
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил North American Flora
Cymopterus minimus Mathias, Brittonia 2: 245. 1936
Aulospermum minimum Mathias, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 17: 353. 1930.
Plants acaulescent or subcaulescent with the development of a short pseudoscape, 3-8 cm. high, scabrous-puberulent ; leaves ovate-oblong in general outline, excluding the petioles 1-3 cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad, ternate-bipinnate, the leaflets entire or pinnately lobed, the lobes mueronulate, pallid, coriaceous, acute, incurved, 1-3 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad, confluent; petioles 0.5-3 cm. long, purplish; peduncles equaling or exceeding the leaves, 3-6 cm. long; involucre wanting; involucel dimidiate, of several distinct, linear, acute, green or purplish bractlets, equaling or exceeding the flowers; umbels compact, the fertile rays 2-4, unequal, 2-6 mm. long; pedicels 2-3 mm. long; flowers white; fruit oblong, 4-5 mm. long, about 3 mm. broad, the wings somewhat enlarged at the base, narrower than or equaling the body; dorsal wings 3, similar to or shorter than the lateral; oil-tubes 4-6 in the intervals, 4-6 on the commissure, occasionally solitary in the wing-base; seed-face slightly concave.
Type locality: "On the upper part of the 'Breaks' [Cedar Breaks]" near Cedar City, Iron County, Utah, about 10,500 feet, Mathias 723.
Distribution: Known only from the type locality (Goodman & Hitchcock 1591, Mathias 795).
библиографски навод
Albert Charles Smith, Mildred Esther Mathias, Lincoln Constance, Harold William Rickett. 1944-1945. UMBELLALES and CORNALES. North American flora. vol 28B. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora