Verticordia sect. Pilocosta is one of eleven sections in the subgenus Verticordia. It includes three species of plants in the genus Verticordia. Plants in this section are mostly small, bushy shrubs greyish, needle-like leaves and hairy, rather than feathery flowers. Plants in this section have a flower cup with 10 hairy ribs, fringed sepals and a style which is hairy and has a distinct cap.[1] When Alex George reviewed the genus in 1991 he formally described this section, publishing the description in the journal Nuytsia.[2][3] The name Pilocosta is from the Latin words pilus meaning "hair"[4]: 391 and costa meaning "rib"[4]: 660 referring to the hairy ribs on the floral cup.[1]
The type species for this section is Verticordia huegelii and the other two species are V. brachypoda and V. multiflora.[1]
Verticordia sect. Pilocosta is one of eleven sections in the subgenus Verticordia. It includes three species of plants in the genus Verticordia. Plants in this section are mostly small, bushy shrubs greyish, needle-like leaves and hairy, rather than feathery flowers. Plants in this section have a flower cup with 10 hairy ribs, fringed sepals and a style which is hairy and has a distinct cap. When Alex George reviewed the genus in 1991 he formally described this section, publishing the description in the journal Nuytsia. The name Pilocosta is from the Latin words pilus meaning "hair": 391 and costa meaning "rib": 660 referring to the hairy ribs on the floral cup.
The type species for this section is Verticordia huegelii and the other two species are V. brachypoda and V. multiflora.
Pilocosta es un género de plantas fanerógamas pertenecientes a la familia Melastomataceae. Comprende 5 especies descritas y aceptadas.[1] Se distibuyen desde Costa Rica a Colombia y Ecuador.
Son subarbustos decumbentes o hierbas rastreras perennes. Tricomas del haz no adnatos a la epidermis por parte de su longitud. Flores 4-meras, solitarias, axilares, pediceladas, ebracteadas. Hipanto maduro cuadrangular en corte transversal, peloso en los 4 ángulos; lobos del cáliz persistentes. Pétalos obovados, enteros, típicamente ciliados. Estambres 8, fuertemente dimorfos a subiguales, los 4 estambres grandes antisépalos, los 4 estambres pequeños antipétalos; anteras 4-loculares con un poro ventralmente inclinado; conectivo corta o marcadamente prolongado por debajo de las tecas y modificado ventralmente en un apéndice 2-lobado horizontal o volteado hacia arriba. Ovario súpero, 4-locular, peloso apicalmente. Fruto en cápsula loculicida, semileñosa; semillas 0.5-0.75 mm, cocleadas, tuberculadas.
El género fue descrito por Almeda & Whiffin y publicado en Systematic Botany 5(3): 303. 1981.[2] La especie tipo es: Pilocosta oerstedii (Triana) Almeda & Whiffin
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Pilocosta aceptadas hasta mayo de 2014, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos:
Pilocosta es un género de plantas fanerógamas pertenecientes a la familia Melastomataceae. Comprende 5 especies descritas y aceptadas. Se distibuyen desde Costa Rica a Colombia y Ecuador.
Pilocosta é um género botânico pertencente à família Melastomataceae[1].
Pilocosta é um género botânico pertencente à família Melastomataceae.
«Pilocosta — World Flora Online». Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020Pilocosta là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Mua.[1]
Pilocosta là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Mua.