wellenförmig und sind grob strukturiert. Das Holz wird zu sehr wertvollem wetterfesten Nutzholz verarbeitet. Iroko wird in wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Mengen in Afrika genutzt (ca. 50.000 m³ Rundholz pro Jahr), überwiegend in Ghana, Elfenbeinküste und Kamerun zu Schnittholz, Hobelware und Möbelteilen verarbeitet und aus diesen Ländern in wirtschaftlich bedeutsamen Mengen exportiert. Das Holz ist ungewöhnlich wetterfest und sehr dekorativ, ähnlich wie Teakholz. Es wird überwiegend für Parkett, Bauelemente (Fenster und Türen) sowie Möbel und Gartenmöbel eingesetzt. Iroko hat etwa das Gewicht und die Härte von Eichenholz. Das Holz und besonders der Holzstaub von Iroko können allergische Reaktionen auslösen.[4] Die Früchte sind essbar.


  • C. C. Berg: Moraceae in der Flora Zambesiaca, Volume 9, Part 6, 1991: Milicia - online.
  • Merkblatt Iroko (PDF; 1,26 MB), auf stadtmoebel.de, abgerufen am 14. November 2016.


  1. Milicia Sim bei Tropicos eingesehen am 2. Januar 2012.
  2. Lotte Burkhardt: Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen – Erweiterte Edition. Teil I und II. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5 doi:10.3372/epolist2018.
  3. a b Milicia Sim bei GRIN eingesehen am 2. Januar 2012.
  4. Andrew Duncan, Gwen Rigby: Der Hobbytischler – Technik der Holzverarbeitung. Deutsche Ausgabe in Zusammenarbeit mit der Meisterschule Ebern für das Schreinerhandwerk, Orbis Verlag, München 1984, ISBN 3-572-00763-1, S. 200.
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Milicia: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Milicia ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Maulbeergewächse (Moraceae). Die nur zwei Arten sind in Afrika beheimatet. Trivialnamen in den Heimatländern und teilweise Handelsnamen für das Holz sind Iroko, Semli (Sierra Leone, Liberia), Odoum (Ghana, Elfenbeinküste), Rokko, Oroko (Nigeria), Abang, Mandji (Kamerun, Gabun), Mereira (Angola), Kambala (Zaire), Mvule (Ostafrika) und African Teak (englisch).

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Milicia (plant) ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Iroko tree

Iroko (also known as ọ́jị̀ in Igbo language, 'uloho' in the Urhobo language of Southern Nigeria, and as odum in the Kwa languages of Ghana[1]) is a large hardwood tree from the west coast of tropical Africa that can live up to 500 years.[2] This is the common name for the genus Milicia, in which there are two recognized species, which are closely related: Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia.[3]

The genus name of Milicia is in honour of Milici (19th and 20th centuries), an administrator in Portuguese East Africa (in modern-day Mozambique) who supported the work of the author of the genus, Thomas Robertson Sim.[4] It was first described and published in Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr. on page 97 in 1909.[5]

The tree is known to the Yoruba as ìrókò, logo or loko and is believed to have healing properties.[6] Iroko is known to the Igbo people as ọjị wood.[7] It is one of the woods sometimes referred to as African teak, although it is unrelated to the teak family. The wood colour is initially yellow but darkens to a richer copper brown over time.


Iroko is yielded mostly (probably) by Milicia excelsa. In much of the literature on this timber the names of the trees that yields it are given as Chlorophora excelsa (syn. Milicia excelsa) and Chlorophora regia (syn. Milicia regia).[8][9]

Milicia excelsa is currently listed as 'lower risk/near threatened' on the IUCN Red List.[10]

Both species are dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate individuals.[11]


Iroko wood

The timber is used for a variety of external and internal purposes[12] including boat-building, domestic flooring, furniture and outdoor gates. From the late 1990s, it was used as part of the txalaparta, a Basque musical instrument constructed of wooden boards, due to its lively sound.[13] Iroko is one of the traditional djembe woods. Iroko wood was the wood chosen for the pews in the Our Lady of Peace Basilica.[14]

It is a very durable wood;[15] iroko does not require regular treatment with oil or varnish when used outdoors, although it is very difficult to work with tools as it tends to splinter easily, and blunts tools very quickly.[16]

In the UK there are no trade restrictions on the machining of this timber. The only reported adverse effects known to be caused by the dust from iroko are asthma, dermatitis and nettle rash.[17]

Cultural beliefs

The tree is feared in some cultures where it originates and hence is shunned or revered with offerings.[18] Yoruba people believe that the tree is inhabited by a spirit, and anybody who sees the Iroko-man face to face becomes insane and speedily dies.[19] According to the Yoruba, any man who cuts down any iroko tree causes devastating misfortune on himself and all of his family,[19] although if they need to cut down the tree they can make a prayer afterwards to protect themselves.[20]

They also claim that the spirit of the Iroko can be heard in houses which use iroko wood, as the spirit of the Iroko is trapped in the wood.[19] In Nigeria the iroko wood is of much lower quality due to soil conditions as well as root-rot.[21][22][23] Some Westerners refer to the wood as "poor man's teak".[24]



  1. ^ Blench, Roger (2006). Archaeology, language, and the African past. Altamira Press. ISBN 9780759104655.
  2. ^ Amadi, Pete (1 September 2013). Conflicted Destiny: Chronicle of a Natural Born Warrior. FriesenPress. ISBN 9781460224274.
  3. ^ D.A. Ofori; M.D. Swaine; C. Leifert; J.R. Cobbinah; A.H. Price (December 2001), "Population genetic structure of Milicia species characterised by using RAPD and nucleotide sequencing L.", Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 48 (6): 637–647, doi:10.1023/A:1013805807957, S2CID 43985297
  4. ^ Burkhardt, Lotte (2018). Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen – Erweiterte Edition [Index of Eponymic Plant Names – Extended Edition] (pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2018. ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5. S2CID 187926901. Retrieved 1 January 2021.
  5. ^ "Milicia Sim | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
  6. ^ Oduyoye, Modupe (29 September 2015). The Sons of the Gods and the Daughters of Men: An Afro-Asiatic Interpretation of Genesis 1-11. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN 9781498235822.
  7. ^ Onunwa, Udobata R. (27 June 2010). A Handbook of African Religion and Culture. Dorrance Publishing. ISBN 9781434953964.
  8. ^ iroko wood, Encyclopædia Britannica on-line
  9. ^ Chlorophora excelsa (Welw.) Benth., Taxonomic Serial No.: 506548, Integrated Taxonomic Information System
  10. ^ "The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species: Milicia excelsa", The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species
  11. ^ Daïnou, K.; Mahy, G.; Duminil, J.; Dick, C. W.; Doucet, J-L; Donkpégan, A S L.; Pluijgers, M.; Sinsin, B.; Lejeune, P.; Hardy, O. J. (2014). "Speciation slowing down in widespread and long-living tree taxa: Insights from the tropical timber tree genus Milicia (Moraceae)". Heredity. 113 (1): 74–85. doi:10.1038/hdy.2014.5. PMC 4815650. PMID 24549110.
  12. ^ "Wood Species Database: Iroko". Wood Species Database. Timber Research And Development Association (TRADA). Retrieved 21 August 2022.
  13. ^ "La txalaparta, el sonido ancestral de Euskadi por Pol Ducable Rogés". CANCIONEROS.COM. Retrieved 4 March 2016.
  14. ^ Elleh, Nnamdi (1 January 2002). Architecture and Power in Africa. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 9780275976798.
  15. ^ Kurjatko, Stanislav; Kúdela, Jozef; Lagaňa, Rastislav (1 January 2006). Wood Structure and Properties '06. Arbora Publishers. ISBN 9788096886845.
  16. ^ Westin, Mike (12 April 2013). Upgrading Your Boat's Interior. A&C Black. ISBN 9781408159095.
  17. ^ "HSE Toxic Woods Information Sheet" (PDF). Health and Safety Executive. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 August 2021. Retrieved 15 October 2012.
  18. ^ Twilight Tales3. CUP Archive. 1953. p. 26. Retrieved 2 April 2011.
  19. ^ a b c Ogumefu, M. I. (1929). Yoruba legends. Forgotten Books. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-60506-017-0.
  20. ^ The Church Missionary Juvenile Instructor. Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday. 1 January 1880.
  21. ^ Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. The Institute. 1 January 1914. p. 366.
  22. ^ Commons, Great Britain Parliament House of (1 January 1914). House of Commons Papers. H.M. Stationery Office.
  23. ^ Documentation and Information: Ecology : Catalogue of Documents and Publications on MAB in Africa. UNESCO's Regional Office. 1 January 1990.
  24. ^ Hamon, Lindsay (7 November 2012). When God Takes Over: Stories of hope on the streets. AuthorHouse. ISBN 9781477238844.

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Milicia (plant): Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN
Iroko tree

Iroko (also known as ọ́jị̀ in Igbo language, 'uloho' in the Urhobo language of Southern Nigeria, and as odum in the Kwa languages of Ghana) is a large hardwood tree from the west coast of tropical Africa that can live up to 500 years. This is the common name for the genus Milicia, in which there are two recognized species, which are closely related: Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia.

The genus name of Milicia is in honour of Milici (19th and 20th centuries), an administrator in Portuguese East Africa (in modern-day Mozambique) who supported the work of the author of the genus, Thomas Robertson Sim. It was first described and published in Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr. on page 97 in 1909.

The tree is known to the Yoruba as ìrókò, logo or loko and is believed to have healing properties. Iroko is known to the Igbo people as ọjị wood. It is one of the woods sometimes referred to as African teak, although it is unrelated to the teak family. The wood colour is initially yellow but darkens to a richer copper brown over time.

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Milicia (género) ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Milicia es un género con 4 especies de plantas de flores pertenecientes a la familia Moraceae, son nativos del este de Asia.[1]

Especies seleccionadas


  1. Amadi, Pete (1 de septiembre de 2013). Conflicted Destiny: Chronicle of a Natural Born Warrior (en inglés). FriesenPress. ISBN 9781460224274.
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wikipedia ES

Milicia (género): Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Milicia es un género con 4 especies de plantas de flores pertenecientes a la familia Moraceae, son nativos del este de Asia.​

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Milicia ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Milicia é um género botânico pertencente à família Moraceae[1].

  1. «Milicia — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020
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wikipedia PT

Milicia: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Milicia é um género botânico pertencente à família Moraceae.

«Milicia — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020  title=
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Milicia ( руски )

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Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Розоцветные
Семейство: Тутовые
Триба: Moreae
Род: Milicia
Международное научное название

Milicia Sim[en], 1909

Виды Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 823732NCBI 58663EOL 5720349GRIN g:7629IPNI 40890-1

Milicia — род тропических африканских деревьев, семейства Тутовые (Moraceae).

Существует два известных вида[2], которые родственно связаны друг с другом: Milicia excelsa и Milicia regia[3].

Эти деревья используются для получения прочной древесины — ироко.

Вид Milicia excelsa в настоящее время отмечен в Красной книге МСОП с охранным статусом «низкий риск/близкий к угрожаемому»[4].

См. также

  • Ироко — твёрдая древесина, получаемая от дерева вида Milicia excelsa.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Виды рода Milicia согласно данным The Plant List.
  3. D.A. Ofori; M.D. Swaine; C. Leifert; J.R. Cobbinah; A.H. Price. Population genetic structure of Milicia species characterised by using RAPD and nucleotide sequencing L. // Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. — 2001.
  4. The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species: Milicia excelsa (неопр.). The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species.
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wikipedia русскую Википедию

Milicia: Brief Summary ( руски )

добавил wikipedia русскую Википедию

Milicia — род тропических африканских деревьев, семейства Тутовые (Moraceae).

Существует два известных вида, которые родственно связаны друг с другом: Milicia excelsa и Milicia regia.

Эти деревья используются для получения прочной древесины — ироко.

Вид Milicia excelsa в настоящее время отмечен в Красной книге МСОП с охранным статусом «низкий риск/близкий к угрожаемому».

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wikipedia русскую Википедию