Venerida (formerly Veneroida) is an order of mostly saltwater but also some freshwater bivalve molluscs. This order includes many familiar groups such as many clams that are valued for food and a number of freshwater bivalves.
Since the 2000s, the taxonomy currently represented in the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) classifies several taxa contained in the former Veneroida into other orders, such as the new Cardiida (for Cardioidea and Tellinoidea) and Carditida (cockles and their allies).[1][2]
Venerids are generally thick-valved, equal-valved and isomyarian (that is, their adductor muscles are of equal size). Three main hinge teeth are characteristic of the subclass Heterodonta, to which this order belongs. Many species are active rather than sessile. However, they tend to be filter feeders, feeding through paired siphons, with a characteristic folded gill structure adapted to that way of life.
In 2002, Gonzalo Giribet and Ward Wheeler suggested that the orders Myoida and Veneroida were not monophyletic.[3] They have since been widely reorganised.
Order: Venerida
Venerida (formerly Veneroida) is an order of mostly saltwater but also some freshwater bivalve molluscs. This order includes many familiar groups such as many clams that are valued for food and a number of freshwater bivalves.
Since the 2000s, the taxonomy currently represented in the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) classifies several taxa contained in the former Veneroida into other orders, such as the new Cardiida (for Cardioidea and Tellinoidea) and Carditida (cockles and their allies).
Les Vénéroïdes, ou ordre des Veneroida, sont un taxon de mollusques bivalves. L'ordre comprend quelques-uns des bivalves familiers, telles la palourde ou la moule zébrée.
Ils ont des coquilles épaisses, équivalves et souvent non équilatérales. Ils ont des dents cardinales et latérales. Les muscles adducteurs sont de taille sensiblement égale. Les crochets se trouvent en position antérieure. Les siphons sont plutôt petits et plus ou moins fusionnés.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (5 avril 2014)[1] :
Selon ITIS (5 avril 2014)[2] :
Les Vénéroïdes, ou ordre des Veneroida, sont un taxon de mollusques bivalves. L'ordre comprend quelques-uns des bivalves familiers, telles la palourde ou la moule zébrée.
백합목은 이매패강에 속하는 조개의 분류이다.