
Description ( англиски )

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Length of adults ca 3.0 mm, width of midbody pro- and metazonae 0.3 and 0.45 mm (♂, ♀). Coloration in alcohol uniformly pallid, tegument often nearly translucent. Body with 18 segments (♂, ♀). Tegument dull, texture of metazonae very delicately punctate on dorsum and sterna, but alveolate laterally below paraterga; collum smooth (Fig. 9A–K). Head relatively sparsely and finely pilose, less convex than usual (♂, ♀); epicranial suture superficial; genae squarish (Fig. 9A, D, G, L); gnathochilarium narrow, sparsely and uniformly setose (Fig. 9L); isthmus between antennae about 0.8 times as broad as diameter of antennal socket (Fig. 9A, G). Antennae very short (Fig. 10A), reaching only behind head when stretched dorsally, not geniculate, strongly clavate due to an abruptly and particularly enlarged antennomere 6, the latter with a usual, tight, distodorsal group of rather numerous, bacilliform sensilla; antennomere 7 with a smaller distodorsal group of only a few shorter and curved sensilla in front of a tiny mid-dorsal knob. Body moniliform, subcylindrical (Fig. 9A–J). In width, head > segments 5-15 > 2 > 3 = 4 > collum; body gradually tapering on segments 16-18 (Fig. 9A–I). Paraterga very poorly developed, starting from collum, set low (at about upper 1/3-1/2 of body height), mostly represented by vestigial, delicately serrate ridges and sharp caudal teeth, the latter being clearly enlarged and slightly produced behind rear tergal margin in poriferous segments (Fig. 9A–K). Ozopores evident, ovoid, dorsolateral, lying about equally close to caudal corner and lateral edge (Fig. 9B, C, E, F, K). Collum roundly subquadrate, with 3 transverse rows of long setae dorsally and 2 similar setae on paraterga (Fig. 9A). Each following metatergum mostly with 2+2 long and pointed setae arranged in 3 transverse regular rows and not borne on knobs; sulci between the rows absent (Fig. 9B–F). Stricture between pro- and metazonae rather deep and narrow, scaly like rear part of prozonae (Fig. 9B, E). Limbus very fine, very delicately and sparsely microdenticulate (Figs 9J, K, 10D). Pleurosternal carinae absent (Fig. 9D–F). Epiproct short, conical, truncate, directed caudoventrally; pre-apical papillae small (Fig. 9C, F, I). Hypoproct subtrapeziform, relatively high and narrow, caudal setigerous papillae large and moderately separated, with a faintly convex edge in between (Fig. 9I). Sterna without modifications, rather broad and sparsely setose (Fig. 9G–I). Legs short, ca 1.2–1.3 (♂) or 1.0–1.1 (♀) times as long as midbody height; prefemora, femora, postfemora and tibiae clearly incrassate, especially so in ♂ (Fig. 10B), tarsi longest, slender, sphaerotrichomes missing; claws simple, slightly curved; ♂ coxae 2 with very short, membranous, cylindrical gonapophyses (Fig. 9G). Gonopod aperture transversely oblong-oval, taking up most of ventral part of metazonite 7 (Fig. 10C–E). Gonopod coxae with gonocoel not deep; telopodites clearly exposed, but lying tightly appressed and parallel to venter, strongly curved, semi-circular, unipartite, slender, directed mesad and strongly overlapping; prefemoral parts about half as long as telopodites, set off from acropodites neither by a sulcus nor a cingulum; each acropodite with a small solenophore (sph) lying basal to a spiniform, apical solenomere (sl). Seminal groove running mostly along ventral (= lateral) surface of a subbasally obviously twisted acropodite.
авторски права
Sergei I. Golovatch, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy, Didier VandenSpiegel
библиографски навод
Golovatch S, Geoffroy J, VandenSpiegel D (2014) Review of the millipede family Trichopolydesmidae in the Oriental realm (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with descriptions of new genera and species ZooKeys 414: 19–65
Sergei I. Golovatch
Jean-Jacques Geoffroy
Didier VandenSpiegel
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